<<You really know nothing of the fighting that happened in Iraq during Saddam Husseins tenure?
Or Before ?>>
Yes, I know a lot about it. It was minimal, much less than the carnage that we are witnessing now thanks to the American intervention. A lot of it was due to U.S. instigation, including the Iran-Iraq war and the Kurdish and Shi'ite revolts, which only bolsters my point.
<<Or the history of the expantion of Islam across Asia , which every Imam in Iraq and Iran would call glourious?>>
And the expansion of Christianity across the New World or even Europe itself, what would every priest and preacher call that, disgraceful?
<<My assertions seem fantastic to you bvecause you have not been paying attenton to history .>>
On the contrary, they seem fantastic to me because they are so anti-historical. The fact that Saddam would attack the U.S.A. for one example, everything you have asserted in this post for another.
<<Did you not note that an oil shortae caused the biggest oil companys in the USA to harvest record profits?>>
Well, how much bigger would those profits have been if the bastards had a monopoly on the output of the Iraqi wells? Use your imagination, plane - - Cheney sure as hell uses his.
<<These guys do not want to have lots of Oil ,they want to have lots of money, this is a goal that can be approached by many paths.>>
Tell me about it.
<<Iraq should auction its oil for the best price it can get , I do hope that there is some money for Americans in these deals , but what will prevent French firms from bidding?>>
Oh, nothing, plane, nothing at all. Why don't you invest in a few shares of French oil companies? WOW are you naive. The U.S. goes to the trouble of invading the fucking country, losing thousands of lives and half a trillion dollars to get its hands on those wells, gets their puppet government to privatize the oil industry and pay 70%* to the foreigners who will condescend to exploit the resources, and then turns around and gives away the contracts to . . . the French?
* figure presented in the draft legislation, obviously the legislature will be permitted to whittle this down somewhat to allow at least the pretence of independence.