That was a good point about the KKK, but it ignores good and evil. My point was that collaborators and traitors will be executed, but I mis-stated it as "should" be executed because I wasn't thinking of other situations besides Iraq.
If the local population is basically evil, as in the U.S. South,.....
Oh, thank you all to pieces.
The South was invaded and repressed and fought back against what they saw as evil . The North exploited the South economically during the same period.
But was the subjectivity of evil and good diffrent in that time than this?
I believe differently than some of my ancestors , I believe that I can live in peace among people of diffrent races who can treat me with respect in reciprocity.
But by your formulation of invaders always failing , could there have been hope for such a thing?
Thomas Jefferson, as a Southerner, struggled with the inequity of treating Indians as disposable and Negroes as farm animals , his intelect was great enough to overcome his upbringing and recognize the injustice and institutional crime these polices actually were , he commented on them in these terms , but he could not find a way out of the trap that the previous generations had dug. He considered the crime so unforgivable that repression of the wronged was essential to survival .
The generations that followed Jefferson mostly dug this debt deeper , without the influence of outsiders , this situation might have lasted a lot longer , or gotten worse , or worst of all lasted without mitigation until the present day.
So don't tell my buddies at the
Sons Of The Confederacy (all great guys) but I am glad my side lost.