I'm not sure what you mean "willing to try", Kimba. This anti-abortionist (as opposed to the term pro-life because who isn't "pro-life"?) could care less what others do, behind their doors. There should NEVER be a law dictating when or where a person can have sex (as long as its not a public spectacle)
The issue becomes the child. If folks don't have the where-with-all to either keep things zipped up, or at the very least, use BC & condoms, should that translate into punishing, and murdering the unborn child? How was it there fault? and look at the statistics.....those women having children out of wedlock consistently place those children at a grossly unfair advantage, broken home, no father figure, ususally financially unstable, with the results being those children hanging around the wrong click of "friends", and the downward spiral is perpetuated, by their childrens' bad, and usually irresponsible, if not criminal decision making
So, no, making out of wedlock actions "acceptable" misses the whole point. That of personal responsibility and dealing with the repercussions of one's actions