Being as I have NEVER heard one word of praise for any Democrat from CU4,
Are you that blind? That forgetful? Or just lying?
I have given multiple kudos/praise to Democrats
on many occasions which include but are not limited to:
Praised Bill Clinton for signing Welfare Reform.
Priased Bill Clinton for his 1997 support for a cut in the capital gains tax
Praised Bill Clinton for his brilliant strategy in the Kosevo War.
Praised Bill Clinton for his "Don't Ask Don't Tell" and Defense Of Marriage Act.
Praised Bill Clinton for shooting cruise missiles at Saddam Hussein.
Priased President Obama for retaining Bush Defense Sec Gates
Praised President Obama for giving ok to kill Bin Laden.
Praised President Obama for ramping up drone attacks on IslamoNazis in many countries.
Praised President Obama for his increasing troop surge in Afghanistan.
Praised President Obama for his not ending the Bush Tax Cuts.
Praised President Obama for not closing Gitmo.
Praised President Obama for appointing General "BeTrayUs" to several high level positions.
Praised President Obama when he has stated he thinks a marriage is between a man & woman.
Praised President Obama when he allowed the SEALS to kill the pirates.
Praised Democrats in Congress for overwhelming voting for the Patriot Act.
I have previously praised Dem US Senator Boxer on the airline passenger issue.
The list goes on and on and on and on.......