Author Topic: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company  (Read 7157 times)

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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2011, 06:23:44 PM »
Your indignation is nothing more than a pose.

I am not indignant - just pointing out that you pretty much do nothing but call people who disagree with you "Nazis". Sometimes you're more creative about it, but that's pretty much all you do.

  Not true , when the person who disagrees with him is black he calls him an "unkle Tom".


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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2011, 06:28:09 PM »
<<Bad week for the leftest gang>>

Obama a leftist?  LMFAO. 

BHO is as left as can possibly be elected in the USA.

It is time for the pendlum to swing back,

it won't help to minimise the genuine leftness of Obama

Now we should straighten our course by electing the most right canadate we can.

Michael Tee

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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2011, 06:51:24 PM »
<<BHO is as left as can possibly be elected in the USA.>>

That is absurd.  He's a charlatan, talks left, walks right.  You need the real thing.  Further to the left than FDR.  Further than Kucinich.  You need REAL left and those folks occupying Wall Street aren't fooled one bit by Obama's phony bullshit.

<<It is time for the pendlum to swing back,>>

Yeah - - before it's swung forward.  Guys like you never get it, plane.  You're part of the problem, not part of the solution.  "More of same!  More of same!" is not only your motto, but the only thing you know.  You'll probably get your wish, which is OK with me, because I'm a big believer in things having to get worse before they can get better.  In which case, Cain, Perry or Bachman will do just fine, Romney might just slow down the rot a little better than the others, but he'll sure give Wall Street a free hand to continue doing what they do best - - scamming, ripping off, defrauding.


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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2011, 06:58:12 PM »
Your indignation is nothing more than a pose.

I am not indignant - just pointing out that you pretty much do nothing but call people who disagree with you "Nazis". Sometimes you're more creative about it, but that's pretty much all you do.

  Not true , when the person who disagrees with him is black he calls him an "unkle Tom".

"unkle Tom"

Which we all agree is same as calling him a house nigger.

Well, besides the obvious, another good thing about airing people like Thomas Sowell and black men like Herman Cain running for POTUS is it brings out of the woodwork a pair of racist Democrat sympathizers.  Two resident racists are XO and Mikey. These two have called just about every black person they dislike Uncle Toms. And to think they have been labeling others racists for an awfully long time and somewhat getting away with it.

XO thought it was funny when a racist cartoon came out about Condoleezza Rice.

Let's not forget that these two bigots have used some exceedingly foul terminology to excoriate women they dislike. Women, and mothers of small children like Sarah Palin, and then there's Condoleezza Rice, & Michelle Bachmann. So XO & Mikey aren't limited to just being a pair of racists, they hate women too. I think children of people they hate also get similar treatment from them.

So there you have it, two highly opinionated people that are as left as anyone could possibly be and they have not even a shred of kindness towards people that don't ascribe to their point of view.

I dare say this is the same mentality that causes holocausts & ethnic cleansing all over the globe. A special kind of intolerance that crosses over to hate, which in turn can incite other like-minded people to do very harmful things to innocent people.

And they are OK with Al Sharpton's international attempts to pin rape & battery charges against innocent white people (on two seperate occasions) and ruin innocent peoples lives to feed a movement. All because Al Sharpton mirrors their sick point of view and agenda and Al is fighting for their cause which is his cause. Just another form of racism that they condone. Therefore it's really really hard not to conclude, with so many examples, that these two are indeed a couple of hard core racists.


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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2011, 07:25:34 PM »
<<BHO is as left as can possibly be elected in the USA.>>

That is absurd.  He's a charlatan, talks left, walks right

Not at all.....Domestically he talked left, legislated left, campaigned  center left, then attempted to legislate hard left, as president.  As I said, your beef is in his not being a strong enough leader to get what he wanted.  Dems tried to walk the election tightrope and only give him Socialist-lite.  They thought wrong, and the Dems got creamed during the mid elections

I completely support your effort to run a candidate as hard left as you can get.  The farther left, the greater the Conservative victory. 

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2011, 07:31:39 PM »
Sorry, Kramer, but Michelle Bachmann is one crazy bitch, Palin the same only a helluva lot dumber and Sowell and Cain a pair of Uncle Toms way out on their own as far as the black community is concerned.  The Rev. Al said (and jokingly, but I got the point) that he wouldn't vote for Cain even if he were running against a white person, and that's conceding that Cain is a lot "blacker" than Obama.  Cain lost it when he came out swinging against his own people as being mostly "brainwashed" and closed-minded, then made a few more Uncle Tom remarks in the days following until he cleaned up his act for national exposure, a trifle too late for the "Uncle Tom" brand to be washed off so easily or at all.

Your cries of racism and sexism are kind of comical, especially when I recall the way the conservatives ducked every which way to avoid condemning REAL racist bastards like George Allen, Trent Lott, Strom Thurmond et al.  Methinks the lady doth protest too much, gentlemen.  Your hysterical indignation against "racists" like XO and me is a little over-the-top, no?  Just a wee bit hypocritical?  Just a leeetle bit phony?

The Reverend Al is a life-long fighter against racial injustice, who put his life on the line many times, and has the scars to prove it.  Unlike the candy-ass whites who claim to be horrified by the man.  To reject his entire career of fighting against racism and injustice because of his being taken in by Tawana Brawley about 40 years ago proves only the total moral and factual bankruptcy of his opponents.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 08:12:54 PM by Michael Tee »

Michael Tee

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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2011, 07:35:07 PM »
<<I completely support your effort to run a candidate as hard left as you can get. >>

LOL.  sirs, we're gonna make a great team.


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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2011, 07:49:31 PM »
Sorry, Kramer, but Michelle Bachmann is one crazy bitch, Palin the same only a helluva lot dumber and Sowell and Cain a pair of Uncle Toms way out on their own as far as the black community is concerned.  The Rev. Al said (and jokingly, but I got the point) that he wouldn't vote for Cain even if he were running against a white person, and that's conceding that Cain is a lot "blacker" than Obama.  Cain lost it when he came out swinging against his own people as being mostly "brainwashed" and closed-minded, then made a few more Uncle Tom remarks in the days following until he cleaned up his act for national exposure, a trifle too late for the "Uncle Tom" brand to be washed off so easily or at all.

Your cries of racism and sexism are kind of comical, especially when I recall the way the conservatives ducked every which way to avoid condemning REAL racist bastards like George Allen, Trent Lott, Strom Thurmond et all.  Methinks the lady doth protest too much, gentlemen.  Your hysterical indignation against "racists" like XO and me is a little over-the-top, no?  Just a wee bit hypocritical?  Just a leeetle bit phony?

The Reverend Al is a life-long fighter against racial injustice, who put his life on the line many times, and has the scars to prove it.  Unlike the candy-ass whites who claim to be horrified by the man.  To reject his entire career of fighting against racism and injustice because of his being taken in by Tawana Brawley about 40 years ago proves only the total moral and factual bankruptcy of his opponents.

I can see that you might have to be interned into a reeducation camp to cure your racist & sexist tendencies. Also I believe the Duke Lacrosse case was in 2007.

So Michelle Bachmann is crazy, and Pelosi is sane, and Palin is dumb?


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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #38 on: October 23, 2011, 07:52:30 PM »
So Michelle Bachmann is crazy, and Pelosi is sane, and Palin is dumb?

That is pretty much it. Pelosi is also pretty smart
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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2011, 07:57:06 PM »
So Michelle Bachmann is crazy, and Pelosi is sane, and Palin is dumb?

That is pretty much it. Pelosi is also pretty smart

Maybe I should switch over to your side.

Michael Tee

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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #40 on: October 23, 2011, 08:21:15 PM »
<<So Michelle Bachmann is crazy, and Pelosi is sane, and Palin is dumb?>>

You pretty much got that right, Kramer, although I am a huge NON-fan of Pelosi.  She blew it when she said that Bush's impeachment was off the table after the 2006 elections.  If you want to see the full extent to which this fucking bitch sold out the left, here it is:


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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #41 on: October 23, 2011, 08:24:38 PM »
<<I completely support your effort to run a candidate as hard left as you can get. >>

LOL.  sirs, we're gonna make a great team.

You betcha.  Let's get that Kucinich campaign jumpstarted.  Let's start seeing those campaign commercials for any and all Dems....."MORE new Taxes!!...MORE new taxes!!"
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Re: Here's a bad omen for Obama & Company
« Reply #42 on: October 24, 2011, 03:45:18 AM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle