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Dispatches from Baghdad
« on: January 13, 2007, 09:44:13 PM »
Dispatches from Baghdad - a soldier's view on Iraq
9 Jan 07
Lieutenant General Graeme Lamb CMG DSO OBE is the Deputy Commanding General for the Multi-National Force-Iraq. He is also the UK’s Senior Military Officer in the country. Based in Baghdad, he frequently operates around the country. Here he gives his thoughts and an honest appraisal of Iraq's unfolding story:

Lieutenant General Graeme Lamb CMG DSO OBE, Deputy Commanding General for the Multi-National Force-Iraq
[Picture: British Army]
"This is my fourth deployment. So I have, if nothing else, a reasonable (albeit soldier’s) perspective on Iraq and its people. I have, as you would expect, in these four tours got around a great deal and in the process I have drunk more tea (it’s very good, but not at all English) and broken more bread than I would care to recall.

But I have enjoyed an honest engagement with Iraqis from all persuasions whose hospitality is humbling, and on each occasion that I return to this country have seen progress being made that rarely gets reported.

It is often the small things that get lost. For instance, in February of this year the Business Association of Fallujah (the city most famed for the large US operations in 2004, and the devastation that it had been previously left in) consisted of some 20 members. Yet today, less than 10 months on, it has a healthy members’ list of some 340.

Earth shattering it most certainly is not; and unlikely to break into the FTSE index, missed also by the multi-national media most likely.
But for those people living out in a city that was only 2 years ago claimed, and broadly controlled, through murder, torture and brutal intimidation by Al Qaeda insurgents, it is a real Iraqi step forward, and this is just one of many little successes taking place all over this country.

Reason to be optimistic

So from what I have seen, it is my strong conviction that, as bad as the situation may sometimes appear, there is still good reason to be optimistic for Iraq’s future. That is why, we, and numerous other countries continue to maintain troops here. Progress is being made (and daily), but it is not without human cost.

In recent months, the British have taken a number of casualties in Basra. For the United States, and also the Iraqi Security Forces, this burden has been even greater. During the month of October more than 100 US service personnel and three times more Iraqi security forces were killed in action; in addition to scores of civilians.

These are not just another casualty statistic to be easily discarded. They are our family, they were our friends, and they are the people of Iraq we are striving to bring a better life for. Every one of us feels their passing deeply, and no more so than their families.

This is a brutal business and therefore all the more reason to see this sacrifice in a context that we do not often read or hear - the Iraqi people today have a choice. They have a unique opportunity that did not exist before - to seize their freedom and future.

"The average citizens in Iraq want jobs, electricity, and streets where their children can play without fear; and there is certainly more of this than a glance over the newspapers would portray."
Lieutenant General Graeme Lamb CMG DSO OBE
But do not lose sight of where the blame for this trouble today lies, and who sets out to plan for this human carnage. What I see is a tiny minority of extremist architects of chaos who construct nothing, but by design and evil intent they inflict suffering upon the vast majority of Iraqis who look towards a better and certainly more prosperous future – one free to choose their own destiny, their own way of life, and not one pre-determined by radical malcontents.

The average citizens in Iraq want jobs, electricity, and streets where their children can play without fear; and there is certainly more of this than a glance over the newspapers would portray.

What is encouraging is how hard the Government of Iraq is working through Iraq’s political, religious and tribal leaders to unite all factions of Iraqi society.

For example, in October alone, the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, key ministerial leaders, and sheiks from Al-Anbar Province met in Baghdad to tackle tough security, cultural, and economic problems in that province.


Earlier in the month a conference of tribal chiefs in Anbar ended with a pledge to support the national government’s campaign against Al Qaeda insurgents. The Prime Minister also announced a four-point plan to establish committees in Baghdad districts to oversee and create trust in Iraq’s security forces.

So despite the significant obstacles facing the Iraqi government (and we should bear in mind that this is the first democratically elected Government in Iraq), it has progressed forward on many reconciliation initiatives.

Some of these initiatives have faltered, but none have failed, and many have been grasped by all parties and dragged forward. It is real progress and we are helping this battered country and this bruised population choose where they wish to go to.

"These are people who deserve a chance. Their hopes and their dreams are, I believe as they do, worth fighting for. And it is this that this coalition does every day."
Lieutenant General Graeme Lamb CMG DSO OBE
In July, a poll by the nonprofit International Republican Institute found that 94% of Iraqis said they support a “unity” government. Nearly 80% opposed Iraq being segregated by religion or ethnicity, and even in Baghdad where sectarian violence is heightened, 76% opposed ethnic separation.

Similarly, according to a September poll, 97% of Iraqis said they “strongly disapprove” of attacks against Iraqi civilians, and 96% of Iraqis disapproved of attacks on Iraqi security forces.

These are the voices of that huge, so often forgotten, and silent majority of Iraqis who deserve a better life. They are good people who struggle and fall, but pick themselves up every day and continue to move on. These are people who deserve a chance. Their hopes and their dreams are, I believe as they do, worth fighting for. And it is this that this coalition does every day.

Development efforts bringing results

There are also numerous signs of economic, health and communications development since the fall of Saddam. Just a few are listed below:

In 2005 alone, 98 percent of Iraqi children between 1-5 years old (3.62 million) were immunised against measles, mumps, and rubella. Also in 2005, 97 percent of Iraqi children under five (4.56 million) were immunised against polio.
The average monthly teacher’s salary has increased from a pre-war amount of $2 a month, to $100 a month in 2006.
Since the ousting of Saddam Hussein, an additional one million children have enrolled in primary school.
Since the war, some 268 newspapers, 54 television stations, and 114 radio stations have officially registered. No independent newspapers, commercial television stations, or radio stations existed under the restrictive regime of Saddam Hussein.
Hundreds of Civilian flight operations from Baghdad International Airport each week.
 Four mobile phone operators have now reached 7.2 million subscribers. This represents a dynamic expansion of Iraqi civil liberties as mobile phone usage was forbidden under Saddam’s regime.
There is now a record number of marriages taking place.
"Iraqis are making progress, and the Coalition Force remains steadfast in its support of Iraq through its transition to a more unified, secure, and prosperous country."
Lieutenant General Graeme Lamb CMG DSO OBE
But if Iraqi leaders are rejecting violence and the vast majority of Iraqis seek unity, what will it take to reduce the violence?

Military efforts can only set the conditions for a political solution for the reconciliation needed to reduce violence. But first, the Iraqi leaders and their people must reach a point where they actively, not just passively, renounce the extremists creating violence and work with security forces in getting rid of those extremists.

For this to happen, Iraqis must trust their security forces. So second, the government must deal with the serious problem of militias, which undermine Iraq’s police and military. Furthermore, the government must continue to train those police and military forces and rein in rogue elements within these forces that contribute to violence.

On the first point, Prime Minister Maliki has stated his government will not tolerate illegal armed groups. He has formed a committee to begin transition and reintegration of militia members into society. This is not an easy task.

As for building security capacity, the Iraqi forces have come a long way in three years, with over 320,000 trained forces. Prime Minister Maliki recently stated his desire to immediately form several new rapid deployment units as part of an aggressive modernization program. He also authorised the Iraqi military to add more than 30,000 troops to the existing force structure.

Independent momentum

As for the Iraqi police, the Minister of Interior is putting all nine national police brigades through a transformation plan, which is designed to instill national allegiance and weed out corrupt elements.

In terms of Nation building, these are only small steps, but nevertheless are important and just maintain that independent momentum.

Iraq will not be completely free of violence - no country ever is. But as the Iraqis begin to learn to trust their security forces and actively work to rid the country of extremists, violence can be reduced to acceptable levels. Iraqis are making progress, and the Coalition Force remains steadfast in its support of Iraq through its transition to a more unified, secure, and prosperous country.

Can this still fail to meet our expectations? Of course it can. I personally do not believe that it will, and I am inclined to believe that greatness will eventually return to a country long overdue its sovereignty. But it would be a shame to fail simply because we all grew tired of trying."

Michael Tee

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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 12:41:12 AM »
Exact same crap you hear from the U.S. military ever since Viet Nam.



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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 12:55:22 AM »
thanks for the feedback Mikey.
 Perhaps others will find the viewpoint illuminating.


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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 01:31:27 AM »
Exact same crap you hear from the U.S. military ever since Viet Nam.


It can't be true?

Michael Tee

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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 08:44:33 AM »
<<It can't be true?>>

Sure it can.  It can be true and irrelevant.  Like in Viet Nam, the same Polyanna-ish, glowing reports of "progress" in the number of "pacified" villages, the number of captured weapons, the number of "enemy" troops surrendering, always showing some optimistic upward trend, always looking at the bright side, always ignoring the same basic facts of the same basic equation:  there's more of them there than there are of you, they don't give a shit if they live or die, you can go home but that IS their home, the cost of waging hi-tech war is more than you can afford in the long run - - the BASIC FACTS IN THE EQUATION, plane, they remain true as well, and all the other stuff that this moron cites are just irrelevant fluff.  They were "true" in Viet Nam and they may be "true" in Iraq, but at the end of the day they will be flushed down the toilet of history along with the crippled and mangled carcasses of the invading army as its survivors haul ass one more time in one more humiliating and totally unnecessary defeat.


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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 02:15:28 PM »
MT , do you think that General Giaps coment that he ver nearly gave up after the failure of the Tet Offensive is irellevant?

If the only real weakness the US has is a lack of Paitence and fortitude , the all success is reversable as you point out.

But when the only strength and virtue of our enemy is the ability to better put up with suffering  and being more willing to cause suffering what makes heir victory preferable to anyone?

In Vietnam we failed , in Japan we suceeded , in orth Korea we failed , in South Korea we succeded.

The successes you are calling unimportant are successes in improveing the human condition , everywhere we have failed no one has benefited .

Michael Tee

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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2007, 02:43:15 PM »
<<MT , do you think that General Giaps coment that he very nearly gave up after the failure of the Tet Offensive is irellevant?>>

Sure it's irrelevant.  If General Giap had succumbed to defeatism (which thank God he didn't!) Uncle Ho would have just shot him and replaced him with someone more courageous and clear-sighted.  The people united can never be defeated!

<<If the only real weakness the US has is a lack of Paitence and fortitude , the all success is reversable as you point out.

<<But when the only strength and virtue of our enemy is the ability to better put up with suffering  and being more willing to cause suffering what makes heir victory preferable to anyone?>>

Isn't that kind of like saying "If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle?"  You are what you are and the Resistance is what it is.  Your qualities aren't going to change and neither are theirs.  This is not even to disparage the U.S. - - perhaps if you were invaded by an Islamic Army determined to enforce its alien ways upon your citizens, you would be the ones with the staying power and your invaders would be the first ones to crack under the strain.

I don't think you realize how far out of line you are with the American people.  Guys like you are the fanatics, the true believers - - it's "worth" half a trillion dollars and tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of American and Iraqi lives to "bring democracy" (in your idiotically naive view of what in  reality is a naked grab for oil) to the suffering Iraqis, who (a) don't give a shit and (b) don't have the demographics, the culture or the history for it anyway. 

IF the goal were truly worthwhile (as in WWII, which really was about "democracy," the American people WOULD support the war effort almost unanimously, regardless of much greater costs and sacrifice.  You can't or won't understand that the American people, taken as a whole, are much smarter than you and your shrinking band of zealots, they recognize a crock when they see a crock and they WON'T support a crock the same as they would support a worthwhile bona fide fight for a good cause.  End of story.

<<In Vietnam we failed , in Japan we suceeded , in North Korea we failed , in South Korea we succeded.>>

I think the only success story you can really point to is Japan, which was totally subjugated through massive firebombing, a relentless series of military defeats, loss of territory and nuclear attacks AND which had a lengthy prior history of democratic government, Parliamentary legislation and free elections.  The Japanese bear much of the credit for their postwar recovery.  North Korea you never occupied long enough to even take a shot at reforming and South Korea was a miserable failure, ruled by an autocratic dictatorship that freely practiced torture and repression and finally had to cede power to more democratic institutions because of its own citizens' courage in demanding them.  A lot of the credit for South Korea belongs to the South Koreans.

<<The successes you are calling unimportant are successes in improveing the human condition , everywhere we have failed no one has benefited .>>

You failed in Viet Nam to the enormous benefit of the Vietnamese people.  They are free of foreign domination and to them that was something worth more than life itself.  Maybe one day you will be able to explain to me how you "improved the human condition" of two million Vietnamese by killing them, by burning them alive in napalm and white phosphorus, by torturing 60,000 to death in Operation Phoenix, by poisoning their land, by strewing it with land mines that are still exploding and killing peasants today, by defoliating their forests and genetically damaging future generations.  That's just bullshit.


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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2007, 03:35:29 AM »
(which thank God he didn't!)

Eventhough it would have ment eight milionfewer deaths?

God you are cold.

Michael Tee

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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2007, 12:03:44 PM »
<<Even though it [the defeat of the Vietnamese people by the U.S.A.] would have ment eight milion fewer deaths?  God you are cold.>>

Only if you accept the ridiculous premise that Vietnam's victory was responsible for the deaths of the "eight million" or however many actually died in Cambodia.  As my mentor sirs so often says, "Start from a false premise . . . "

The person responsible for the "eight million" deaths is Pol Pot.  The circumstances that enabled Pol Pot to conduct this massacre was the illegal U.S. invasion of Cambodia.  Which was itself a product of the illegal U.S. invasion of Viet Nam.  Credit where credit is due, old boy.


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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2007, 01:53:31 PM »

If General Giap had succumbed to defeatism (which thank God he didn't!) Uncle Ho would have just shot him and replaced him with someone more courageous and clear-sighted.  The people united can never be defeated!

What does a tyrant shooting a tyrants lackey have to do with the people?

Why would you like someone like that?

Are you under the impression that Ho Chi Minh was good for VietNam?

What worse thing than Unkle Ho could have happened?

Michael Tee

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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 02:03:36 PM »
<<What does a tyrant shooting a tyrants lackey have to do with the people?>>

What does your question have to do with reality?  Uncle Ho wasn't a tyrant and General Giap wasn't his lackey.

<<Why would you like someone like that?>>

I like anyone who knows how to deal with traitors.  If General Giap HAD succumbed to defeatism, it would have been a betrayal of the people.

<<Are you under the impression that Ho Chi Minh was good for VietNam?>>

Might as well ask if I'm under the impression that sunshine, fresh air and clean water are good for the human race.

<<What worse thing than Unkle Ho could have happened?>>

Uncle Sam.  Torture.  Mass murder.  Napalm.  White phosphorous.  The Christmas bombing of Hanoi Hospital.  Operation Phoenix.  The Tiger Cages.  The My Lai Massacre.  You were kidding, right?  I HOPE you were kidding.


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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2007, 02:05:19 PM »
<<Even though it [the defeat of the Vietnamese people by the U.S.A.] would have ment eight milion fewer deaths?  God you are cold.>>

Only if you accept the ridiculous premise that Vietnam's victory was responsible for the deaths of the "eight million" or however many actually died in Cambodia.  As my mentor sirs so often says, "Start from a false premise . . . "

The person responsible for the "eight million" deaths is Pol Pot.  The circumstances that enabled Pol Pot to conduct this massacre was the illegal U.S. invasion of Cambodia.  Which was itself a product of the illegal U.S. invasion of Viet Nam.  Credit where credit is due, old boy.

Poll Pot only carrys the guilt for three million of that total, but from Thiland to Malasia to Vietnam the onet of Communism Makes eight million deaths a very coservative estimate.

In Iraq the people who ae busy killing the people are the very ones that will be in harge as soon as we leave , without us to slow them down why should we expect them to slow down?


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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2007, 02:10:37 PM »
<<What does a tyrant shooting a tyrants lackey have to do with the people?>>

What does your question have to do with reality?  Uncle Ho wasn't a tyrant and General Giap wasn't his lackey.

<<Why would you like someone like that?>>

I like anyone who knows how to deal with traitors.  If General Giap HAD succumbed to defeatism, it would have been a betrayal of the people.

<<Are you under the impression that Ho Chi Minh was good for VietNam?>>

Might as well ask if I'm under the impression that sunshine, fresh air and clean water are good for the human race.

<<What worse thing than Unkle Ho could have happened?>>

Uncle Sam.  Torture.  Mass murder.  Napalm.  White phosphorous.  The Christmas bombing of Hanoi Hospital.  Operation Phoenix.  The Tiger Cages.  The My Lai Massacre.  You were kidding, right?  I HOPE you were kidding.

Here is MT accuseing Unkle Ho of being a tyrant.
Uncle Ho would have just shot him and replaced him with someone more courageous and clear-sighted.

This is the management style of someone who is good for the people?
Ho hi Minh plunged his country into Communism , this is no better than killing one fifth of the population , which he also did.

Michael Tee

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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2007, 12:52:24 AM »
<<Poll Pot only carrys the guilt for three million of that total, but from Thiland to Malasia to Vietnam the onet of Communism Makes eight million deaths a very coservative estimate.>>

Complete bullshit.  I wouldn't believe those numbers for one second, and if they could be substantiated, I'd like to see the corresponding numbers of communists killed by fascists in the same struggles.

<<In Iraq the people who ae busy killing the people are the very ones that will be in harge as soon as we leave , without us to slow them down why should we expect them to slow down?>>

Well because their goal is to kill collaborators and discourage others from collaborating.  When the invaders are gone and there's no one to collaborate with, there will probably be a final settling of accounts where the last traitors receive their just rewards and then things will probably settle down to the usual level of bloodletting in any Middle Eastern state.

Your question makes about as much sense as asking, if the French Resistance is killing Nazis and collaborators when the Nazis are occupying France and slowing them down, why wouldn't they keep on killing people after the Nazis leave?

The whole OBJECT of their killing people is to make life unliveable for the collaborators, hence for the occupiers and thus to force a quick end to the occupation.  After which, their goals accomplished, why would they go on doing what they had to do to realize those goals?

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Re: Dispatches from Baghdad
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2007, 01:08:26 AM »
<<Ho hi Minh plunged his country into Communism , this is no better than killing one fifth of the population , which he also did.>>

We hear from the Americans so much about the "crimes" of Uncle Ho, which are largely non-existent and would receive one big horse-laugh from the Vietnamese people, who still revere the man.

How come we hear from them absolutely NOTHING about the crimes of Uncle Sam?