<<"America" does not need to be convinced to go to war against Iraq, only the members of Congress.>>
Very good, and an A+ in civics for you, little boy.
Now in the real world, it is generally considered wise for the members of the Congress to have the U.S. public behind them when they vote to make war, otherwise civic discord can develop. In their wisdom, members of Congress and the Executive Brance realize this, even if you and sirs don't, and they make some considerable effort to persuade the public that what they are doing is right.
I'm talking of course of the real world, something that you and sirs seem to have minimal acquaintance with.
Now it was in the course of attempting to secure that public support that the Bush administration unleashed upon the American people a flood of lies and bullshit the likes of which have never before been experienced in the life of the nation. I guess if they had read your post first, they wouldn't have bothered, but whattayagonnado?