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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2011, 04:16:33 PM »
So you think that Black people are inherently inferior, just not inferior enough to be bought and sold as slaves.

There were many benefits of slavery, though certainly not for most Black people. The entire South was built by slave labor on cotton and tobacco plantations in a relatively few years. Observe how long it took Canada to be cleared and settled, with only White folks. The plantation owners were a very small percentage of the Southern population, but they prospered immensely, and then lost most of it when they decided to secede.

The major differences between the various "races" are cultural. Black people were divided into many more linguistic groups than were White people in Africa as well as when they arrived here as slaves. That explains the differences in development in Africa. In the US, the legacy of slavery and racism were and continue to be what is holding back Black people.

The most prosperous countries with a majority Black population are Trinidad & Tobago, The Bahamas, Bermuda and Botswana. In each of them there is a common language and a great respect for education. South Africa has a variety of languages and traditions that are in conflict with one another, but a great potential. And of course, Brazil has more Black people ( or at least people that would be considered Black in the US) than any other single country in the planet, and seems to be doing much better now that it is trying to distribute resources more equitably.

Columbus never sailed around the world. That would be Magellan and Elcano. Columbus only sailed from Europe to the Americas four times: he never dipped even one toe in the Pacific.

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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2011, 04:20:21 PM »
Columbus never sailed around the world. That would be Magellan and Elcano. Columbus only sailed from Europe to the Americas four times: he never dipped even one toe in the Pacific.

Then how in the hell did his discover Indians?


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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2011, 04:36:21 PM »

Columbus did not discover "Indians". He discovered Native Americans, and noticed that they were not Black, Chinese or White and resembled descriptions of people found by the Portuguese in the "Indies" or the area known by the Portuguese as the Spice Islands of Indonesia.

The Bible was the authority on geography, and it mentions only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. India, of course, is in Asia.

Indians were named for the river Indus, which divides India from the countries to the East of it. Columbus THOUGHT that he had discovered the Indies, because that was his plan: to reach the East by sailing West. It is possible, but Columbus underestimated the size of the world. He incorrectly called American natives "Indians" and the name stuck. Later, they called the Caribbean the West Indies and India, East India.

Are you really so dense as to not know this?
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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2011, 04:41:49 PM »
If your conclusion is that black people are inherently inferior that would be your words not mine nor what I said. I was addressing your silly & childish accusation the America is racist and therefore responsible for all black peoples woes. I think Liberals like you are mainly responsible for black peoples woes and even black people like Jesse Jackson have sold them out. Oh the irony, back in the day blacks sold blacks into slavery and it sill happens with blacks like Jesse and Al sticking it up the asses of other blacks today just it did 200 years ago.


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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2011, 04:42:43 PM »

Columbus did not discover "Indians". He discovered Native Americans, and noticed that they were not Black, Chinese or White and resembled descriptions of people found by the Portuguese in the "Indies" or the area known by the Portuguese as the Spice Islands of Indonesia.

The Bible was the authority on geography, and it mentions only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. India, of course, is in Asia.

Indians were named for the river Indus, which divides India from the countries to the East of it. Columbus THOUGHT that he had discovered the Indies, because that was his plan: to reach the East by sailing West. It is possible, but Columbus underestimated the size of the world. He incorrectly called American natives "Indians" and the name stuck. Later, they called the Caribbean the West Indies and India, East India.

Are you really so dense as to not know this?

Are you really so dense as to not know a joke when you read one!!!!!!!!


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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2011, 06:28:26 PM »
You are an idiot.

You are such an idiot that I do not know whether you are an idiot acting as an idiot or an idiot playing the role of an imbecile.
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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2011, 07:29:43 PM »
You are an idiot.

You are such an idiot that I do not know whether you are an idiot acting as an idiot or an idiot playing the role of an imbecile.

I guess you aren't very intelligent after all. A reasonable person would think that a smart guy, like you, would be able to out-think an idiot or even an idiot pretending to be an idiot. Is it possible the idiot outsmarted the smart guy?


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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #37 on: July 21, 2011, 10:56:44 PM »
If skill were more evenly distributed NBA contracts would be equitably distributed, since the NBA odviously has a preduice against white persons Larry Byrd is a mere fluke or token or throwback.

Basketball pros are more likely to be Black because Black men tend to be taller than White men. It is also true that Black men practice a lot more than Whites.

No one is a fluke or a throwback, that is just dumb. Individuals have talents and attributes that are unique to them, but statistically, Blacks are taller.

There will always be some White basketball players, because the talents and level of practice of soem of them is equal to that of Blacks.

So in the tiny society of the NBA natural attributes and talent along with lots of practice bring success.
In all the rest of the world talent , natrual ability and determination get you nothing.


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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2011, 11:52:58 AM »
So in the tiny society of the NBA natural attributes and talent along with lots of practice bring success.
In all the rest of the world talent , natrual ability and determination get you nothing.

I did not say that.

It is true of most endeavors.

But inborn physical ability and practice are not all that it takes: there is also luck, or coincidence of talent with opportunity.

There are surely many people with a natural talent for cricket that were born in the US and have never heard of the game. Many a potential lacrosse pro has never realized his potential because he was born in Mangalore. Many a natural ski jumper will never  get anywhere because he was born in Zamboanga.

Luck is also an element, in addition to natural physical attributes and practice as well.

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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2011, 07:42:02 AM »
After some thought I just realize another possible factor. Sports is nonrestrictive,meaning it was the one of the few activity allowed. I forgot at one time it was illegal for blacks to have an education
An since it's  hard to teach someone to begin with ,this factor could carryover to this day. Just like you rarely see black campers because of lynching. Not many black outdoorsmen nowadays.


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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2011, 11:47:16 AM »
To Black many Black people living in the country is seen as backward. A White person who enjoys country life thinks of himself perhaps as a country squire. A lot of Black people think of a sharecropper's cabin on some dirt road in the sticks. Lynching is probably no longer a major reason for avoiding camping.

Sports requires practice, but not a decent education. A regulation basketball hoop is all a person needs to practice basketball. for football, every team has pretty much the same equipment in HS, at least adequate for practice. So sports guarantees a more or less level playing field.

School is not a level playing field in the US. Black schools have less up to date books and equipment and as a rule, a less qualified faculty. Plus, there is a cultural aversion to book learning as "acting White". There is no such situation involved in sports.

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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #41 on: July 24, 2011, 12:28:32 AM »
Plus, there is a cultural aversion to book learning as "acting White". There is no such situation involved in sports.

  If a white guy allowed a cultural aversion to "acting Black" to dictate his behavior to the point that it led to very bad choices, would you advise him to be less racist?

  Is there no danger that white guys will avoid difficult study because they don't want to seem to be "acting Asian"?

     Come to think , this might be something like why there are few serious language students.


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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #42 on: July 24, 2011, 01:28:45 AM »

some guys do get beaten up for acting too asian and white rappers don`t all get much respect. jin a noted as one of the top freestyle rapper in america can`t sell a record to save his life because he`s chinese.


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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #43 on: July 24, 2011, 03:23:16 AM »
I don't think most Americans have even a minor clue as to HOW to act Asian. Maybe in San Francisco or the West coast, but not in most parts of the country.

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Re: That's Racist
« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2011, 07:49:02 AM »
on a female it varies from quiant to very hot.

sadly on a guy it just looks stupid to not noticable.

the stupid would wear this bruce lee outfit from the 70`s and the real good one would not even be noticable because we wear normal clothes.