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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2011, 12:02:53 AM »
1-If you don't know where the floor is Plane, automatically, you're in trouble.

2-The word nigger carries the weight and meaning people bring to it, nothing more, nothing less. The fastest way to give it power way beyond its actual worth is to make it taboo.


BTW, for those of you who don't know, I'm an amputee from wounds I recieved in Vietnam. What this is all about is that Kramer has been hurling cheap shots about that fact at me for years. Loooooooooong before I ever called him nigger.


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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2011, 12:12:31 AM »
I agree that Kramer has overstepped the line in insulting you, BSB. He enjoys annoying other people with some sort of perverse sadistic glee that I do not understand.
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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2011, 12:20:44 AM »

The word nigger has become taboo, this need not be rational, just is true.

Nope, just watch blacks call each other that all day long, but let a white even whisper it and all hell breaks loose. It's a bullshit taboo selectively enforced.

Now for my two cents worth - BSB's disabilty has been known by most in here for years. I've disagreed with him from time to time but never seen any reason to bring it up in any way to try and use it against him, nor have I seen anyone else but Kramer. I'm part Native American, and no one but Kramer tries to use it to insult me and get a rise out of me. That's why I generally ignore the stupid son of a bitch. He's not worth the effort far as I'm concerned. If the stupid ass was on fire in the middle of the street, I wouldn't piss on him to put him out. The only thing I will say is look around at the small group you have left that still regularly post here, and at the numbers who have already left over crap like this. You want fresh members and fresh ideas? Make it a friendlier place.

'Nuff said.
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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2011, 12:32:58 AM »
<<I don't know whether we ever established a democracy or not.>>

I think not.  If you recall, BT called me out on spelling "America" with three k's.  He didn't order me not to, just suggested but I got the message.  I tried to argue with BT but he was firm.  The message I took away from this was that there's a lot of freedom in this group (even the freedom to threaten my life, apparently) but there are lines that can't be crossed, and that BT is the arbiter of those lines.  I didn't like it, but them's the house rules and not a God-damned thing that I can do about it.

<<But suppose we voted on all rules, and the result was pretty strict, would you allow for this?
<< Democracy does not ensure fairness to individuals.>>

Democracy doesn't but the Constitution does.  You posed a hypothetical situation there but the answer is the same regardless of whether the rules are made by a vote or by BT.  Everyone here has his own standard of what he'll put up with and what he won't.  I am not comfortable with any kind of restriction, top-down or democratic.  I post as long as I'm comfortable in the group and enjoy posting, and I stop when I'm not comfortable in the group and no longer enjoy posting.  In general, I found the "rules" of this forum to be pretty relaxed.

<<There seems to be a consensus we need to form and I don't know how to get there from here.>>

Well it seems to be working fairly well except for the Kramer suspension, which I regard as an injustice.  Shoulda been two-way or not at all, and of course I much prefer "not at all."

<<Of course the default is that the owner of the football calls the game over when he needs to go home with it.>>

I'd sure as hell get a lot more work done that way.


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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2011, 12:50:03 AM »
The only thing I will say is look around at the small group you have left that still regularly post here, and at the numbers who have already left over crap like this. You want fresh members and fresh ideas? Make it a friendlier place.

That is very hard to disagree with.
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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2011, 03:57:35 AM »
Just found this in my spam box

The following post, "Re: Cain on Foreign Policy" by Plane has been reported by BSB on a board you moderate:

The topic:
Moderation center:;area=reports;report=3

The reporter has made the following comment:
BT   That was his 2nd shot at my amptitation in 2 days. From now on I see these as coming from you because you haven't done shit about it. Let me start b saying fuckyou BT you're an asshole        BSB

The DebateGate Team.

For the record it was the third time. The first two were erased and a warning was given to Kramer.


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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2011, 09:07:22 AM »
I find Kramer interesting, passionate about what he believes, and playing a significant role in starting discussions. He's a good guy, but doesnt play well with bullies.

Kramer may not be as subtle and have the patience to respond back to demeaning, insulting remarks about his views from some "bomb-throwers" in this forum so he punches back sometimes in a manner that may should be disguised better. There is no doubt the one's that piss him off into throwing his insults are simply better skilled at "cutting you to the bone" with insults in a more skilled hidden way. They throw the same bombs, but do it in a "legal" way. I would advise Kramer that when XO, BSB, or Tee piss him off with their insulting but I suppose more civil way, just take a deep breath and beat them at their own game. Be nice conversationally, but disembowel them with truth....because it's more rewards watching them squirm and cry foul.
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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2011, 10:22:53 AM »
Kramer does not have the truth, and he is too lazy to find out about anything. He just parrots whatever crap he scrapes off his shoes after he traipses through Fox, Rush and others. Mostly, his goal here appears to build himself up by putting others down. Apparently his posting here is some form of primitive self-psychotherapy for a major inferiority complex.
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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2011, 06:51:03 PM »
BTW, for those of you who don't know, I'm an amputee from wounds I recieved in Vietnam. What this is all about is that Kramer has been hurling cheap shots about that fact at me for years.

If you don't want people to comment, then don't post personal information about yourself on the internet. How stupid is it to tell strangers personal information about yourself?

People can say whatever they want to about themself on the internet, and it doesn't make it true either. I could say that I am Hulk Hogan, but it doesn't make it true.

I find the use of the N word to be much more offensive than poking fun at somebody's alledged medical malady that cannot be confirmed.

I'm not even sure why you are still posting here. The N word just isn't acceptable to say, anywhere.

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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2011, 07:05:59 PM »
<<They throw the same bombs, but do it in a "legal" way. I would advise Kramer that when XO, BSB, or Tee piss him off with their insulting but I suppose more civil way, just take a deep breath and beat them at their own game.>>

The other two can speak for themselves if they want to bother, but I don't insult anybody in this forum unless they insult me first.  I'm not aware, in particular, of having recently insulted Kramer in a "more civil" or any other way and I'm not aware of him insulting me either.  I will sometimes refer to an idea as lame, pathetic, crap, nonsense, idiotic or moronic, but I hope it's understood that is the idea that I am referring to and not the person who is expressing it.

I am sorry to learn that CU4 regards me as "insulting" even in a civil way, because that is not my intention and hasn't been for quite a while now.  May I suggest that if any member feels that he has been unjustly insulted, that the matter be simply raised at the first available opportunity, so that it can be resolved then and there.  I think we'd all benefit if people spoke their minds on these matters, and spoke them early, rather than letting resentments fester under the surface.


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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2011, 07:14:59 PM »
<<They throw the same bombs, but do it in a "legal" way. I would advise Kramer that when XO, BSB, or Tee piss him off with their insulting but I suppose more civil way, just take a deep breath and beat them at their own game.>>

The other two can speak for themselves if they want to bother, but I don't insult anybody in this forum unless they insult me first.


To Tee's credit, he doesn't.  He will make a rather reasonable attempt at addressing the issue/post, and focus his insults & racist comments on conservatives and Republicans within the article/post.

Xo, OTOH, is his SOP.  Anyone can go look back at thread after thread after thread, and his frequent 1st response as an insult bomb, based on the person who posted it vs responding in any substantive and mature way to the post itself

Now, consider that speaking my mind, so as to hopefully steer others, including myself, into a more civil direction.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 07:30:13 PM by sirs »
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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2011, 07:19:28 PM »
Uh, that wasn't XO's post you were responding to, sirs, it was mine.

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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2011, 07:24:51 PM »
Correction taken, and as you'll note, it agrees with your original claim
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2011, 07:38:12 PM »
Thank you.  Hopefully we can all benefit from the exercise of more civility.


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Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2011, 10:24:44 AM »
This has become a very revealing thread.  Frighteningly so.