Author Topic: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues  (Read 21212 times)

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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #45 on: January 14, 2007, 04:18:39 PM »
<<Do you consider a Nuclear arms race in the middle east no threat ?>>

How could it be a threat?  If you stop fucking with them, they will stop fucking with you.  A nuke or two in Iranian hands could not possibly save them from the anihilation that would follow if they even attempted to nuke America.   What could they possibly hope to gain anyway?  Even a successful first strike (hard as it is to imagine) would leave them open and vulnerable to anihilation.

<<Or is this a lie for some other reason?>>

It's a lie because it's not true.

True to my mind , but what is the purpose of haveing a few Bombs then?

Michael Tee

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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #46 on: January 14, 2007, 10:31:25 PM »
<<True to my mind , but what is the purpose of haveing a few Bombs then?>>

I think they're good to have.  That way if the U.S. or Israel does decide to nuke them, they'll at least be able to inflict some kind of well-deserved retaliation.

If your neighbours had guns and had been threatening to kill you, woudn't you want to get a gun too?


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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2007, 10:34:10 PM »
Iran would want nukes for the same reason everyone that has them wants them: to prevent themselves from attack.

Iran is surrounded by countries with nukes. Russia, Israel, the US in Afghanistan and Iraq. Pakistan and India also have them.

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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #48 on: January 15, 2007, 01:40:44 AM »
Even accepting this peckerwood, impeachment advocate's analysis as somewhat ballpark, in my view Bush didn't "lie" but rather fucked up, a consequence you can't sanction without paralyzing executive decision-making altogether.

Wow, I didn't realize this analyst was a peckerwood, for starters.

I feel real dirty now.  Here I was thinking he was making a pretty good argument, but on a personal aside, I took no pleasure in realizing that his theory made your comment look so goofy.

I knew you were a lawyer, but I had no idea you had such stature as a Constitutional authority that you could snort this away without dignifying it by arguing the points of his presentation.

Wish I was a lawyer.

Then you could explain to me what I'm missing when you laudily lilt your praises of Thomas and Scalia.


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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #49 on: January 15, 2007, 01:50:48 AM »
<<True to my mind , but what is the purpose of haveing a few Bombs then?>>

I think they're good to have.  That way if the U.S. or Israel does decide to nuke them, they'll at least be able to inflict some kind of well-deserved retaliation.

If your neighbours had guns and had been threatening to kill you, woudn't you want to get a gun too?

Not if they had the drop on me already.

Are they really expecting us to watch them build them?

It is like haveing a crazy neighbor go for a gun while he is surronded by the SWAT team.


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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #50 on: January 15, 2007, 01:52:21 AM »
, in my view Bush didn't "lie" but rather fucked up, a consequence you can't sanction without paralyzing executive decision-making altogether.

But Juniorbush had his flunkies or puppeteers cherry pick the intel so that he could start this unnecessary war. There were no attempts to buy uranium from Africa and more important, Iraq bought no Uranium. There were many, many many lies that Juniorbush and his puppeteers knew were false. They were gung-ho for war, and Halliburton and the oilmen were gung-ho for getting their hands on Iraq's oil, the cheapest large oil deposits to exploit on the planet.

Whatever you say, the fact is that if this particular executive decision making had been paralyzed, we'd be much better off today.

Juniorbush took advantage of 9-11 to lie his way into a war that the pub;lic would never have approved of, then he blew the execution of the war bigtime. He was both a liar and a bungling incompetent nincompoop.

Thousands have died because of his lies, ignorance and incompetence, and thousands more are doomed to die because of it.
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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #51 on: January 15, 2007, 01:58:07 AM »
, in my view Bush didn't "lie" but rather fucked up, a consequence you can't sanction without paralyzing executive decision-making altogether.

But Juniorbush had his flunkies or puppeteers cherry pick the intel so that he could start this unnecessary war. There were no attempts to buy uranium from Africa and more important, Iraq bought no Uranium. There were many, many many lies that Juniorbush and his puppeteers knew were false. They were gung-ho for war, and Halliburton and the oilmen were gung-ho for getting their hands on Iraq's oil, the cheapest large oil deposits to exploit on the planet.

Whatever you say, the fact is that if this particular executive decision making had been paralyzed, we'd be much better off today.

Juniorbush took advantage of 9-11 to lie his way into a war that the pub;lic would never have approved of, then he blew the execution of the war bigtime. He was both a liar and a bungling incompetent nincompoop.

Thousands have died because of his lies, ignorance and incompetence, and thousands more are doomed to die because of it.

There were no attempts to buy uranium from Africa and more important, Iraq bought no Uranium.

How do you know this?

Saddam had a lot of Yellowcake in storage, good thing it was not fom Niger .


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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #52 on: January 15, 2007, 01:58:49 AM »
Not if they had the drop on me already.

Are they really expecting us to watch them build them?

It is like haveing a crazy neighbor go for a gun while he is surronded by the SWAT team.

That is pure, silly grade-A bullsh*t.

No one named the US the world's Swat Team.
Iran has done nothing to incite anyone, anywhere.
Ahmedinejad knows that he can get votes and approval of the more moronic of his citizens by baiting Israel with stupid Holocaust conferences and entirely hollow threats. He is for a one-state solution in Palisrael: everybody votes and there is one state, with no religious bias. You know, like this country, where Jews or Christians or Muslims or nobody gets special favors because of his religion.

Israel as a Jewish state is a rather bad idea. The idea that Jews should be given special treatment and others relegated to second or third or fourth-class citizenship sucks, after all.

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Michael Tee

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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #53 on: January 15, 2007, 01:59:18 AM »
<<It is like haveing a crazy neighbor go for a gun while he is surronded by the SWAT team.>>

I think in this case the crazy neighbour is you (well, not you personally, but your country) only he's started a fistfight with a neighbourhood adolescent kid half his size who's now kicking his ass and at the same time as the kid is kicking his ass, he's (the crazy neighbour is) yelling threats in your direction.  THAT'S when it's time to go for the gun.  If the guy's gonna kill ya, he's gonna kill ya, but I'd rather be killed going for my gun than cowering there with my hands over my eyes waiting for the crazy guy to finish with my neighbour's kid before he kills me.


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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #54 on: January 15, 2007, 02:03:21 AM »
Without the agression and bombmakeing there would not be any talk about ruining Iran for all habitation.


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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #55 on: January 15, 2007, 02:06:05 AM »
There were no attempts to buy uranium from Africa and more important, Iraq bought no Uranium.

How do you know this?

Saddam had a lot of Yellowcake in storage, good thing it was not fom Niger .

What nuclear crap Iraq had was leftovers from their 1980's failed reactor. There is zero evidence that he bought any nuclear anythiong from anyone.

Juniorbush claimed that Saddam tried to buy ore from "Africa" (strangely, Niger was not mentioned), and he knew that this was bullshit when he said it. It was taken out or his speech, and Rove and Cheney had it reinserted. Everyone knew it was bullsh*t.

Yellowcake is sort of maybe dangerous in the sense that you really should not eat it. It is a very long ways from being anything truly dangerous.

Saddam had no idea what he had. His officers and scientists lied to him and told him he had arms that they knew did not exist, so he could be a greater threat to his neighbors.

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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #56 on: January 15, 2007, 02:10:19 AM »
Without the agression and bombmakeing there would not be any talk about ruining Iran for all habitation.
Iran is not an aggressor. The US is the country with 132,000 uninvited troops in Iraq.

If it makes you feel good believing all this crap, go right ahead.

The soothing feeling you get from believing bullshit is not an indication that it isn't bullshit, however.

The US cannot win a war with 77 million Iranians. If it attacks Iran, it will make the US even more unpopular everywhere else on the planet.
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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #57 on: January 15, 2007, 02:12:13 AM »
Saddam had no idea what he had. His officers and scientists lied to him and told him he had arms that they knew did not exist, so he could be a greater threat to his neighbors.

How can you beleive that President Bush knew that there was no WMD while you also beleive that Saddam didn't know this?


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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #58 on: January 15, 2007, 02:13:50 AM »
Without the agression and bombmakeing there would not be any talk about ruining Iran for all habitation.
Iran is not an aggressor. The US is the country with 132,000 uninvited troops in Iraq.

If it makes you feel good believing all this crap, go right ahead.

The soothing feeling you get from believing bullshit is not an indication that it isn't bullshit, however.

The US cannot win a war with 77 million Iranians. If it attacks Iran, it will make the US even more unpopular everywhere else on the planet.

The Iranian troops in Iraq are not invited .

The US troops ARE .

Michael Tee

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Re: All Bullshit Aside: Here Are the Issues
« Reply #59 on: January 15, 2007, 02:20:46 AM »
<<The Iranian troops in Iraq are not invited .

<<The US troops ARE .>>

BWAHAHAHAHAHA.   Ohhhhhhh . . .

plane, don't ever lose that sense of humour.