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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #90 on: November 13, 2011, 01:41:57 PM »
And look how conveniently the accusations of the far more egregious acts of Clinton's, that Cain doens't even come close to, in the accusation dept, get dismissed

No surprise there.  There are double standards that must be upheld
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #91 on: November 13, 2011, 02:08:09 PM »
He still doesn't have half as many accusers as Bill Clinton , who was elected , reelected and tried in congress in the meantime.

     The standard is set and surpassed the only reason to carry on against Herman now is racism.

You can't compare Cain, who has done absolutely nothing in government, has never been elected to anything, to Clinton, who was president when he was accused in the Monica affair. Monica was not molested. She was in love with Clinton, and her affair was voluntary.

Racism is NOT the only thing that separates them.

You are totally not clear on the concept.

Monica never accused him at all.

Clinton has plenty of women who really did accuse him of heinous lewd behavior, Monica only confirmed that he was not a faithfull husband, hers must be the smallest concern even if it is the best documented.


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #92 on: November 13, 2011, 03:44:50 PM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #93 on: November 13, 2011, 04:06:28 PM »
<< Herman just passed a voice stress analisis that he was not even aware he was taking.
<<And his accusers failed just the same .>>

You must be the one who didn't get the memo.  First of all, the "test" that he passed has been adjudged by those who have tested it as totally unreliable.  So unreliable that not a single court in the U.S.A. has yet accepted it in evidence.  (New Mexico has accepted polygraph evidence, but not, so far as I am aware, VSA, which is the "test" that Cain "passed")  Canada doesn't accept it.  European courts don't accept it.  Australia doesn't accept it.

So, the "test" that Cain "passed" (and that one accuser "failed") is a meaningless test.  It's like his "aura" was read by a psychic and the psychic says that the "aura" is truthful.

Yes, the test is read by police.  Does anyone here think that the police should be left to decide who is telling the truth and who is lying?  NEWSFLASH!!!  That is what we have COURTS for.  Anyone here ever hear of a court of law?  The police use the polygraph (and maybe VSA as well, who knows?) as a TOOL of investigation.  Some suspects can be cleared through its use, but I would be amazed if a suspect against whom other evidence existed, or even a strong circumstantial case, would be off the hook as a suspect simply for passing a VSA test.  That would be absolutely ridiculous.  There is NO evidence to support that criminals against whom there is evidence of guilt are let out of the investigation only because they could beat a VSA.

<<So the evidence that was against him but never made the court worthy quality . . . >>

Huh?  Who ever said that the word of an accuser is not "court worthy quality?"  That is just plain nonsense.

<< . . . is cancelled by the Junk science which is of course equally nonadmissable in court.>>

Junk science is nonadmissible.  Eye-witness evidence such as Bialek's and Kraushaar's is plainly admissible.  Where do you get this "equally non-admissible" nonsense from?  It is clearly wrong.

    << He still doesn't have half as many accusers as Bill Clinton , who was elected , reelected and tried in congress in the meantime.>>

Clinton isn't running any more.  Wake up!!  The issue is Cain, not Clinton.  Let's agree - - Clinton is a worse horn-dog than Cain.  But people loved Bill.  WHY?  Personally, I put it all down to personality.  Clinton is not the Hermster.  He's a good-lookin, smooth-talkin, laid-back babe magnet and the Herminator is not.  Is it fair?  No, but it's life.  Everybody knows some charming con artist who gets away with a lot of shit that other people with a lot less charm get called out onto the carpet for.

But the Clinton issue is essentially nothing more than pure distraction.  Maybe it IS unfair that Clinton's escapades were swept under the rug, while the Herminator tries to sweep it all under the rug but just can't get away with it.  Too fucking bad.  He is what he is, and he is now running for office, not Clinton.  Is it any defence for this bull-shitting Uncle Tom pervert to claim that "Oh, Clinton did worse?"  Why stop at Clinton?  Why not "JFK did worse?"  Where does it all stop?  There are millions of individuals worse than Herman Cain, but that doesn't take away one bit from the fact that he's still a creep and a pervert, a louse and a liar.  If THAT'S the people's choice, so be it.  It's the choice they'll deserve.


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #94 on: November 13, 2011, 04:14:47 PM »
You must have missed the other memo, that law enforcement across this country, not to mention some courts even, use this so called "junk science" to help ascertain truth vs not.  So, until you can demonstrate that these same agencies use such things as psychic readings, outside of hollywood of course, your continued "meaningless" tactic is pure meritless

And Clinton is merely a reference to demonstrating the transparent hypocrisy on display by folks like yourself, as he's given a pass for acts far worse than your "uncle tomming perv", Cain is "accused" of.  Your efforts to paint it as a distraction would indicate that the hilighting of that hypocrisy is hitting home
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #95 on: November 13, 2011, 04:28:14 PM »
You must have missed the other memo, that law enforcement across this country, not to mention some courts even, use this so called "junk science" to help ascertain truth vs not.  So, until you can demonstrate that these same agencies use such things as psychic readings, outside of hollywood of course, your continued "meaningless" tactic is pure meritless

And Clinton is merely a reference to demonstrating the transparent hypocrisy on display by folks like yourself, as he's given a pass for acts far worse than your "uncle tomming perv", Cain is "accused" of.  Your efforts to paint it as a distraction would indicate that the hilighting of that hypocrisy is hitting home

   No, I think he is getting it after all.
    He is practicilly accepting that Clinton has to be forgotten before any Opprobrium can be spared for anyone accused of propasitioning women.

     He is insistant that evidence be court quality before it be accepted , that this applies just as well twards hearsay evidence and the presumption of innocence, he will come around to soon.


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #96 on: November 13, 2011, 05:03:44 PM »
*snicker*......I won't hold my breath.  The rationalization double standard meter, is currently off the scale
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #97 on: November 13, 2011, 05:07:08 PM »
You really hate double standards, don't you?

Cain will be judged on his fitness to be the nominee. His horndoggedness will not be judged at all. And Clinton is irrelevant to all of this.
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #98 on: November 13, 2011, 05:21:58 PM »
You really hate double standards, don't you?

Yea, I do.  It's why I'll blast republicans when they try to pull that crap as well

Cain will be judged on his fitness to be the nominee.

No doubt

His horndoggedness will not be judged at all.

His alledged "horndoggness" has been, since it was brought up.  Allred made that a point of her news conference

And Clinton is irrelevant to all of this.

Yea, I realize your need to try and disconnect the double standard in play.  Won't work, I'm afraid
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #99 on: November 13, 2011, 05:41:28 PM »
It was mentioned, but will be judged only by the voters in several primaries as only a part of the total judgement of Cain's candidacy, as I have said before.

No one will be given a ballot in which they answer the question:

"Is Cain a horndog?" Check yes  or no 
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #100 on: November 13, 2011, 06:06:49 PM »
<<You must have missed the other memo, that law enforcement across this country, not to mention some courts even, use this so called "junk science" to help ascertain truth vs not. >>

No, that is dead wrong, actually, it is the courts who ascertain the truth and not the police.  The police merely conduct an investigation.  If they are doing their job properly, they gather all the facts that bear on the case.   When they think they have a case against someone, they take it to the D.A. or the Crown Attorney.  The Crown Attorney's or D.A.'s job is to try to assemble a case, based on evidence, that can be taken to the Court, so that the Court (and not the police) can finally determine if the allegations against the accused are proven beyond any reasonable doubt or not.

If in fact, in the course of their investigation, they find that one witness is or is not telling the truth according to a VSA, this may affect how they conduct their investigation, either focusing on the guy if they think he's lying or focusing on more promising leads if they think he's telling the truth. But in NO CASE (except maybe in New Mexico) can they or the D.A. or Crown have the RESULTS of the test introduced into evidence, to persuade the Court that the guy is lying.  The Court won't even hear such evidence and the reason for that is that the test is unreliable and has been proven to be unreliable junk science in every credible test of its performance.  Were it otherwise, of course the Courts would accept it, just as they accept fingerprint and DNA evidence, where the science is in fact quite reliable. 

But from what I understand of how the police use the machines, it's not so much to determine if the guy is lying or not, but more to (a) trick the guy into revealing the significance of other facts in the case or (b) finding out what he really knows about the case or (c) less legitimately, to bluff a suspect into confessing, although there are some real ethical concerns about that.  It's a tool of the investigation, not a truth finder or "lie detector."

<<So, until you can demonstrate that these same agencies use such things as psychic readings, outside of hollywood of course, your continued "meaningless" tactic is pure meritless>>

If SOME agencies choose to use tools which have been proven to be unreliable, this can in no way prove the reliability of the machines, unless you trust the judgment of some cop as superior to that of, say, the National Research Council.  If some cop were to tell you that some herbal remedy makes his brain sharper or cures his colds faster than any other remedy, and the National Institutes of Health were to tell you that there is no evidence at all that the product in question works at all, and in fact was quite unreliable in providing any kind of benefit whatsoever, who are you going to believe?  The dumb cop who persists in using the stuff because HE thinks it works, or the qualified scientific researchers who have tested it throroughly and reported their results?

The courts are in the position of the researchers.  They hear all the evidence why VSA should be admitted in evidence and all the arguments against.    Presumably with both sides producing the results of tests and studies.  Then they hear from experts on both sides, including an analysis of the tests that support the machines and the tests that trash them.  Then they hear arguments for and against, based on all the evidence (including expert opinion evidence) before the court.  Then they decide.  And in every court in the U.S. and Canada (except New Mexico) the decision after all of that evidence, opinion and argument is always the same:  the stuff is JUNK, the science is JUNK SCIENCE, and the results of the "tests" don't prove a God-damn thing.  Every court.  Every time.  Everywhere.

Now sirs (and plane) THAT should tell you SOMETHING about how "reliable" such machines are.  If it doesn't, if you still want to think, "Well they must be reliable if cops use them," then I give up.  It's just not worth my beating my head any longer against this particular wall.  We'll just have to agree to disagree and move on.

<<And Clinton is merely a reference to demonstrating the transparent hypocrisy on display by folks like yourself, as he's given a pass for acts far worse than your "uncle tomming perv", Cain is "accused" of.  Your efforts to paint it as a distraction would indicate that the hilighting of that hypocrisy is hitting home>>

Clinton, in the context of Herm the Perv's fitness to serve, is clearly a distraction and if I read you correctly, even you are admitting that the only reason to bring Clinton into the thread is to back up allegations against ME and other liberals, of "hypocrisy" and "double standards."

OK, fair enough.  It IS legitimate, IMHO, to ask a liberal who condemns Herm the Perv why the double standard?  Not to take the spotlight off The Perv's qualifications and fitnes for office, but as a kind of side issue - - is it really fair to give Clinton a pass for the same thing that The Perv is now being crucified for?

From what I can recall of Clinton, the major affairs that got the most publicity were all about consensual sex, from Gennifer Flowers (who wrote about it in Penthouse where she confided that "The President eats pussy like a champ,") to Monica, who showed the poor guy her thong and pursued him till he relented and allowed her to give him a BJ in the Oval Office.  And others.   Paula Jones was the only one I take seriously, the other two (Brodrrik and Kathleen something, both had holes in their stories you could drive a Mack truck through.)

So why didn't I get all upset over Paula Jones?  Because I still don't believe her.  The trooper said she told him, coming out of the room, that she'd like to be Bill's girlfriend.  As for whatever happened IN the room, it's all HSSS.  Who the fuck will ever know?

With Cain, it's game over from the first day the story broke.  FOUR separate accusers from the same company, two claims settled after his ass was kicked out the door, a third accuser coming forth 12 years later from the same company?  A fourth accuser back in the day, who just didn't bother to file a claim, also on the same company payroll?  GIMME A FUCKING BREAK.  If you want to allege "conspiracy" in a case like that, you'd better have some fucking evidence that goes beyond wishful thinking and pure speculation.  Also since when does an honest man change his story four times in a couple of days?  He's a fucking liar and everything about the case says that loud and clear.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 06:12:26 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #101 on: November 13, 2011, 06:18:11 PM »
Yea, because the Police are never in the business of tring to determine the truth in a crime       ;D      Dont you just hate them pesky facts??  The one that includes that law enforcement and the judicial system USE this so called "junk science", in this Country, in trying to determine truth vs not.

Here's my suggestion....avoid traveling or touristing those states, Tee.  You might just have to answer to said science. 

Actually, now that I think about should consider committing a crime in exactly those juridsictions.  Think of the lawsuits you could file with all the others folks wrongly investigated with such outlandish science tactics
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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #102 on: November 13, 2011, 06:25:12 PM »
OK, fair enough.  It IS legitimate, IMHO, to ask a liberal who condemns Herm the Perv why the double standard?  Not to take the spotlight off The Perv's qualifications and fitnes for office, but as a kind of side issue - - is it really fair to give Clinton a pass for the same thing that The Perv is now being crucified for?

From what I can recall of Clinton, the major affairs that got the most publicity were all about consensual sex, from .....................

Frankly I stopped reading right here.

Back up, correct the error of fact ,and try again.

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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #103 on: November 13, 2011, 07:18:11 PM »
<<Yea, because the Police are never in the business of tring to determine the truth in a crime  >>

They investigate, they lay out all the facts they find before the DA or the Crown.  The DA or the Crown, if he or she believes there's a case to be made, make the case for the prosecution.  The defence counsel makes the case for the defence.  The court tries to find the truth.  That's how it works.

If it was up to the cops to find the truth, what are the courts for?           

<<Dont you just hate them pesky facts?? >>

What pesky facts?  That every single court in the US except NM rejects these machines, as does every single court in Canada, the courts of Australia, the courts of Europe (where the COPS don't even use them) and the courts of Israel?  And that the REASON that none of these courts will accept them is that they are JUNK SCIENCE?  Or perhaps you were referring to the pesky facts of all the scientific investigations like the National Research Council's 2002 study and 398-page report that investigated these contraptions and found them to be totally useless?

Oh, I see --  you were referring to the fact <<that law enforcement and the judicial system>> USE this so called "junk science", in this Country . . . >>  Well, I guess if "the judicial system in this Country" is restricted to the courts of the State of New Mexico and certain undefined "law enforcement" agencies, yes.  The law enforcement agencies, whoever they might be, use them as TOOLS in an investigation, and the courts of the State of NM actually admit them as evidence to determine (subject to challenge by the other side) if a witness is lying or telling the truth.

So let's take a look at your faith in these gizmos - - on your side, one court out of fifty in the US, no other courts anywhere else in English-speaking  or French-speaking North America, no European Courts , no Australian courts and no Israeli courts.  Also on your side, some unnamed police agencies and on the other side, the National Research Council's exhaustive study and 398-page report saying they're junk.

You know what sirs?  If this were a naval battle for the truth, your side would be sunk with the first salvo.

<<Here's my suggestion....avoid traveling or touristing those states, Tee.  You might just have to answer to said science. 

<<Actually, now that I think about should consider committing a crime in exactly those juridsictions.  Think of the lawsuits you could file with all the others folks wrongly investigated with such outlandish science tactics>>

Well, since none of the junk science results would ever be heard in a court of law (unless I happened to be visiting New Mexico) I don't think I'd have anything much to worry about, sirs, nor do I think I'd ever be able to find anyone wrongfully convicted by junk science findings.   And even if all this happened in New Mexico, I don't think I'd have any trouble finding a capable New Mexican defence counsel who'd find it pretty easy to impeach both the machine and its quack operator in front of any New Mexican judge or jury.  But nice try. 


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Re: Cain passes lie detector test
« Reply #104 on: November 13, 2011, 07:23:56 PM »
  If evidence must have a minimal quality for it to be considered by the public, what are we talking about?

   None of these evidences have met the> admissable in court < standard.