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A military war of nerves against Iran:
« on: November 02, 2011, 07:21:17 PM »
A military war of nerves against Iran:
The US leads, Israel and UK go along
DEBKAfile Special Report
November 2, 2011, 10:46 PM (GMT+02:00)

HMS Astute: British nuclear attack submarine

The sudden rush of military news Wednesday, Nov. 2, was part of an orchestrated Western performance to persuade Tehran that the US, Britain and Israel are on the verge of a military operation against its nuclear installations. The show, directed from Washington, was meant to warn Iran that  military punishment was in store unless it gives up its drive for a nuclear weapon. If Tehran continues to hold out, President Barack Obama may decide to strike Revolutionary Guards Corps, the bulwark of the Islamic regime, as well as its strategic infrastructure, thereby removing key props holding up the regime of the ayatollahs.

Contributing to the menacing climate hanging over Iran were four headline events involving Israel ? all on the same Wednesday: Israel conducted a successful test launch of a new intercontinental ballistic missile, Jericho 3, which foreign sources report is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead 7,000 kilometers.

After that, the IDF released photographs of Israeli Air Force squadron leaders reporting from Italian air base runways  to the media on joint exercises they had conducted in long-range maneuvers with the Italian air force "and other NATO nations," to familiarize the IAF with NATO military tactics.

The inference was clear: The Israeli Air Force was strengthening its cooperation with Western allies in preparation for a NATO assault on Iran. The IAF also got a chance to study the lessons Western alliance air force tacticians had drawn from the eight-month Libyan operation which ended on Oct. 31.

Next, the IDF's Home Command announced a large-scale anti-missile exercise in central Israel starting Thursday morning, Nov. 3. Finally, Defense Minister Ehud Barak left for an unscheduled trip to London shortly after a secret visit to Israel by the British chief of staff General Sir David Richards earlier this week as guest of Israel's top soldier Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz.
If the British general was in Israel only this week, why was Barak is such a hurry to visit London?

The answer came from the British media, which reported as soon as he arrived that the Ministry of Defense in London had accelerated and upgraded its contingency planning for participation in a US-led assault on Iran. They carried an account of plans for deploying large naval units including submarines to the Persian Gulf.

The UK was reported to have asked Washington for permission to station its fighter-bombers on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia for launching bombing sorties against Iran.

This whirlwind of military activity was said to have been prompted by the approaching publication of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Iran report next Tuesday, Nov. 8 and the conclusion the nuclear watchdog had reached: Inside 12 months, Iran will have tucked all its nuclear and ballistic missile facilities away in deep underground tunnels where they will be invulnerable to attack.

A potential US-British strike to pre-empt this move would also be timed for the run-up to America's next presidential election in November 2012.

debkafile's military sources report that if the US, Britain and other NATO nations, such as France, Italy and Germany, participate in the attack, Israel will not. Its army, air force and navy will defend the home front, be available to engage Iran's allies to prevent them from striking the assault forces from the rear, and act as a strategic reserve. The danger would come from Syria, the Lebanese Hizballah, and the Palestinian Hamas and Jihad Islami in the Gaza Strip.

These contingency plans are subject to changes, especially if President Obama and other NATO allies decide after all against attacking Iran in the coming year. The hyperactivity will then subside and Israel will be thrown back on the dilemma of having to decide whether or not to conduct a lone military operation against Iran.

There is not much time for contemplation. Syria and Hizballah are reported by debkafile's military sources to be in the throes of separate preparations for attacking Israel if their respective grips on power are shaken. For now, those sources rate the chances of Israel facing a military clash with Syria and/or Hizballah much higher than a NATO-Israeli showdown being mounted against Iran.
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 09:16:03 PM »
Since we pay Israel the big bucks it only makes sense she take out Iran so we can get our monies worth.


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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2011, 11:09:01 PM »
Herman The Pervert Cain said in an interview tonight, "If this exercise works on Iran I'm going to recommend we do the same thing to China. ............................what?..........................huh?..............China already has nuclear weapons?....................................."



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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 01:15:32 PM »
Debkaflies again. Bah!

Isreal is not going to go against Iran with any sort of weapons without clearing it with Washington first. Everyone knows this. Conventional weapons would not sufficiently cripple Iran, and nukes would a major disaster for US foreign policy throughout the region.

So all they will have is this war of words. Shouting stupid threats at each other, as always. Debkaflies needs some debkaddt sprayed on it. No one believes these fools anymore. They are the Little Boy that only knows how to cry wolf.
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2011, 01:22:20 PM »
Herman The Pervert Cain said in an interview tonight, "If this exercise works on Iran I'm going to recommend we do the same thing to China. ............................what?..........................huh?..............China already has nuclear weapons?....................................."

Yea, I think we all know that already.  But......did you know they don't have nuclear powered aircraft carriers yet?? 

So, putting that aside & putting aside also the unsubstantiated hear say, compared to a certain prior President who was not only accused of far more, but by actual sources, why this bitter hatred aimed at the man, Herman Cain??  Inquiring minds, and all that
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2011, 01:22:32 PM »
Debkaflies again. Bah!

Isreal is not going to go against Iran with any sort of weapons without clearing it with Washington first. Everyone knows this. Conventional weapons would not sufficiently cripple Iran, and nukes would a major disaster for US foreign policy throughout the region.

So all they will have is this war of words. Shouting stupid threats at each other, as always. Debkaflies needs some debkaddt sprayed on it. No one believes these fools anymore. They are the Little Boy that only knows how to cry wolf.

Israel will do what it has to do without checking with the boy president.


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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2011, 01:55:52 PM »
Israel will ask for permission no matter who runs this country.

They won't get permission to use nukes from any sane US president.
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2011, 02:01:36 PM »
Nor do they need it
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2011, 02:05:36 PM »
If Israel mongers a war, they will need spare parts and ammo from the US, as well as some sort of propaganda support to prevent other countries from slapping embargoes on them. Most of the rest of the world hates Israel even more than they hate Iran.

They will not monger a war without permission from the US, no matter what you say.
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2011, 02:08:36 PM »
And what I say is ANY sovereign country has the right to defend itself in any matter, it deems necessary.....permission be damned.  Especially an allie to the U.S.
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2011, 03:02:22 PM »
Israel would not have the right to attack Iran unless it was attacked first. That is the rule. Sure, Israeli COULD attack. But it won't.

Note that Israel and Iran do not share a common boundary. The only motive either would have it to take out the others' weapons. Any attack on Israel with nukes would kill Palestinians, who are mostly all Sunnis. Not a wise thing for Iran to do. Any attack on Iran by Israel would be seen as having US approval, whether they had it or not.

Debkaflies is full of debkacrap.

As for carriers, why would the US being attacked by a small carrier be worse or more likely than an attack by a large one? A carrier has to be pretty large because it has to serve as an airstrip. Assuming the Chinese are not planning an attack with helicopters.

Your whole argument makes no real sense.  You are now free to begin spewing irrelevant nonsense to cover up the silliness of the original post.
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2011, 03:20:04 PM »
ANY sovereign country has the right to defend itself in any matter, it deems necessary.....permission be damned
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2011, 04:26:05 PM »
In the mythical Land of Sirs, all wars are legitimate, so long as sirs approves.
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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2011, 06:34:23 PM »
In the mythical Land of Sirs, all wars are legitimate, so long as sirs approves.

Doesn't that work in the Mythical Land of XO too?


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Re: A military war of nerves against Iran:
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2011, 06:37:59 PM »
In the mythical Land of Sirs, all wars are legitimate, so long as sirs approves.

And in the mythical land of Xo, no war can be justified, and everyone has to ask everyone else's permission
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle