Of course it is science fiction. On Star Trek the businessmen were pretty sparse. There was the guy peddling tribbles and the Ferenghi, and that was pretty much it.
There logically should have been others, but they rarely made it into the script, perhaps because they were boring. There were no ugly women, either, unless they were of some bizarre species where everyone was grotesquely ugly.
All in all, it was an entertaining series, and I have seen most ST:THG and DS9 episodes two or three times. Voyager was pretty good at first, but they got into the sector of the Dreadlock People and became boring after Kes died.
I was using the show as a metaphor. I realize that it was FICTION (Duh!)
I even realize that a lot of the science was bogus, like every being in the galaxy speaking in such a way that they all spoke in Midwestern US English. I think that Worf should have had a Russian accent, like his parents: why not use the Universal translator with Sulu and Warf and even Picard?
Learning a language takes a LOT of time. Once you have a device that translates effortlessly, why bother to teach other languages?