Author Topic: Cain passes lie detector test  (Read 36234 times)

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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #75 on: November 12, 2011, 02:45:30 PM »
that there are fence sitters, that may be swayed with this new information.  You'll note that doesn't equate to "most primary voters".  It's specific to those few fence sitters
No, it is specific only to a few fence sitters who are aware of this "test" and who trust it.

 Something else you are wrong about is that somehow Tee and I are part a huge conspiracy to reelect Obama and to prevent this Blowhard crackpot from getting the nomination. This is simply untrue. Cain has a much lesser chance of defeating Obama than Romney. Every poll indicates this.

I am in possession of all my snot. Not one booger has Cain scared out of me.  And I am not any part of any movement to do anything. I will vote in what I feel are my interests and the interests of this country, and it won't be for Cain. I will be surprises=d if Cain is even on the ballot.
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #76 on: November 12, 2011, 03:02:29 PM »
and again WRONG......who said anything about you & Tee being some part of an orchestrated conspiracy.  And a fence sitter who was not privvy to the lie detection information, is more likely to be swayed one way or another, following the release of said information, depending on how credible they find Cain vs the accuser.  Call it the Clinton approach to handling accusations

That must be some mighty fine weed you're inhaling this morning
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #77 on: November 12, 2011, 04:46:08 PM »
You assume that 100% of the voters will have heard of this voice stress analysis and accept it as valid. You further seem to assume that the only reason NOT to vote for Cain is that he has been found not guilty of being a reprehensible horndog.That is not the case. There remain many reasons not to vote for him, such as not wanting to pay more taxes, which the 999 plan would do, and thinking that a president that can burst into gospel songs unexpectedly is not the sort of leader they desire. He is a blowhard and a crackpot.
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #78 on: November 12, 2011, 05:05:08 PM »

What you may or may not understand is that there is a very strong anybody-but-Romney undercurrent to this primary season.

The revelation of the complaints against Cain during his tenure at the NRA was damaging but not fatal.

The Allred Bialek presser was damaging but not fatal. I think potential voters are reserving judgment pending further info. The stress analyzer is but just one piece of the puzzle. If Cain stays high in the polls expect the drip to continue, iof he drops they will stop and move to whomever is the ABR candidate of the month. Like Newt

Newt is rising in the polls because he has that vast store of experience and thought dealing with the issues facing this country.

Cain appears to shoot from the hip a lot and that could be his downfall more than any allegations coming from his NRA days and or the Chicago Attack Machine.

Perry has the best track record but damn he doesn't do well on stage.

Santorum and Bachmann are in a good position for a second look. Santorum more so than Bachmann, IMHO.

None is this is to change your mind, refute your position, or convert you in anyway.

What it is is the lay of the land as I see it.


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #79 on: November 12, 2011, 05:13:06 PM »
I realize that the ultra right detests Romney for actually trying to do something about healthcare. He is too much a part of the establishment.They prefer those who get paid off under the table.

Seldom has any party had a worse assortment of potential nominees. Cain is a crackpot and a blowhard, Perry is an ignorant goober, Gingrich is a ghastly smartass that most people love to loathe, Bachmann is barking mad, Santorum is just weird. Huntsman is the only one that really could make an excellent president.

No one at this stage of the campaign wants to say they will consider being a VP candidate. I am not at all surprised that Cain said that. But his denial was goofy and illogical.
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #80 on: November 12, 2011, 05:16:41 PM »
You assume that 100% of the voters will have heard of this voice stress analysis and accept it as valid.

Good gravy, I've assumed nothing of the kind   :o   

You further seem to assume that the only reason NOT to vote for Cain is that he has been found not guilty of being a reprehensible horndog

You tried that already, and I demonstrated how wrong you were at that time as well..."I've made no such assumption.  I'm merely repeating what Bt referenced, that there are fence sitters, that may be swayed with this new information"

He is a blowhard and a crackpot.

Yea, we got that the 1st time you spewed that opinion
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #81 on: November 12, 2011, 05:19:20 PM »
It isn't the ultra right that has a problem with Romney, it is the main-streeters.

And Cain just said he wouldn't serve under Romney.

Michael Tee

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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #82 on: November 12, 2011, 05:32:11 PM »
What was the "Chicago attack machine" that BT referred to?  The only "Chicago attack" that I know of is the hatchet job that the Chicago Tribune served up to order on Sharon Bialek.

I think a very large part of the GOP's November vote come from the absolute dumbest element in the electorate, and those are precisely the votes that could leave Cain if the harassment charges stick and could be brought back to him if the VSA analysis sticks.  The voters who weren't going for Cain in the first place won't be pulled in by the charges, whether the charges are believed or not.

A lot of the Cain voters are just too fucking dumb to realize that any lie detector machine can be beaten with coaching and practice or that they've been found to be unreliable by reputable testing centres.

I would suggest that anti-Cain forces mount an immediate "opposition research" program on the VSA operator who allegedly found The Perv believable and Bialek not.  He's got to be exposed as a fraud and a charlatan.  Similarly, the technique itself must be exposed for what it is - - snake oil.


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #83 on: November 12, 2011, 05:38:38 PM »
You have your homework assignment, liberal girls and boys.  LOTS of energy.....this man must be defeated     8)
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #84 on: November 12, 2011, 09:44:05 PM »
It is unlikely that most primary voters will be be both aware of the voice stress "test" and believe it to be valid.

You seem to assume that the only reason not to vote for Cain is that he has been found not guilty of being a horndog. That is not the case. Cain is a Blowhard and a crackpot. He is prone to launch into gospel songs unexpectedly, which is not something many people think a president should do. He steals tax plans from video games and speeches from Pokemon. He is a joke to many. many people.

   You didn't notice how fast the sexual accusation submerged all the less sexy issues?
    Finding a false accusation converts the issue that was shure to "toast" his canadacy into heat in his afterburners.

Michael Tee

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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #85 on: November 12, 2011, 11:04:11 PM »
<< Finding a false accusation converts the issue that was shure to "toast" his canadacy into heat in his afterburners.>>

Not a single one of the accusations against him was false.  Two of them settled for $80K total AFTER the pervert's ass was already out the corporate door, when there was no need to hush up anything.  The odds of THREE unrelated accusers, all on the same payroll, surfacing about the same time, each with a false accusation, one of them not even bothering to file a claim (the usual  motivation for false accusations, after all) are about a gazillion to one.  And then a FOURTH accuser surfaces about a dozen years later, also from the same corporation, with yet another tale to tell on the same guy.

Factor in also the number of times The Perv changed his story in the first few days.

FALSE accusations?  Please, plane, you are really going against all odds here.


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #86 on: November 12, 2011, 11:49:08 PM »
Sorry you didn't get the memo.

    Herman just passed a voice stress analisis that he was not even aware he was taking.
And his accusers failed just the same .

   So the evidence that was against him but never made the court worthy quality is cancelled by the Junk science which is of course equally nonadmissable in court.

     He still doesn't have half as many accusers as Bill Clinton , who was elected , reelected and tried in congress in the meantime.

     The standard is set and surpassed the only reason to carry on against Herman now is racism.

      Now to be repeated ad nausium Racism racism racismracism racism racismracism
racism racismracismracism racismracism
racism racismracism racism racismracism

racism racismracism
racism racismracism racism racismracism
racism racismracism racism racismracism


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #87 on: November 13, 2011, 12:03:15 AM »
So you think that the attack on Herm the Perv, notorious Uncle Tom that he is, is based on latent liberal racism?

That is shocking!!


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #88 on: November 13, 2011, 12:15:59 AM »
So you think that the attack on Herm the Perv, notorious Uncle Tom that he is, is based on latent liberal racism?

That is shocking!!

I know!

  Isn't it incredable to see such indulgence in racism by these liberal latent racists?

Of all the racist liberals, liberal racists just have to be the worst.

  And the latency Oh the latency of their racism!

Only makes it worse that it isn't overt as a latent feature it is all the more like the pure and anchient sin of racism considered as a racist virtue.

     I can't tell you how this post has saved me from intellectual exercise , why have I ever done anything but connect whatever I don't like to the maximal taboo?

   Its so easy!
Racism racism racismracism racism racismracism
racism racismracismracism racismracism
racism racismracism racism racismracism

racism racismracism
racism racismracism racism racismracism
racism racismracism racism racismracism



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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #89 on: November 13, 2011, 01:06:36 PM »
 He still doesn't have half as many accusers as Bill Clinton , who was elected , reelected and tried in congress in the meantime.

     The standard is set and surpassed the only reason to carry on against Herman now is racism.

You can't compare Cain, who has done absolutely nothing in government, has never been elected to anything, to Clinton, who was president when he was accused in the Monica affair. Monica was not molested. She was in love with Clinton, and her affair was voluntary.

Racism is NOT the only thing that separates them.
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