All this fudging about Kramers not smooth enough or that my wounds are only
alligations is a load of crap. BSB
Kramer isn't alone in throwing bombs....
Hell...BSB you dish out your share of insults, name-calling, barbs & crap too.
In fact havent you been kicked outta here or suspended multiple times?
We are all very opinionated...thats why we are here.
But Kramer really shouldn't make fun of whatever disability you have....
especially if you suffered a disability serving your country.
Maybe deep down he doesn't believe you or the story..
But I would advise him giving you the benefit of the doubt about it.
Kramer needs to punch back hard....just be smarter about it.
When I played football I like to make guys hurt...ya know sore the next day
but I always did it within the rules....ya gotta play within the rules
otherwise ya may not get to play