domer, Prince of Denmark:
<<Yet, here comes the circularity of the problem: what happens if we withdraw? >>
Well, domer, let me break it to you: you don't know and I don't know. Your "President" tells you what will happen, but he's a liar, a coward, and a moron. Since he knows absolutely NOTHING about the region in question, his "opinion" is whatever his clique of militarists, fascists and right-wing Likudniks tell him will happen, and since his track record is one of unadulterated lies, misrepresentations, false predictions, ridiculous claims of premature victory and disastrous errors, I wouldn't put too much credibility in any of his predictions of the calamities that would follow a cessation of his illegal occupation of another sovereign state.
<<Crucially, to this very day, to my knowledge no opposition politician has painted a strategic vision of how we leave Iraq as well as can be expected and also how we can position ourselves for the long struggle with violent, radical Islam. >>
Time to grow up, domer; no magic solutions on the horizon. The present mess calls for an obvious solution, but the Prince of Denmark won't make a move until he finds a solution to ALL his problems. (I would take issue, BTW, with your presupposition of a "long struggle with violent radical Islam," which is just complete and utter bullshit, but that's clearly a whole nuther topic.)
<< Indeed, what would a "loss," which I'm willing to absorb, mean to the appeal and spread and virulence of radical Islam? >>
Good old domer. As long as he can pose a question which no one can answer about the future outcome of Problem A, he will be so paralyzed by fear of the worst Problem A outcome that he can't take the obvious steps necessary to resolve Problem B.
<<Can that be countered now by joining the real issue as I see it: a broad-based cultural, political, social, economic, theological, etc. campaign to enable the Muslim world to accept the radicals' real enemies, the moderate Muslims, and thereby ooze the radicals out of haven, habitat and support as their ideology is routed by a true or truer Islam more in tune with reality and its own principles? While this is being done, of course, as appropriate, all military, intelligence, and law enforcement assets should be brought to bear on the problem.>>
Absolutely hilarious. The title of the thread is "Here are the issues" (presumably at stake in Iraq) Only in the tortured mind of a domer would these morph into the broader issues of the supposed intramural Islamic culture wars (moderates vs. violent radicals) which may or may not have anything to do with the real cultural divides in real Islam. Do you REALLY think that Bush - - or to be fair to the little prick, ANY American President - - has what it takes to orchestrate a "broad-based cultural political social economic theological etc." ("etc." - - was something left out???) - - these guys are lucky if they can just do a creditable job of managing the military aspect of the operation, domer, you're treating the individual President as if he were the force of history itself.
Nothing more pathetic than a man in over his head who is unable to admit fundamental error, unable to admit defeat, and goes on needlessly squandering the lives and money of other people to prove his point. If the people of Iraq are hell-bent on slaughtering each other, it's gonna go on as it is, with or without the Americans. Probably without them, it'll end a lot faster when one faction rises to the top - - as Saddam's did - - and then imposes a kind of rigid order-through-state-terror on the rest of them, which paradoxically produces a kind of peace and prosperity for most of the people most of the time.
And on the other hand, it's only when the U.S. gets involved - - by encouraging and assisting Saddam to attack Iran, or by intervening in the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, which should have been resolved by the Arab states themselves, probably by allowing it to happen, Kuwait being just a totally artificial creation of the British under their colonial policy of "divide and rule" - - that the blood really starts to flow in massive quantities.