Author Topic: The Religion of Peace Followers Blow Up Hospital (Obama to cut & run from here)  (Read 887 times)

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Suicide bomber attacks hospital in eastern Afghanistan

By Bill Roggio

June 25, 2011

A suicide bomber killed more than 30 Afghans in a deadly attack on a hospital in the eastern province of Logar today.

The suicide bomber rammed an SUV packed with explosives into a local hospital in the Azra district in Logar
just before noon today. Patients and medical personnel were among those killed in the attack. One Afghan official
said that more than 35 people were killed.

The Taliban denied carrying out the attack and claimed the accusation was an attempt to "defame" the terror group.

"We condemn this attack on a hospital ... whoever has done this wants to defame the Taliban," spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid.

But the Taliban have carried out suicide attacks and bombings at hospitals, mosques, markets, and other
civilian centers
. On May 21, the Taliban claimed credit for a suicide attack at a hospital on Kabul that is
frequented by military and police personnel. And just yesterday, the Taliban detonated a bomb at a
market in Kunduz, killing 10 civilians.

The Taliban and the Haqqani Network, a Taliban subgroup close to al Qaeda that is based in the Afghan east,
both operate in Logar. They operate jointly as part of the Kabul Attack Network, a unit assigned to carry out attacks
in and around the capital. The Kabul Attack Network includes elements from the Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin,
the Lashkar-e-Taiba, and al Qaeda, and routinely sends out suicide bombers to carry out attacks in the region.
Taj Mir Jawad, a senior Taliban commander who co-leads the Kabul Attack Network, commands forces in the
Pul-e Alam district in Logar.

The International Security Assistance Force claims that the Taliban is responsible for 85 percent of the
civilian casualties
in Afghanistan that occurred between January and the end of May of this year.
Last year, the United Nations said the Taliban were responsible for 78 percent of civilian deaths in Afghanistan.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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We did not invade Afghanistan to prevent the Taliban from taking over. When we invaded they were in charge, and we decided not to send enough troops there to take the place over. This was almost certainly a good idea.

We cannot and will not stay there forever. It is too expensive in lives and money.

There are two options: send enough troops to depose Karzai and then exterminate the Taliban and stay for 30 years until it turns into South Korea with beards and turbans, and leave. It is probable that Afghanistan would never become a South Korea, because Afghanis are not Koreans and lack the Korean work ethic.

Since the first option is too expensive, we must do the second, and as soon as possible.

It is not cutting and running. It is more like leaving the caverns to the bats.
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We did not invade Afghanistan to prevent the Taliban from taking over.
We invaded Afghanistan to topple the Taliban & destroy the "Religion of Peace" terror training camps.

When Obama cuts & runs....both will return.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Did we need bases in the USSR to prevent them from taking over the US for 80 years?

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Did we need bases in the USSR to prevent them from taking over the US for 80 years?

Did the USSR via their associates ever directly attack the
United States in the worst attack on the US Mainland in history?

Take the easy in fantasy land.
Cut and run....then what?
The cutting and running....head in sand.... is the easy part.
The tooth run away and hide and pretend it doesnt.
allow it to fester and fester....until it gets really, really painful.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Did the USSR via their associates ever directly attack the
United States in the worst attack on the US Mainland in history?
They were waiting for the US to appoint an incompetent flake like Condi Rice as National Security Adviser.

The US cannot afford to keep an occupation army in Afghanistan until it progresses from the XV to the XXI Century.
The US cannot destroy Islam, as much as that would delight you.
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More from the Religion of Peace!

Egypt: Muslim extremists "surround church and threaten to kill priest"
 June 24, 18:13
Minya, 24 June (AKI) - Hundreds of Muslim extremists surrounded a church in central Egypt and threatened to kill the local priest, the Assyrian International News Agency reported. The extremists began targeting the church in a village 7 kilometres south of the city of Minya in March after renovation work began, threatening to demolish the church.

AINA Friday cited eyewitnesses as saying that the Muslim mob, dressed in white robes and long beards, chanted: "We will kill the priest, we will kill him and no one will prevent us."

One of their leaders was cited as saying they would "?cut him to pieces," AINA reported.

The priest Father George Thabet, who was holding morning mass and was locked in the church with several parishioners. Security forces arrived five hours later and escorted the priest away in a police car to the Coptic Diocese in Minya.

Coptic youths who were attending mass remained inside St George's church to defend it from Muslim attacks.

No police or security of any kind was present during the standoff, according to reports.

The archdiocese of Minya issued a statement deploring the incident and the "return of the Salafists to besiege St. George's church again, some carrying weapons, threatening to kill the priest unless he leaves the village."

The statement called on government officials and security authorities uphold rule of law and maintaining security in the country.

On 23 March, hardline Muslims had surrounded the 100-year old church, which was granted a renovation licence, and ordered the church officials to stop construction immediately and undo what they had completed, threatening to demolish the church if their demands were not met.

The extremists also ordered church authorities removed Thabet from Beni Ahmad village and gave him and his family a time limit of 35 days, later extended to 50 days, to leave.

The Muslims accused him of making extensions to the church and of causing sectarian strife.

The Coptic Christians account for about 10 percent of Egypt's population and have been repeatedly targeted by Muslim extremists.

Twenty-four people were killed and around 100 injured in a New Year's Eve bombing of a Coptic church in the northern Egyptian port city of Alexandria .

The bloody attack sparked rioting and protests and drew international condemnation.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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They were waiting for the US to appoint an incompetent
flake like Condi Rice as National Security Adviser.
Better than the real flake before her Sandy Berger
who got caught stuffing his pants with national
security documents and who if he had done his
job could have prevented Sept 11. What a disgrace!

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Explain what danger to the country this caused.

NONE would be the correct answer.

When Condi failed, 3000 people died. (But some were Muslims and deserved to die, according to you.)

That would be the major difference.
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When Condi failed, 3000 people died. That would be the major difference.

When Sandy "Stuffed Pockets" Berger and Bill "I'm Busy With Monica" Clinton
had the chance to get Bin Laden and they did not.....Sept 11 was not prevented.
That would be the MAJOR DIFFERENCE and it's a disgrace!
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Berger's papers did not cause 9-11.
Neither did the Monica fiasco which should have never been made public.

Who was the NSA head when 9-11 happened? Condi Rice.

Not Berger
Not Clinton.
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Berger's papers did not cause 9-11.

Never said it called Condi a flake
So I easily showed the Sandy "Stuffed Pockets" Berger was the far bigger flake.

Who was the NSA head when 9-11 happened? Condi Rice.

Sept 11 would not have ever happened had it not been
for Berger and Clinton taking a pass when they had the
target in their sights. Condi never had that easy opportunity.
Too bad Berger & Clinton blew the chance....3000 Americans would be alive.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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A flake that screwed up and got 300o killed is easily a bigger flake than one who simply embarrassed himself.

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A flake that screwed up and got 300o killed is easily a bigger flake than one who simply embarrassed himself.

Rice did not have enough information to stop the WTC attack. What would you have had her do? Ground all air traffic from 8/8 on?


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A flake that screwed up and got 300o killed is easily a bigger flake than one
who simply embarrassed himself.

Berger did BOTH!
Berger was a fool and he was incompetent.
I guess that means Berger was an incompetent fool!
The idiot had to plead guilty as charged and give up his license to practice law.
Berger could have prevented Sept 11th, but didn't pull the trigger.
3000 Americans died because Berger/Clinton didnt act when they could have....TRAGIC!
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987