Author Topic: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!  (Read 6215 times)

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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #60 on: November 30, 2011, 11:28:47 PM »
Ahh, Xo, trying to play the literal card.  Problem is, I never said you were working for those "Muslims", so why the hell would they be aware of what you have said....which incidentally included "They  (those "Muslims" apparently) rightfully see you and your ilk (the U.S. one must assume) as a bunch of bigoted Christians and Zionists on some Great Crusade"

I'm very appreciative that the Dodgers resigned Matt Kemp.  Now, was I privvy to the negotiation?  Did they look to see what my input would be.??  The fact I am makes no difference, to the fact we've never personally corresponded with each other.   As I said, parroting what radical Islamists would want other Muslims to believe, doesn't make it truthful in the slightest, but I'm confident they applaud your efforts and support, regardless of if they know what you say/type personally/literally
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #61 on: November 30, 2011, 11:41:40 PM »
  As far as I know the US has never had leadership that favored fighting Islam , reducing Islam or even containing Islam.

    Unless you count Ann Colter as leadership.


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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #62 on: December 01, 2011, 12:06:01 AM »
As far as I know the US has never had leadership that favored fighting Islam ,
reducing Islam or even containing Islam.

Trust me....they will eventually.

Wake up, America
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #63 on: December 01, 2011, 02:45:38 AM »
"hindsight or even in current time to sit back without all the facts and assume "its all wrong" it seems to me you bit into almost all the Leftwing talking points about the Liberation of Iraq & take it as gospel"

Ha, ha, wow.

First of all I voted for Bush in 2000. Second I never used one "Leftwing talking point" 3 weeks after the fall of Baghdad when anyone with a brain could see the insurgency coming. The left was supporting the invasion at that point. All of us who had ever fought a counter insurgency, or unconventional war, knew that the conventional command had it wrong. They weren't paying attention to what was happening on the ground. We could see it. The facts were out there. It was Bush and his command that weren't paying attention to those facts. It had nothing to do with anyone's politics. It had only to do with understanding the nature of insurgencies.

I went through all this within weeks of the fall of Baghdad right on this forum. If BT has the archive it's all there. But you, my friend, were clueless at the time. The tragedy is you're still clueless. You learned nothing from the experience. All those people died and you're just as ignorant today as you were then. What an insult that is to the men and women from our armed forces who were killed and wounded. What an insult that is to the Iraqi people who have died, gone missing, are displaced, are without limbs, blind, lost family members, and whose lives will never be remotely the same.  What an insult to those who died on 9/11 to have politics and ignorence trump policy in the minds of so many. What an insult it is to this country to have living within it those who care so little they refuse to learn and would rather play little political games instead.



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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #64 on: December 01, 2011, 12:03:22 PM »
First of all I voted for Bush in 2000.
If you doesnt matter anyway.

Did you vote for John Kerry or Obama?

Second I never used one "Leftwing talking point" 3 weeks after the fall of Baghdad
when anyone with a brain could see the insurgency coming.

Ha!...Most of your points are right out of the Leftwing playbook.
And sure people could see an insurgency coming
you think Iran & other anti-democratic forces wanted a democracy in their backyard?

Ha Ha....but you sit back and pretend that your alternative solutions
would have worked....thats fantasy land barber shop talk.
With every alternative there are huge risks.
Unintended consequences galore in war!
More troops/less troops there are risks.
Maintain Saddam's Army / Disband Saddam's Army both have risks.
Wars are not exact science...each one is different....each one is fluid.
Backseat drivers licenses that dont have all the facts are cheap. Talk is cheap!

The left was supporting the invasion at that point.

Is that why you had liberal Democratic Congressman and other Leftwingers over in Iraq
right before the invasion acting as human shields? Some Democrats supported the invasion
many Leftists did not.

All of us who had ever fought a counter insurgency, or unconventional war, knew that the conventional command had it wrong.

Oh did your counter insurgency work in Viet Nam?
In an ongoing war....nothing usually works over-night.
It takes's not like a fast food drive-thru window...
"Mommy are we there yet"..."Daddy are we there yet?"....
It's actually pretty amazing Iraq has been transformed into a Democracy in less than 10 years!
A democracy in Iraq is VERY TROUBLING for enemies of Freedom across the Middle East.

They weren't paying attention to what was happening on the ground. We could see it. The facts were out there. It was Bush and his command that weren't paying attention to those facts. It had nothing to do with anyone's politics. It had only to do with understanding the nature of insurgencies.

Oh ok....they weren't paying attention....yeah dats it boss!
If theys just woooda paid moes

I went through all this within weeks of the fall of Baghdad right on this forum.
If BT has the archive it's all there.

Everybody has an's like an asshole...everybody has one.
Sure everybody on every street corner in America had ideas bouts how
they could conducted the war better....
Just like at the office water fountain people call coaches/oweners in the
Super Bowl "morons" as they punch in to their minimum wage job.

But you, my friend, were clueless at the time. The tragedy is you're still clueless.
You learned nothing from the experience.

In this thread you have called me "friend" & "son" of which I am neither.
You live in a complete inflated fantasy land.
You're like the guy that played center in High School football
and then pretends he could coach a Super Bowl.....
it's funny and sad at the same time.
I learned many things about the 5th Column in this country

All those people died and you're just as ignorant today as you were then. What an insult that is to the men and women from our armed forces who were killed and wounded. What an insult that is to the Iraqi people who have died, gone missing, are displaced, are without limbs, blind, lost family members, and whose lives will never be remotely the same.  What an insult to those who died on 9/11 to have politics and ignorence trump policy in the minds of so many. What an insult it is to this country to have living within it those who care so little they refuse to learn and would rather play little political games instead.

What a disgrace for you to use politics and a hatred of President Bush to piss on the graves of our brave soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice...and the many others who believe so much in the cause that they continue to re-enlist in record numbers to return to the dangerous combat theaters to fight IslamoNazis. These great guys/gals...that are there....on the ground....and look at them in the video below! HA and you trash them and pretend you know better about the cause they are fighting for than they do. They live and breathe the reality and look at them!

Baghdad Reenlistment

I am sure you and other people spounting the left-wing talking points about Iraq and President Bush think it's just a "total coinidence" that right after we rid a Middle East country of a dictator and install a democracy that .....Pooof!.....All these other surrounding countries begin revolting....the Arab Spring.....people wanting to also get rid of their dictators too and vote on who should lead their countries. shamefully disrespect the blood, sweat, and tears of the American Military, American Leaders, their families and the Iraqi people to take cheap political shots ignoring the on-going benefits of President Bush's decision to rid Saddam Hussein from torturing his people any longer.

Let Freedom Ring!

« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 12:08:24 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #65 on: December 01, 2011, 01:44:20 PM »
There's one little problem with all your crap, son. I was right at every turn in the road and you were lost in the woods.



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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #66 on: December 01, 2011, 05:06:05 PM »
There's one little problem with all your crap, son. I was right at every turn in the road and you were lost in the woods. BSB

You're delusional BSb
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #67 on: December 02, 2011, 02:09:12 AM »
Yeah, I know, I'm delusional, those people are Islamonazies, that's leftwing, blah, blah.

Why don't you post another Dukakaphile article with a picture of an aircraft carrier, draw the sun up in the corner, and put on the bottom "to my teacher, from CU4."



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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #68 on: December 03, 2011, 01:06:32 AM »
The United States has managed to unite the Iraqis on one issue: they want us to leave, and NOW.

Even the Kurds are tired of the US in their country.

It's not like they invited us.
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #69 on: December 03, 2011, 01:10:32 AM »
The United States has managed to unite the Iraqis on one issue: they want us to leave, and NOW.

Even the Kurds are tired of the US in their country.

It's not like they invited us.

  I don't think this is true.


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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #70 on: December 03, 2011, 01:39:48 AM »
He's playing the literal card, Plane.  He expects a country or peoples to send a self addressed stamped invitation, for any assistance in helping to rid them of their dictator

So, did the Lybian peoples send us an invitation?
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #71 on: December 03, 2011, 12:17:44 PM »
The Iraqis did not ask for a second invasion to remove Saddam. They did not appreciate the first one. When the US was preparing to hand over some base to the Iraqis, they had a ceremony planned, and the Iraqi in charge stopped them. He said No ceremony, Just get out!

The Iraqis people were not demonstrating against Saddam or being strafed or gassed when the US invaded. The Libyans were demonstrating and being attacked and gassed by Qadaffi. The situation was different, and the results in Libya did far less harm to the people and the country and was over in a fraction of the time.

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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #72 on: December 03, 2011, 02:07:39 PM »
Boy, it sure is nice to know how you've been garnered the position of not only representing the thought and mindset of black people, and "those Muslims", you now speak now for the Iraqis & Lybians specifically.  Such a stunning accomplishment for a mere Spanish teacher
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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #73 on: December 03, 2011, 06:44:24 PM »

The Iraqis people were not demonstrating against Saddam or being strafed or gassed when the US invaded.

  Well that is an error isn't it?

    Or had Saddam run out of Swamp Arabs and Kirds?


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Re: High Stakes in Syria makes for crowded waters!
« Reply #74 on: December 03, 2011, 08:36:13 PM »
The invasion was not because of Kurds being gassed, which happened decades before, or Swamp Arabs, whose swamps were long ago drained. It was because Saddam would not make nice with Bush's father or Bush. We were told, of course, that Saddam was going to attack with nukes, weaponized anthrax and poison gas.

The invasion was not worth the cost in lives, money, injuries and people uprooted and driven out of their homes.
That is a value judgement, of course, so there is not really a way to dispute it.

Maybe knowing that Saddam is dead is worth seventeen paraplegic Marines, or twenty seven dead soldiers.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."