Author Topic: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder  (Read 1114 times)

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Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« on: June 14, 2011, 05:54:27 PM »
Just when liberal-leftists thought it was finally "their time" to lead center-right America, kicking and screaming, into a stifling socialist "utopia," a veteran psychiatrist is making a powerful case that the "hope-and-change" ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder.

For more than 40 years, Rossiter has diagnosed and treated over 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases, both state and federal, as a board-certified forensic psychiatrist retained by numerous public offices, courts and private attorneys. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago.

Rossiter explains with great clarity why the kind of liberalism being displayed by Barack Obama can only be understood as a psychological disorder.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," says Rossiter. "Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

Read more: Top shrink: Leftists are mentally ill


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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 01:16:31 PM »
What, by the way, is the Christian religion, or for that matter, Judaism or Islam, but "hope and change"?

The world is an evil place, where the unjust are rewarded and the worthy are punished. But along comes a Messiah/ Prophet who promises to return at some unspecified time if we all hope and believe in him, and then change will come.

There is a Perfect and Just World promised by each of the sand people religions.
Hope and Change in inn the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Koran.

Oriental religions focus more on the individual resolving his own personal problems: there is no societal change promised by Buddhism, Lao-Tse or Shinto. Buddha felt that his message would eventually die out, and said so.

So, if Hope and Change is an illness, so is the religion underlying much of the present societies on Earth.

The Hope and Change of the "sand people" religions, of course are rather of a "pie in the sky" nature, and the possibility that human beings alone can bring about massive change on a schedule does not exist.

Marxism is a Hope and Change thing, but then again so is Objectivism a al Ayn Rand.

It is hare to deny that Hope for a better life and changes in society have vastly improved the lives of Americans over the past three centuries: we hoped for a better system of government and we changed it, and eliminated the king, mercantilism, and slavery. All of these are changes, and all would not have been possible unless someone hoped that they would happen and be successful.

It is also hard to deny that Hope and Change have transformed China, after the major errorsof the Great leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. China is now becoming more prosperous every year.

What is the opposite of Hope and Change?

 Despair and Stagnation, I imagine.

Despair, anyone?

How about some stagnation? Let's hang a picture of Calvin Coolidge in the White House and worship it.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 01:37:07 PM »
"What, by the way, is the Christian religion..................but "hope and change"?


The Buddhists understand that you have to go beyond hope and fear. The 3 desert religions didn't get that far. They stopped at hope and hope is always coupled with fear.


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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 02:16:48 PM »
An astute observation, BSB.

Actually, US political campaigns mostly deal with hope and fear. FEAR the Soviet menace, Drugs, and evil Islamo-Nazis.

FEAR that they will take away your Social Security benefits, your pension, your job, your home, your car.

HOPE that we will attain peace and prosperity, harmony and comfort, fairness and decency.
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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 02:40:36 PM »
What, by the way, is the Christian religion, or for that matter, Judaism or Islam, but "hope and change"?

The world is an evil place, where the unjust are rewarded and the worthy are punished. But along comes a Messiah/ Prophet who promises to return at some unspecified time if we all hope and believe in him, and then change will come.

There is a Perfect and Just World promised by each of the sand people religions.
Hope and Change in inn the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Koran.

Oriental religions focus more on the individual resolving his own personal problems: there is no societal change promised by Buddhism, Lao-Tse or Shinto. Buddha felt that his message would eventually die out, and said so.

So, if Hope and Change is an illness, so is the religion underlying much of the present societies on Earth.

The Hope and Change of the "sand people" religions, of course are rather of a "pie in the sky" nature, and the possibility that human beings alone can bring about massive change on a schedule does not exist.

Marxism is a Hope and Change thing, but then again so is Objectivism a al Ayn Rand.

It is hare to deny that Hope for a better life and changes in society have vastly improved the lives of Americans over the past three centuries: we hoped for a better system of government and we changed it, and eliminated the king, mercantilism, and slavery. All of these are changes, and all would not have been possible unless someone hoped that they would happen and be successful.

It is also hard to deny that Hope and Change have transformed China, after the major errorsof the Great leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. China is now becoming more prosperous every year.

What is the opposite of Hope and Change?

 Despair and Stagnation, I imagine.

Despair, anyone?

How about some stagnation? Let's hang a picture of Calvin Coolidge in the White House and worship it.

I'll be somewhat brief. The problem with liberals and liberalism is that liberalism is a religion. And per liberals there should be a separation of church & state. A sub religion out of liberalism is Man Made Global Warming. It takes a lot of faith to believe man has been able to accomplish global warming, and if you don't have proof then just make it up like Mormons do in their religion, or liberal scientists do as they are on Al Gores pay-role to lie and fabricate data.

Religion takes faith and of course in the context of religion 'hope' is a good thing. I am certainly glad that Christians don't have tantrums, as liberals so often do, when their beliefs are rejected. Nor do Christians use mob mentality to silence and shut down dissent.

But yes indeed liberalism is a mental disorder, and one only has to look at people like the Weiner, Pelosi, John Edwards, Bill Clinton and a boatload of other Democrats to see that it attracts people that have serious problems both mentally and morally.


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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2011, 02:40:56 PM »
Rossiter explains with great clarity why the kind of liberalism being displayed by
Barack Obama can only be understood as a psychological disorder.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2011, 04:14:23 PM »
An astute observation, BSB.

Actually, US political campaigns mostly deal with hope and fear. FEAR the Soviet menace, Drugs, and evil Islamo-Nazis.

FEAR that they will take away your Social Security benefits, your pension, your job, your home, your car.

HOPE that we will attain peace and prosperity, harmony and comfort, fairness and decency.

actually the Democrap Party uses fear as it's #1 tactic for virtually everything.


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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2011, 05:03:39 PM »
I am certainly glad that Christians don't have tantrums, as liberals so often do, when their beliefs are rejected. Nor do Christians use mob mentality to silence and shut down dissent.

The Catholic Church used autos-da-fe, torture and all manner of mob mentality for centuries. Have you never heard of the Inquisition?

As for censorship, they had something called the Index to prevent people from reading heretical texts.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2011, 05:17:40 PM »
Kramer, "I am certainly glad that Christians don't have tantrums, as liberals so often do, when their beliefs are rejected."

You're posts, young fella, add up to one long tantrum after another.

I was traveling through the deep South when I was about 18, so that would have been 1962, and pulled into a motel for the night. The lady behind the counter, the owner I believe, started talking about those "niggers". Every problem she ever had was the result of those "niggers". Every problem America ever had was the result of those "niggers". Every tax she ever paid, inconvenience she endured, was the result of those "God Damn Niggers".

What allows the mind to formulate and categorize allows also for the existence of the concept of "nigger". So, in a way, this lady was right. Her minds ability to produce, and cling onto, niggerism, was often the source of her problems. Of course she never realized that her own mind was this source, and so continued to project her categorizing onto the world as if those "niggers" were the source.

Now, in America, "Liberal" has become the minds category of choice among some. Those "God Damn Liberals" are responsible for every problem we have.............etc., etc. It's a sickness, akin to the racism that was so prevalent in the deep South, or anti-semitism in WWII Germany.

Just keep on throwing your little tantrums, Kramer, we know the nature of their true source.



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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2011, 05:50:18 PM »
Kramer, "I am certainly glad that Christians don't have tantrums, as liberals so often do, when their beliefs are rejected."

You're posts, young fella, add up to one long tantrum after another.

I was traveling through the deep South when I was about 18, so that would have been 1962, and pulled into a motel for the night. The lady behind the counter, the owner I believe, started talking about those "niggers". Every problem she ever had was the result of those "niggers". Every problem America ever had was the result of those "niggers". Every tax she ever paid, inconvenience she endured, was the result of those "God Damn Niggers".

What allows the mind to formulate and categorize allows also for the existence of the concept of "nigger". So, in a way, this lady was right. Her minds ability to produce, and cling onto, niggerism, was often the source of her problems. Of course she never realized that her own mind was this source, and so continued to project her categorizing onto the world as if those "niggers" were the source.

Now, in America, "Liberal" has become the minds category of choice among some. Those "God Damn Liberals" are responsible for every problem we have.............etc., etc. It's a sickness, akin to the racism that was so prevalent in the deep South, or anti-semitism in WWII Germany.

Just keep on throwing your little tantrums, Kramer, we know the nature of their true source.


Getting back to the subject, so what is your response to this or shall I assume your tantrum was a response?

I'll be somewhat brief. The problem with liberals and liberalism is that liberalism is a religion. And per liberals there should be a separation of church & state. A sub religion out of liberalism is Man Made Global Warming. It takes a lot of faith to believe man has been able to accomplish global warming, and if you don't have proof then just make it up like Mormons do in their religion, or liberal scientists do as they are on Al Gores pay-role to lie and fabricate data.

Religion takes faith and of course in the context of religion 'hope' is a good thing. I am certainly glad that Christians don't have tantrums, as liberals so often do, when their beliefs are rejected. Nor do Christians use mob mentality to silence and shut down dissent.

But yes indeed liberalism is a mental disorder, and one only has to look at people like the Weiner, Pelosi, John Edwards, Bill Clinton and a boatload of other Democrats to see that it attracts people that have serious problems both mentally and morally.


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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2011, 07:12:00 PM »
The way to fight an African American is to kick him in the shin. African Americans can't swim because they can't float. African Americans are just children really. Their brains are smaller because their closer to monkeys than we are. "If God wanted the races to live together he would have made them the same color." (Ha, ha, that's a direct quote from the kkk.)

Liberals are immoral. Liberals want to watch TV all day and live off of others. Liberals are just children really, they throw a tantrum if you don't agree with them.

It's all brought to you by the Cinema of the Mind. You can see it at the corner of Frontal Lobe and Stem Street. If you're like Kramer you'll need to buy a big box of buttered denial on the way to your seat.



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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2011, 08:10:40 PM »
The way to fight an African American is to kick him in the shin. African Americans can't swim because they can't float. African Americans are just children really. Their brains are smaller because their closer to monkeys than we are. "If God wanted the races to live together he would have made them the same color." (Ha, ha, that's a direct quote from the kkk.)

Liberals are immoral. Liberals want to watch TV all day and live off of others. Liberals are just children really, they throw a tantrum if you don't agree with them.

It's all brought to you by the Cinema of the Mind. You can see it at the corner of Frontal Lobe and Stem Street. If you're like Kramer you'll need to buy a big box of buttered denial on the way to your seat.


Sorry, I'm just not impressed by you...


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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2011, 09:19:06 PM »
I see no reason why anyone should be impressed even minimally by Kramer.
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Re: Lyle Rossiter, "hope-and-change" is a mental disorder
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2011, 09:25:26 PM »
I see no reason why anyone should be impressed even minimally by Kramer.

What's the rating on that movie playing in your head?