<<The majority of Iraq walked through fire to vote.>>
Well, that's obvious bullshit, for many reasons. First of all, the "elections" were held under the guns of a foreign occupation army and its chosen puppets. You would have to be a pretty stupid fucking Iraqi NOT to vote when the puppets and their masters told you to vote. These people understand that the party in power makes lists, and if you get on one of those lists, very bad things can happen to you. So it really boils down to, Who are you more afraid of, the Resistance who MIGHT get you or the Occupation which can and will? The elections have no legitimacy whatsoever. They're an illegal sham conducted under an illegal occupation. Fooling exactly nobody. Except maybe you.
Secondly, I really don't know where you get this "majority" BS. There has never been any kind of legitimate accounting for this figure.
<<The percentage of turnout supplied by Ayar [Farid Ayar was the Vice President of the Iraqi Higher Independent Election Commission] came to
57% (happily rounded off by the press to 60%).
This was based on what was described as 14 million potential voters divided by those 8 million who braved the potential bullets and bombs to go to the polls. <<On Sunday, while hailing the millions going to the polls,
I also raised questions about the 14 million eligible figure: was that registered voters, or all adults over 18, or what? Few on TV or in print seem to be quite sure, to this day. >>
The issue of the 14 million was raised by a reader-contributor to Daily Kos:
<<there hasn't been a reliable census in the country in ages, and estimates of the population vary widely, with 25 million being at the very low end. In early 2003 (pre-invasion), the Iraqi Ministry of Trade and Planning released the figure of 27.5 million (this number was to be used for calculations for the Oil-for-Food Program), while the CIA's World Factbook gives an estimate some 2 million lower. It would seem like the 14 million figure was merely derived by taking the low-end estimate of the entire population and multiplying it by 56%, the share of the population estimated (again) to be of voting age. >>
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/2/3/134855/3139In other words, the 57% figure (automatically inflated to 60% in most Western MSM accounts) is the result of the eligible-voter figure, which is based on . . . nothing. 60% can be adjusted up or down depending on where you want the eligible-voter number to be. Once again, it seems, you have been conned.
Report, IRIN, 12 January 2005
<<Q. There are rumours that people have been told at food rations distribution centres that if they don't go to vote they will not receive their food rations in 2005. Is that true?
<<A. It's a democracy; we won't do that, but if there are people forcing others to vote it's something out from our hands. Maybe they are doing that to persuade people to vote.>>
http://electroniciraq.net/news/1780.shtmlSo, whatever that "majority" walked "through fire" for could just as easily been ration cards as democracy.
But even if there had been a real majority of the eligible voting population (60% as the MSM falsely claimed) that voted, it wouldn't mean much. The split was clearly along religious lines. The Shi'a voted because they knew the democratic constitution would give them power over the Sunni. The Sunni didn't vote because they knew the system was rigged to give power to their religious adversaries.
For democracy to work, you need first and foremost the consent of most of the population to abide by the results of the vote. If you have a determined minority who won't abide by it, it just won't work. What you are lacking is the consent of most of the population to the system. 51% or even 60% isn't nearly enough. I know it's not fair, but it's life. You're an individualist. You wouldn't like the Federal Government taking your money for things you don't approve of, even if it's a majority government. Why would you approve of them forcing a whole method of decision-making down your throat if you don't agree to it in the first place?