JS WROTE: It was obvious that the mushroom cloud Condi was referring to was an atomic weapon threatening the US.
sirs REPLIED: As I said, obvious to morons, perhaps
sirs QUOTED: Quote from: Xavier_Onassis on January 16, 2007, 11:47:14 PM
Why else would she have said it in reference to the need to overthrow Saddam?
sirs REPLIED: Asked and answered already. It was not THE reason to take out Saddam. The PRIMARY reason was to take out his current non-nuclear WMD threat. Along with that threat he posed, was also to prevent him from aquiring a nuke, PERIOD
What I love about sirs is his ability, first of all, to deny obvious historical fact; his denial that the Bush administration had ever raised the spectre of nuclear anihilation as a justification for the invasion of Iraq. Never happened.
So an obvious example of just such a thing happening is easily found: Condi's statement that they can't afford to hold off further action to look for the smoking gun, because they don't want the smoking gun to turn into a mushroom cloud.
THAT doesn't count because it wasn't "meant seriously," it was something only a moron could believe. Well, one might ask, who cares who Condi was trying to scare, the morons (who vote in the tens of millions in the U.S., apparently,) or anyone else. The words were said, the scare tactic was used, perhaps on morons, or perhaps Condi likes to flatter herself that some non-morons listen in on her speeches from time to time.)
At this point, we have a clear-cut example of something having been said that sirs had assured us all had never been said. Whether it was said to morons (a sizeable portion of the American electorate, obviously, perhaps even a majority) or to morons and non-morons alike, would seem to be immaterial.
What sirs had claimed had never been said, had in fact been said, and very clearly and succinctly said at that. By no less an authority than Condoleeza Rice herself.
sirs then goes on to re-invent history. "The PRIMARY reason to take out Saddam was the non-nuclear WMD threat." Now I don't know about you, but I can't recall a single instance of anyone in the Bush administration taking the trouble to distinguish the various kinds of WMD threats and identifying the "non-nuclear WMD threat" as the "PRIMARY" threat requiring immediate action, but who am I? Does Bush give me private briefings? Apparently, sirs gets them, because unlike the rest of us, he seems to have identified "non-nuclear WMD's" as the "PRIMARY" threat. Either that or he just makes up incredible shit as he goes along, fabricating more phony "historical record" to prop up whatever obvious bullshit the diarrhoea in his brain is spilling out through his keyboard at warp speed.
You can't really argue with this guy because you are going to spend at least three-quarters of your time debunking the phony history that he keeps generating as fast as his fingers can type it.