<<This happened duing the tenure of James Carter >>
The overthrow of the democratically elected Mossadegh government happened during Ike's tenure.
<<and he [Carter] did nothing to prevet the fall from power of the Shah ,>>
There wasn't much that Carter could have done to stop the Shah's fall at the time, but he did the right thing by not trying. Where Carter fucked up majorly was admitting the Shah to the U.S. for cancer treatment. The guy was a master torturer and murderer and most Iranians who weren't the direct beneficiaries of his rule wanted to see him hanged for his crimes, not admitted to the U.S.A. for "humanitarian" reasons. That was the last guy in the world at the time to deserve "humanitarian" treatment. Carter's action produced days and weeks of anti-American rioting. Bad enough the Americans overthrew their democratically elected government and installed this dictator over them, the final insult was admitting him to the U.S. after his own country overthrew him.
<< if there was ever a time that a president that could have been persueded to give Iran a new and fairer deal it would have been then.>>
I don't get it. My original point was that the Iranians had plenty of valid reasons to hate the U.S.A. Are you suggesting that one of the major reasons was Carter's alleged failure to offer them a "new and fairer deal" after the fall of the Shah? That was probably the tiniest reason on their radar screen. The big ones were the overthrow of the Mossadegh government and the tortures of the Shah.
<<The Iranan leadership was nuts and hypocritical>>
Oh yeah, like the U.S. leadership is sane and straight-talking.
<< Ian is strugleing under the same weight now even though it isn't clear whether a majority supports them or perhaps a majority fears them.>>
Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle.
<<At earlyer times we are certainly talking about the actions of the cold war where the Soviet Union defended their hegimony with bloody repression ad the US countere their empires expntion wth every possible effort.>>
Except the U.S. didn't have an empire to defend, Iran was an independent country, and the stimulus for the takeover was the Mossadegh government's expropriation of the assets of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. Nice try, though.
<< I dop't think that apologys are required to the Iranians for our interference in their country any more than the RAF owes apologys to th French Navy for actions made necessacery by war.>>
The difference being that the legitimate French government had no problems with the actions of the RAF (and the Royal Navy, which I understood played the larger role,) it was only the Vichy government that protested, and even they refused to declare war on Britain as a result. No apologies were owed because Britain was fighting for its life, under aerial bombardment and submarine attack daily, all its allies having dropped out of the fight, and the assets it destroyed could have been put to immediate military use against it if they had fallen into German hands. A clearer case of dire necessity could not be imagined. Somehow the expropriation of one oil company's assets in one country by a legitimate government action does not seem to match your example.
At any rate, it is a valid reason in Iranian eyes, and in mine, for them to hate the U.S.A., and I don't think you'd find too many people who aren't hopelessly biased in favour of the U.S. who would take any different position.