No, as I already clearly stated, which you continue to try to turn upside down, the article was in a far lesser news source, and the fact its NOT being reported in the far larger and more predominant sources, like the Washington Post, nor a peep heard on any of the major news networks, is precisely the butressing I've demonstrated in presenting just the latest bias effort.
The question then has been WILL the more predominant sources follow-up with their own reporting, or will it go ignored. Why you keep ignoring precisely that major point, and instead trying to affix that the article posted supposedly refutes it, is the misrepresentation in question
And I have no end game. Never have despite your continued efforts to imply I must have one, be it legislation or some other form of regulation of the press. You keep pushing that misrepresenting tactic as well. Then when I repeat the prior point, now I'm playing the victim card......that you can't be bothered to demonstrate either.
Must be nice to sit there and throw all forms of allegations at me, and see if something, anything sticks. I have to wonder why I've been blessed with such a calling of yours