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Peorians living in fear
« on: June 26, 2011, 08:46:09 PM »
Found this on Drudge's site. It links to Google cache. For whatever reason, the original disappeared, and you'll search in vain for any MSM reporting on it.

Peorians living in fear
This eye-witness account is from Paul Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association:

Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.

Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.

Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it?s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.

?The fifth large mob action in about a month.? Wow. This is really outrageous. Why is this neighborhood having to put up with this? ?Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors?? Seriously? That?s the best we can do for our fellow citizens? safety?

This needs to be addressed, and quickly.
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Re: Peorians living in fear
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2011, 09:05:24 PM »

America's New Racists
By Walter E. Williams (Archive) ยท Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The late South African economist William Hutt, in his 1964 book, "The Economics of the Colour Bar," said that one of the supreme tragedies of the human condition is that those who have been the victims of injustices and oppression "can often be observed to be inflicting not dissimilar injustices upon other races."

Born in 1936, I've lived through some of our openly racist history, which has included racist insults, beatings and lynchings. Tuskegee Institute records show that between the years 1880 and 1951, 3,437 blacks and 1,293 whites were lynched. I recall my cousin's and my being chased out of Fishtown and Grays Ferry, two predominantly Irish Philadelphia neighborhoods, in the 1940s, not stopping until we reached a predominantly black North or South Philly neighborhood.

Today all that has changed. Most racist assaults are committed by blacks. What's worse is there're blacks, still alive, who lived through the times of lynching, Jim Crow laws and open racism who remain silent in the face of it.

Read the whole thing , it is well stated.


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Re: Peorians living in fear
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 01:07:44 PM »
Most racist assaults are committed by blacks. What's worse is there're blacks, still alive, who lived through the times of lynching, Jim Crow laws and open racism who remain silent in the face of it.

What is worse that an assault is someone remaining silent about an assault?

Being assaulted is worse by far.
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Re: Peorians living in fear
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2011, 10:02:52 PM »
Most racist assaults are committed by blacks. What's worse is there're blacks, still alive, who lived through the times of lynching, Jim Crow laws and open racism who remain silent in the face of it.

What is worse that an assault is someone remaining silent about an assault?

Being assaulted is worse by far.
What is your point?


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Re: Peorians living in fear
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 12:02:05 AM »
That being assaulted is much worse than someone else being silent about an assault.

It is not a difficult point.
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Re: Peorians living in fear
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2011, 02:25:17 AM »
Mob incident not motivated by race, authorities say
Posted Jun 27, 2011 @ 10:05 PM
Last update Jun 27, 2011 @ 10:22 PM

PEORIA ?After allegations of a racist mob intimidating residents in Central Peoria captured nationwide attention over the weekend, police and city officials tried to quell residents? concerns Monday.

The attention stemmed from a group of about 50 young people who walked down Thrush Avenue toward Sheridan Road just before 11 p.m. Friday. Paul Wilkinson, a Sheridan resident, said some in the group were yelling, ?We?re gonna kill all the white people.?

City officials downplayed the racial angle Monday at a news conference at City Hall. Of the 20 houses police stopped at to speak with residents, only one resident reported the group used racial slurs, said City Manager Patrick Urich.

?They may have been said. It may have been one individual in the group. It may have been five. It may have been 10,? Urich said. ?We don?t know for certain.?

There were no fights, injuries or property damage, police said. The group came from a party somewhere on University Street.

Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association, emailed his account to several City Council members and a local blogger several hours after the incident.

When his account was published on the Peoria Chronicle blog, dozens of other sites, including The Drudge Report, picked it up and brought nationwide attention to the incident.

Although Wilkinson spoke with a Journal Star columnist Monday, he did not respond to calls for this article. The investigation into the case continues, and police have stepped up patrols in the neighborhood where the incident occurred.

Peoria police Capt. Mike Scally said more was made of the situation than actually occurred, and the online race allegations brought attention to it.

?I can?t control email, and I think that?s why we?re here right now,? Scally said.

Scally said Wilkinson has complained numerous times about groups in the street and other issues. 

Urich called on residents, city officials, neighborhood associations and police to address issues that make people feel unsafe in their neighborhoods.

?This isn?t the only neighborhood where we?ve had incidents like this,? he said. ?We can?t just say that this is occurring just here in this neighborhood. That?s why it takes a larger community discussion about the livability of our neighborhoods.?

C.J. Summers, who is in charge of the Peoria Chronicle blog, received Wilkinson?s email about the incident at 1:50 a.m. Saturday and posted the account to the blog about 3 a.m.

The blog received 306,000 hits after the posting ? compared to the 600 to 800 it receives per day ? and crashed. It was back up Monday evening.

Summers, who has known Wilkinson for five years, said he thought Wilkinson?s claims were newsworthy on a local, but not national, scale. He added that Wilkinson had been instrumental in trying to clean up the neighborhood.

?It just doesn?t seem like a guy like that would be prone to making things up just to get headlines,? said Summers, 40.

A number of people who live in the area said a large group was walking on the streets but was not yelling anything racial.

Debbie Armstrong, who lives on Thrush, said the situation wasn?t a big deal.

?I park my car out front all the time and I?ve never had damage,? she said. ?The guy who wrote that blog should be punished. Take his computer away.?

The actual incident was not like anything being reported around the country, said Doug Burgess, the police?s public information officer. He received calls from as far away as New York about the incident.

?It has really escalated out of control,? he said.

Michael Boren can be reached at 686-3194 or Philip Johnson contributed to this story.


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Re: Peorians living in fear
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2011, 02:29:54 AM »
Peoria councilwoman, neighborhood activist at odds

A longtime political division, as well as some simmering problems on the City Council, were publicly displayed in reaction to a weekend allegation of racial tensions during a Friday incident near Sheridan Road and Thrush Avenue.

Some neighborhood representatives said Monday it's no surprise that 2nd District City Councilwoman Barbara Van Auken had some strong public comments against Paul Wilkinson, the president of the Altamont Neighborhood Association. The two, neighborhood activists say, have not been on friendly terms for a long time.

"I wish Paul and Barbara could sit down and discuss this, but they won't," said Carol Holford, president of the nearby Gale Avenue Neighborhood Association. "They don't like each other."

Van Auken, on Sunday, said she was outraged by Wilkinson's allegations - sent in an email early Saturday to Mayor Jim Ardis and some council members, but not Van Auken - that a mob of young, black youths yelled racially charged comments to neighbors. His email, posted on the Peoria Chronicle blog, became national attention after it was picked up by The Drudge Report.

"The situation between (Van Auken) and him goes back a long ways," said Jim Combs, president of the East Bluff Serenity Neighborhood Association and past president of the Neighborhood Alliance.

At-large City Councilman Eric Turner described it as a "personal" issue between the two, and Paul Masick, current president of the Neighborhood Alliance and a West Bluff resident, said that "Wilkinson gets carried away with his statements and (Van Auken) doesn't like that."

Wilkinson and Van Auken, according to neighborhood officials and supporters, were once associates. Wilkinson, in fact, supported Van Auken's 2005 campaign against Marcella Teplitz.

But something happened between 2005 and 2009, as Wilkinson was the campaign manager for Curphy Smith, who challenged for Van Auken's 2nd District seat. Smith lost.

One source who knows both Van Auken and Wilkinson said a lot of the rift stems from Wilkinson's belief that Van Auken is not paying enough attention to the Altamont Park Neighborhood area.

Van Auken, meanwhile, also criticized the new council members for being "very gullible" to believe Wilkinson's claims.

At-large Councilwoman Beth Akeson on Monday said she wasn't going to react to Van Auken's comments.

"I think that she is eager for a reaction," Akeson said. "She's not going to get one from me. There will be no reaction."

At-large Councilman Chuck Weaver, who along with Akeson was seated on the council last month, said he has no problems with Van Auken.

"I have an excellent relationship with Councilwoman Van Auken," he said. "I have to believe any critical statement she would have made were taken out of context."