You underestimate the power of an ABB like tactic which some of your fellow travelers perfected.
The GOP no longer controls the house and senate. There will be valid comparisons between what comes out of capitol hill and what comes from the WH.
The dems have been in power for just a few days and have already tarnished themselves with the minimum wage issue.
Why should American Somoans be exempt?
Pelosi came close to tarnishing herself by thinking about acting like a Repub, but quickly admitted her mistake and did the right thing unlike the Repubs that fuck up , cover up and keep on blundering on until there is no redemption like the Bushidiot in Iraq.
Pelosi Exempting Hometown Company From Minimum Wage Hike?
( - Republicans say she tried to. But on Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it clear that the new federal minimum wage would apply to all U.S. territories, including American Samoa. This happened after Republicans accused Pelosi of doing a favor for a hometown company - the San Francisco-based Del Monte. The bill hiking the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour extended the higher minimum wage to the Northern Mariana Islands, but not to American Samoa - where StarKist tuna has a large packing plant. StarKist's parent company is Del Monte Corp. "There's something fishy going on here," said Rep
Besides ,the only people remotely interested in this non-story were RW nutcase blogs that sopecialize in shit disturbing like the shits they are.