Author Topic: Obama throws Israel under the Bus  (Read 163190 times)

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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #540 on: June 16, 2011, 03:19:49 PM »
"Humane" yea.  Effective at preventing future ILLEGAL crossings, not so much
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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #541 on: June 16, 2011, 08:58:21 PM »
So i guess the real question is whether Syria set out to give Israel a PR black eye and whether they succeeded in doing so.

The mere fact that there is a discussion going on in here about the level of force used by Israel to repel the protestors indicates at a minimum that Syria was at least partially successful.


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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #542 on: June 17, 2011, 12:33:42 AM »
Killing people unnecessarily is just wrong.

The Palestinians were stupid to cross that border, but the Israelis were barbaric to kill them. They have lots of non-lethal weapons and that is all they needed.
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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #543 on: June 17, 2011, 02:46:42 AM »
So i guess the real question is whether Syria set out to give Israel a PR black eye and whether they succeeded in doing so.

It's in the eye of the beholder.  For those intent on seeing that Israel got a black eye, they did.  For those that saw Israel deal with an ongoing threat, with numerous warnings given, and the disposition Israel finds itself in compared to that of ...oh say the U.S. & evil Russia, not so much

The mere fact that there is a discussion going on in here about the level of force used by Israel to repel the protestors indicates at a minimum that Syria was at least partially successful.

To those pehaps intent on seeing that either Israel get a black eye or intent on Israel negotiate with that that can not be negotiated with

Killing people unnecessarily is just wrong.

Once folks start leaving Israel alone, there'll be no more "killings"
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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #544 on: June 17, 2011, 11:21:16 AM »
The problem is not that no one leaves Israel alone. It is that Israel refuses to leave others alone. It is constantly cutting down centuries old olive trees, holding Palestinians up at hundreds of checkpoints every day, moving fanatic Orthodox creepoids into the middle of Palestinian neighborhoods, supporting murderous and sicko fanatics in Hebron, even after one of them went apeshit and murdered a couple of dozen people praying in a mosque, expanding settlements in the West bank and generally being hostile and obnoxious. Gunning people down indiscriminately and unnecessarily is just a part of it.

Screw Netanyahu and screw the Zionists.
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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #545 on: June 17, 2011, 11:31:09 AM »
The problem is not that no one leaves Israel alone.

The problem is PRECISELY that.  Thus there will be no peace, and "killings" will continue.  Glad we got that cleared up

It is that Israel refuses to leave others alone.

Israel isn't lobbing rockets, or blowing up buses.  Israel doesn't have a mandate to push Egypt, or Syria, or even Iran into the sea.  Israel isn't openly attacking others who are not confirmed as terrorists.  So, for the ignorant folks, Israel is only RESPONDING to those who won't leave them and their lands alone

Screw Netanyahu and screw the Zionists.

You mean, screw the Palestinians, who are the ones being used as fodder in yours & the surrounding Arab nations' ongoing Antisemitic rants.  Never could get around who's "lands" the WB & Golan belonged to, prior to the 67war, could you     ;)
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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #546 on: June 17, 2011, 01:37:33 PM »
Israel doesn't have a mandate to push Egypt, or Syria, or even Iran into the sea.
Iran? Have you ever SEEN a map?

This would be like Finland pushing Kazakhstan into the sea.

No one will ever push anyone into the sea. That is nonsense. If somehow Israel ceased to exist and ALL the Jews had to leave, they would be in the US, Canada, Australia and wherever. "pushing into the sea" is a stupid phrase used by both sides, is infantile and of no merit whatever.

Israel has killed far more Palestinians, far more women and children as well, than the Palestinians ever have.
The rest of the world knows this. That is why Israel has few allies. They are goons, they are colonizing after colonies have been declared illegal. And they are doing it with MY money, and I dislike them for it.
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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #547 on: June 17, 2011, 02:06:22 PM »
Israel doesn't have a mandate to push Egypt, or Syria, or even Iran into the sea. ==========================================================
Iran? Have you ever SEEN a map?

This would be like Finland pushing Kazakhstan into the sea.

<-------------------------------- . --------------------------------

Xo's head -->  :o

Mr literal strikes again.    ::)    It was never about literally pushing a country into a body of water Xo.  It's in the issues of trying to bring an end to a country.  Arab nations have been trying to "push Israel into the sea" for generations now.  Have you grasped the concept yet??

Israel has killed far more Palestinians, far more women and children as well, than the Palestinians ever have.  The rest of the world knows this.

The rest of the world also knows what the Arab nations have been trying to do to Israel, for generations.  The rest of the of the world knows who's lands the Golan Heights and the West Bank belonged to, prior to their efforts to "push Israel into the sea".  The vast majority of America supports Israel's efforts to defend itself.  That is why it will always have an allie in the U.S.

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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #548 on: June 17, 2011, 04:11:56 PM »
I actually do not give a sh!t.

Zionism is a bad idea that just keeps getting worse.

And their reputation gets worse and worse. If the day comes when the Arabs and others in the area have representative governments they will look worse to everyone.

I imagine that eventually they will step over the line and even Americans will abandon their goonish asses.

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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #549 on: June 17, 2011, 04:33:35 PM »
I actually do not give a sh!t.

Sure you spend all this time and bandwith trying to "demonize" Israel and Netanyahu, all the while ignoring how Israel came about in gaining the territories they currently control, and whose lands they beloned with, to begin with

I imagine that eventually they will step over the line and even Americans will abandon their goonish asses.

Not likely to happen in our lifetime, given the recent polling
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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #550 on: June 17, 2011, 09:20:32 PM »
Not likely to happen in our lifetime, given the recent polling

The assumption that anyone polled NOW will have the same opinion for an entire lifetime is seriously defective.
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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #551 on: June 17, 2011, 09:35:50 PM »
Reading for comprehension.....a strange omision for a language professor
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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #552 on: June 18, 2011, 12:25:32 AM »
The assumption that anyone polled NOW will have the same opinion for an entire lifetime is seriously defective.

Sounds like a true statement to me. Especially when one weighs in the evidence that Syria can manipulate the Israeli Army and make them shoot unarmed protestors as easy as pulling the strings of a puppet, indirectly at that, using puppet Palestinians as pawns in the game.

Is a country that easily manipulated worth this countries treasure? Is Israel another bottomless money pit like Afghanistan and Pakistan? Why? So they can set up a nation where one class gets to vote and the others do not? Isn't that the true reason for demanding recognition as a Jewish State, so that demographics can be manipulated and a caste system put in place?

Is that the America we think we believe in?


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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #553 on: June 18, 2011, 02:17:37 AM »
The assumption that anyone polled NOW will have the same opinion for an entire lifetime is seriously defective.

Sounds like a true statement to me.

True if the intent was that polling now guaranteed results later.  Since that's a ludicrous position, its a ludicrous assumption to imply that was the intent.  Looks like more of that trying to claim sirs' intention, despite ample evidence to the contrary, again.  Sad

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Re: Obama throws Israel under the Bus
« Reply #554 on: June 18, 2011, 02:46:32 AM »
True if the intent was that polling now guaranteed results later.

But you did guarantee that it would be unlikely for a change in attitudes during our lifetime.

Not likely to happen in our lifetime, given the recent polling

Let's hazard a guess that the average age in this forum is on the cusp of 50. XO, BSB and I skew it higher than it probably is. And let's guess that the average life expectancy would be 70. So what you are claiming is you do not see a change in attitudes towards Israel for the next 20 years and I'm pretty sure that will not be the case. Of course a lot of that depends on Israels behavior.