Author Topic: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!  (Read 4467 times)

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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2011, 02:33:47 PM »
One of the things I put very little stock in is "party insiders".  I usually equate them with the status quo, and "they just need to like us more" contingent of the GOP.  As Kramer was referencing, the MSM & Xo are making the point of how good Perry would be, if all they have is name calling and harping on his conservative credentials.  PLEASE...HARP...Let's make this about policy, about issues, about success and failure of those

And if they DARE want to try to make this about religion, then by God, we better start seeing some serious stories about Rev Wright, and Obama's being a fixture at all those sermons he attended

I won't mind a Romney, but I far more support a Perry Presidency.  At this juncture, I'd support a Joe-the-Plumber Presidency.  I'd dare say a majority of the country would as well

« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 03:09:12 PM by sirs »
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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2011, 02:54:48 PM »
I love Rick Perry...have voted for him multiple times....
but this is the part that most concerns me....

"This election is sitting on a platter for Republicans if they do it right," said one. "Romney is probably good enough. Perry will get drilled by independent voters and women." Another quipped, "Rick Perry is all base and no swing."
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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2011, 03:03:02 PM »
I love Rick Perry...have voted for him multiple times....
but this is the part that most concerns me....

"This election is sitting on a platter for Republicans if they do it right," said one. "Romney is probably good enough. Perry will get drilled by independent voters and women." Another quipped, "Rick Perry is all base and no swing."

What happened last time when we had someone a moderate or independent would like? Remember John McCain?


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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2011, 03:08:02 PM »
I love Rick Perry...have voted for him multiple times....
but this is the part that most concerns me....

"This election is sitting on a platter for Republicans if they do it right," said one. "Romney is probably good enough. Perry will get drilled by independent voters and women." Another quipped, "Rick Perry is all base and no swing."

It's "sitting on a platter" for any compotent conservative.  Obama is all base and no swing, with a record even more abysmal than Carter's.  Independents, given the choice, is a "no brainer" of a choice.  And why would women "drill him"??     ???
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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2011, 03:25:51 PM »
.  And why would women "drill him"??   

women tend to vote democratic
they will vote republican
but even less so for a rightwing republican
that sentiment is my experience in my relatively small sampling
the middle of the road not like Perry
again...I love Perry....but I also wanna WIN!
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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2011, 03:54:31 PM »
Then if they vote Democratic, they'll drill Romeny as well.  I mean if we're going to make our decisions on "group think", then I'll join the Democrat party. 

lemme be honest, I know you'll support whoever the candidate running against Obama will be.  MOST folks will as well.  And who's to say Romney won't have some major mishap during the campaign.  Something he wishes he could take back, or something one of his personal staffers did.  Something that may cause the whole campaign to implode.  You know the MSM will be hovering like flies, for just such a morsel.  In other words, you can't predict the future, so trying to make Romney into the "can't be beat" candidate, I think is a flawed track.

So, let's support who we can agree with on most/majority of the issues, and can still beat Obama.  Romneycare is a HUGE problem with this conservative, and though he's saying all the right things about state vs Fed interventions, it was the wrong tact and has been an abysmal failure, from what i've seen so far.  had he come out and aplogised for that, or demonstrated some sense that it was the wrong thing to do, then I could work with him much more.  As it is, he still tries to defend it. 

Perry has far better conservative credentials, and doesn't "panic" me, in the least.  Even your articles indicate that perry would likely beat Obama, just that Romney would beat him more.  Let's make this about what we can do to fix this mess Obama put us in, vs some referendum on merely beating him

Just my 2 cents, and please don't take it defensively or personally
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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2011, 04:12:00 PM »
oh dont worry SIRS
i am not taking it personal
(heck I think I'm one of your biggest fans in 3DHS)
we are having a civil "non-bomb-throwning" discussion
we both want the same destination
but we may slightly disagree on how to get there
believe me i am not anti-Perry
like I said...I have probably voted for Perry more than anyone in DebateGate

i am still undecided on who is the best candidate to nominate to win
i do honestly think there are many that think because Obama
has been such a failure....that it's basically gonna be a cakewalk
and "well whoever we nominate" will beat him
in my opinion thats total bullshit!
i strongly disagree with that thinking
once this race really gets going
and the major media, the unions, the leftist comedians,
Hollywood, Move.Org, Soros, ect...get really involved
this is gonna be a very nasty & much tighter race than most people think
the left and their beneficiaries are gonna fight like hell
to preserve their Santa Claus of "free" goodies.
See the angry nasty fight in Wis this year when "Santa Claus" is threatened!

If we were crazy enough to run a Palin or Bachmann
(and I love 'em both!)
in my opinion they would be DESTROYED...
I mean KNOCKED OUT...flat out on the mat
Obama Re-Elected...appointing more Kagans!

this is gonna be a nasty meaner than hell horse race...
too much is at stake for it not to be
but I think we are headed in the right direction with Romney or Perry
Heck thats all we really got
I still like Chris Christie....but I guess he's not running
Trump could run as a 3rd Party which would help re-elect Obama

so at this moment....i am undecided but lean towards Romney
but that could change....and I will be thrilled with either/or
none of them will make me 100% happy
just much happier than the 5% Obama happy rating
we'll see what happens Sirs!
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 04:25:27 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2011, 04:32:19 PM »
I strongly agree with you on 2 points

1) yes, you can't just throw anyone in and expect them to beat Obama.  As bad as he is (and its going to get worse), he has nearly the entire MSM bandwagon behind him, and he is the 1st incumbent black President.  So, the GOP best produce someone who is compotent, articulate, and NOT condescending or arrogant.  There are MANY that fit that mold, including messers Perry & Romney

2) It's going to get REALLY nasty.  Since the left has no record to run on, has no successes to tout, (ooops, my bad, they did get Usama & Obama's watch), the only thing left, is verbal barrages.  You think the race card is in play?....just wait until this time next year.  Pretty much ANY criticism of Obama will be casted as racist in its origin.  A vote against Obama is a vote by a virtual sheet covered racist.  They're already setting that stage with Sheila Jackson Lee's garbage about addressing President Obama vs Mr. Obama.  The entire Black Caucus (gads, can you imagine the outrage if we had a Congressional White Caucus) has been pushing vitriol that would have the MSM in an outrage if it were spoken by even a family member of a tea party player

That said, I'll support Romney if he gets the nod.  I hope its Perry.  I actually wish it were someone like Kasich or Christie, but those apparently don't seem to be current options

« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 05:11:47 PM by sirs »
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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2011, 04:38:59 PM »
I strongly agree with you on 2 points

1) yes, you can't just throw anyone in and expect them to beat Obama.  As bad as he is (and its going to get worse), he has nearly the entire MSM bandwagon behind him, and he is the 1st incumbant black President.  So, the GOP best produce someone who is compotent, articulate, and NOT condecesding or arrogant.  There are MANY that fit that mold, including messers Perry & Romney

2) It's going to get REALLY nasty.  Since the left has no record to run on, has no successes to tout, the only thing left, is vebal barrages.  You think the race card is in play?....just wait until this time next year.  Pretty much ANY criticism of Obama will be casted as racist in its origin.  A vote against Obama is a vote by a virtual sheet covered racist.  They're already setting that stage with Sheila Jackson Lee's garbage about addressing President Obama vs Mr. Obama.  The entire Black Caucus (gads, can you imagine the outrage if we had a Congressional White Caucus) has been pusing vitriole that would have the MSM in an outrage if it were spoken by even a family member of a tea party player

That said, I'll support Romney if he gets the nod.  I hope its Perry.  I actually wish it were someone like Kasich or Christie, but those apparently don't seem to be current options

Kasich, Christie & Perry, all Republican governors have moved their states into a better place for their citizens, someting even a moron like XO can't deny!! Clearly true Conservative/Republican policy works best in our way of life and freedom here in America. And just imagine they made it better for black people too, which Obama can't say he has been able to do under his twisted, misguided agenda.


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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2011, 04:46:23 PM »
2) It's going to get REALLY nasty.  Since the left has no record to run on, has no successes to tout, the only thing left, is verbal barrages.  You think the race card is in play?....just wait until this time next year.  Pretty much ANY criticism of Obama will be casted as racist in its origin.  A vote against Obama is a vote by a virtual sheet covered racist.  They're already setting that stage with Sheila Jackson Lee's garbage about addressing President Obama vs Mr. Obama.  The entire Black Caucus (gads, can you imagine the outrage if we had a Congressional White Caucus) has been pushing vitriol that would have the MSM in an outrage if it were spoken by even a family member of a tea party player

"The interesting question is: What is it about this president that has stripped away the veneer of respect that normally accompanies the Office of the President? Why do Republicans think this president is unpresidential and should dare to request this kind of thing? It strikes me that it could be the economic times, it could be that he won so big in 2008 or it could be, let's face it, the color of his skin. This is an extraordinary reaction to a normal sequence of events,"
MSNBC contributor Richard Wolffe said on "The Last Word."

See what I mean?

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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2011, 04:50:33 PM »
I strongly agree with you on 2 points
I'll support Romney if he gets the nod.  I hope its Perry.  I actually wish it were someone like Kasich or Christie, but those apparently don't seem to be current options

Kasich, Christie & Perry, all Republican governors have moved their states into a better place for their citizens, someting even a moron like XO can't deny!! Clearly true Conservative/Republican policy works best in our way of life and freedom here in America. And just imagine they made it better for black people too, which Obama can't say he has been able to do under his twisted, misguided agenda.

First, the liberal Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reluctantly admitted that New Hitler's Gov. Scott Walker's controversial budget and collective bargaining reforms are, in fact, working precisely as he predicted they would.  Now a second MSM source -- namely, a reporter at Good Day Wisconsin -- has concluded his own comprehensive examination of the law's immediate effects.  His review discovered (surprise!) "across the board" savings for school districts throughout Wisconsin -- some as high as seven figures this year alone.  These savings have not only allowed districts to avoid laying off the very teachers who most vehemently opposed the legislation, they also demonstrate that school districts had been locked into grossly overpaying for employees' health insurance because of onerous, unaffordable union contracts.  In other words, the Walker bill finally busted the racket:

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  Scott Walker must be recalled.  Go for it, Lefties.  Please.

Speaking of effective Executives
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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2011, 05:06:02 PM »
I strongly agree with you on 2 points
I'll support Romney if he gets the nod.  I hope its Perry.  I actually wish it were someone like Kasich or Christie, but those apparently don't seem to be current options

Kasich, Christie & Perry, all Republican governors have moved their states into a better place for their citizens, someting even a moron like XO can't deny!! Clearly true Conservative/Republican policy works best in our way of life and freedom here in America. And just imagine they made it better for black people too, which Obama can't say he has been able to do under his twisted, misguided agenda.

First, the liberal Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reluctantly admitted that New Hitler's Gov. Scott Walker's controversial budget and collective bargaining reforms are, in fact, working precisely as he predicted they would.  Now a second MSM source -- namely, a reporter at Good Day Wisconsin -- has concluded his own comprehensive examination of the law's immediate effects.  His review discovered (surprise!) "across the board" savings for school districts throughout Wisconsin -- some as high as seven figures this year alone.  These savings have not only allowed districts to avoid laying off the very teachers who most vehemently opposed the legislation, they also demonstrate that school districts had been locked into grossly overpaying for employees' health insurance because of onerous, unaffordable union contracts.  In other words, the Walker bill finally busted the racket:

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  Scott Walker must be recalled.  Go for it, Lefties.  Please.

Speaking of effective Executives

I forgot about Scott Walker. I bet if we look at all the R Govs, including Susana Martinez, we would find improvements in their states. This is why I say screw the R insiders and go with our gut which is to vote in a Conservative. Romney is too liberal for America.


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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2011, 08:13:34 PM »
Let the panic begin!

Rassmussen has it:

Perry 44
Obama 40


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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2011, 02:32:52 PM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Rick Perry has the Left in PANIC MODE!
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2011, 12:31:34 AM »

Perry calls Social Security, the most popular program the government has ever had "a Ponzi scheme".

He no doubt has far more stupid things to say. I imagine that he will put his foot in his mouth many times before the GOP Convention.

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