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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #45 on: November 03, 2011, 10:01:50 PM »
Plane, have they looked into Solar Panels?

Obama's energy dept will likely FULLY fund the venture so the world can be saved from Global Warming. Plus it would create jobs too.


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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2011, 12:06:51 AM »
An oil fired carrier would stay in China's home neighborhood.


Do US carriers propelled by oil stay in our neighborhood?

If the US Navy and the Japanese Navy had stayed in its neighborhood,  had stayed in its own neighborhood, there would have been no WWII in the Pacific.
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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2011, 12:35:48 AM »
An oil fired carrier would stay in China's home neighborhood.


Do US carriers propelled by oil stay in our neighborhood?

If the US Navy and the Japanese Navy had stayed in its neighborhood,  had stayed in its own neighborhood, there would have been no WWII in the Pacific.

     The US Navy refuels at sea, better than other navys.
     During WWII this developed into a big advantage.
      I watched Soviet ships refuel at sea in 1980 , they were pathetic.
        If the Chineese want an Atomic carrier , they want the range, the prestige is there too.


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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2011, 01:33:32 AM »
This desire for an atomic carrier is more like a keeping up with the Joneses sort of thing. The Chinese Admirals would certainly like more prestige. The Chinese are not noted for aquatic derring-do, the Chinese Navy pretty much outranks the Austrian Navy or the Swiss Navy, but the Argentine Navy has somewhat more glory, as does the Brazilian Navy.

I agree that the Chinese want prestige. But it is questionable that the expenditure will ever be worth it.
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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2011, 01:53:10 AM »
They want more than prestige. They want more control over shipping lanes, a presence in the gulf, the abilit to project power through out Asia, etc. An aircraft carrier, and its flotilla, are very impressive, they represent the country of origin as nothing else can. But they are first and foremost a floating platform from which to operate in areas far from home, without airfields, bases, and so forth.


Michael Tee

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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2011, 02:11:47 AM »
I tend to agree with plane on this carrier issue.  China needs longer range for projection of power. 

A shining example of China's need to project power was in Libya.  Thirty thousand Chinese oilfield workers were airlifted out of Libya as the war there heated up.  The Chinese couldn't do a God-damn thing to protect their oil interests there against NATO.  A couple of Chinese carriers in the Mediterranean would have made all the difference to the Chinese and Ghaddafi.  Carriers with fuel tankers in tow are just presenting the fuel tankers as extra targets for the enemy; at the very least, the carriers' jets have to busy themselves with the defence of the tankers, which when they're already far from home is a waste of their resources.  Even worse if the tankers are sunk or burned, where the hell are the carriers then?   Much better that the carriers are nuclear-fueled.

As China's economy grows even bigger over the next two decades, they are going to need lots and lots more oil - - this fucking bullshit of the U.S. and its NATO partners chasing the Chinese out of every foreign oil patch they invest in is going to have to stop, and stop fast.  Hence the rebuilt carrier and the three more soon to be built from scratch.

As for sirs' claims that the sexual abuse allegations against Cain are unfounded:  Bullshit!  Cain is trapped in his own lies, first that there was no settlement, then that it was small, "only" a few thousand bucks, then it turns out that there WAS a settlement and it was for one of the women $35,000 or a YEAR'S pay, not the "two or three months'  pay" that Cain first said it was.

This can get messier.  As the media presses for the victims' stories, Cain will be forced into the position of refusing to release them from any confidentiality agreements they may have signed.  He can't win - - it's "cover-up" if he succeeds in silencing the victims, and it's a messy situation if they are allowed to voice their accusations in public.  There's also the third victim to consider.  What the hell is SHE going to say and when if ever will she be dropping her bombshell?

Personally, if I were Cain, I'd let the whole story air now - - the accusations don't seem to go beyond suggestive talk, which a lot of people (myself included) don't consider to be such a BFD, especially when, as seems to be the case here, all parties were drinking fairly heavily at the time.  I think, as long as there was no groping or force involved, there could even be a sympathy vote for Cain, as in "WTF is the BFD here?  This guy is being crucified for nothing."  OTOH, if Cain obstructs the release of the victims' stories (by refusing to release them from their confidentiality agreements,) then people will start to call him "pervert" with some justification, the thinking being, "Well, if there weren't something to cover up, he'd release the victims from the confidentiality agreement." 

The bottom line is that a $35,000 settlement (which Cain already lied about at least twice) is not chickenshit.  At this point, most people who aren't totally brain-dead would probably conclude that there was some basis to the accusations.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 02:20:56 AM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2011, 02:19:31 AM »
Only to those who want there to be one
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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #52 on: November 04, 2011, 02:21:30 AM »
Cain doesn't have the power to release the agreements. He isn't a party to them. The agreements are between the National Restaurant Association and the women.


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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #53 on: November 04, 2011, 02:22:14 AM »
Cain is trapped in his own lies, first that there was no settlement, then that it was small, "only" a few thousand bucks, then it turns out that there WAS a settlement and it was for one of the women $35,000 or a YEAR'S pay, not the "two or three months'  pay" that Cain first said it was.

I don't think he lied. As he recollected what happened he was honest about it. He hasn't ducked the question on any interviews.

This whole ordeal has made me want to support Cain even more because I am pissed off about the unfairness of the whole thing. And I doubt I'm the only one.


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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #54 on: November 04, 2011, 02:37:07 AM »
Have you noticed since the "storm" RR?....Cain's donations have increased substantially, and he's now outpolling Romney by 3points      8)
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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #55 on: November 04, 2011, 02:41:08 AM »
This is a non-issue because Cain is a non-issue. Further, the guy should go home so the party can get down to the business at hand. And the business at hand for the Republicans is putting together a team that can defeat the present White House occupant.


Michael Tee

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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #56 on: November 04, 2011, 02:46:58 AM »
For sure, those who WANT to find a basis for believing in the accusations against Cain will find it in the $35K settlement.

Let's consider those who DON'T want to find a basis for believing the accusations or don't care one way or the other, or who are just interested in finding out what really happened - - only if they were fucking morons could they possibly believe that the $35K settlement itself was made for a baseless charge.  That was a full year's pay to the woman who got it.  As I said, it's far from chickenshit, especially if there was no assault involved.

Bottom line is, the $35K settlement should indicate that the claim was far from "baseless" AND Cain's reluctance to speak the truth on this matter - - that he knew of no settlement, then that he DID know of an "agreement" but that an "agreement" is not a "settlement" - - and then that the sum paid was a few thousand dollars for just a few months' pay, and then it turns out it was $35K for a full year's pay?  Come on!!!  The $35K settlement alone is a strong indication that the accusations were far from baseless; add to that Cain's lies piled one on top of another and you've got a fairly good indication (a) that the accusations were solidly based and (b) that Cain is just another God-damned liar, no worse than any other politician in that regard, but certainly no better.  Oh, and then there is the third accuser, AND the former staffer who claims to have witnessed one of the harrassments in front of a restaurant.

Baseless?  Baseless, my ass.

BT - - You are correct, the Restaurant Association has the right to release the women from the confidentiality agreement.  Cain still has a right to request his personal file from the Association which would include notice of the accusations made against him by the women.  He probably also has the right to demand the Association's record of its investigation of the allegations.  He can also provide a written direction to the Association to release the women from their non-disclosure clauses.  My guess is that he will do NONE of these things, nor anything else that the women's lawyers or the media's lawyers may suggest that he do to facilitate the release of the allegations and the investigation.  He will do everything that he can to ensure that this bone stays buried.  The rest of us can draw our own conclusions as to his motives for so doing.


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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #57 on: November 04, 2011, 02:48:45 AM »
Yeah that's why they hold primaries. To choose the guy who will go up against the incumbent. I believe Iowa is Jan 3rd 2012, followed by NH on Jan 10, followed by SC Jan 17. Things will be clearer then,

Meanwhile down ticket the tea party can work on bolstering their numbers in the house and senate.


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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #58 on: November 04, 2011, 02:55:12 AM »
For sure, those who WANT to find a basis for believing in the accusations against Cain will find it in the $35K settlement.

Which again is between the association and the "women", not Cain.  The amount is consistent with a termination.  The current record to date has some woman being made to feel "uncomfortable".  HARDLY the hands of a rapist and thug, who then became heralded as one of our supposed best Presidents....ironically labed as our "1st black president"

This is a non-issue because Cain is a non-issue. Further, the guy should go home so the party can get down to the business at hand. And the business at hand for the Republicans is putting together a team that can defeat the present White House occupant.

And so far polling has ANY GOP candidate beating Obama, which would include *gasp* Michelle Bachmann. 

Sorry to tell you this, but Cain's grasp of economic and business dynamics are a dead-on issue, as it relates to the current mess our present White House occupant, has put us in, and what the country is currently starving for
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Re: Cain on Foreign Policy
« Reply #59 on: November 04, 2011, 02:59:30 AM »
For sure, those who WANT to find a basis for believing in the accusations against Cain will find it in the $35K settlement.

Let's consider those who DON'T want to find a basis for believing the accusations or don't care one way or the other, or who are just interested in finding out what really happened - - only if they were fucking morons could they possibly believe that the $35K settlement itself was made for a baseless charge.  That was a full year's pay to the woman who got it.  As I said, it's far from chickenshit, especially if there was no assault involved.

Bottom line is, the $35K settlement should indicate that the claim was far from "baseless" AND Cain's reluctance to speak the truth on this matter - - that he knew of no settlement, then that he DID know of an "agreement" but that an "agreement" is not a "settlement" - - and then that the sum paid was a few thousand dollars for just a few months' pay, and then it turns out it was $35K for a full year's pay?  Come on!!!  The $35K settlement alone is a strong indication that the accusations were far from baseless; add to that Cain's lies piled one on top of another and you've got a fairly good indication (a) that the accusations were solidly based and (b) that Cain is just another God-damned liar, no worse than any other politician in that regard, but certainly no better.  Oh, and then there is the third accuser, AND the former staffer who claims to have witnessed one of the harrassments in front of a restaurant.

Baseless?  Baseless, my ass.

BT - - You are correct, the Restaurant Association has the right to release the women from the confidentiality agreement.  Cain still has a right to request his personal file from the Association which would include notice of the accusations made against him by the women.  He probably also has the right to demand the Association's record of its investigation of the allegations.  He can also provide a written direction to the Association to release the women from their non-disclosure clauses.  My guess is that he will do NONE of these things, nor anything else that the women's lawyers or the media's lawyers may suggest that he do to facilitate the release of the allegations and the investigation.  He will do everything that he can to ensure that this bone stays buried.  The rest of us can draw our own conclusions as to his motives for so doing.

35-45K is chicken feed in these types of suits where the insurance company pays for the case to co away. And it might be that the insurance company has the final say on the disposition of those records.

The worst thing i have heard so far is that Cain supposedly told a female staff member of an Iowa radio host that she sure was pretty. The Mandingo musk must have been overwhelming. Sheesh. How dare a black man speak with such familiarity to a white woman. Let's get a friggin rope boys.