Just for clarification, are you saying that the Solyndra executives should act against the legal advice given them and waive their 5th amendment rights because of how the press may or may not portray that action?
It wreaks of something that was "inappropriate" at minimum, and criminal at worst. The 5th is specifically used because of something you may say is likely to inCRIMInate you, i.e. there was a CRIME possibly performed. This isn't some military covert action, where divulging secrets may risk the lives or methods used. The press is far more likely to stick with the status quo, and stay largely mum, outside of just making the incidental report,...
oh by the way, the Solydra execs are pleading the 5th, now we return you to the far more important news of how Republicans refuse to compromise and are thwarting Obama's efforts to turn our economy & unemployment around And could you clarify who you are referring to when you say the MSM would be having a fit if this were Exxon and the Administration was GOP. The reason i asked is because reuters is reporting this planned exercise of 5th amendment rights and i wasn't sure when they lost their main stream media designation.
MSM --> messers ABC, NBC, CBS, all the Cable News Services, the ongoing standard of national news reporting such as the NY Times & Washington Post. Yes, a trickle of news is starting to come out, because of just how bad the cronyism, being demonstrated by this administration is. Point being, if this were Bush and Exxon, this would have been MSM news, 24/7, right out of the gate, and not some half hearted, have-to-report-it-if-we-must, kind of trickle. And I think you know that. At least, I would have assumed such