Author Topic: So what is the Democrats' Plan?  (Read 575 times)

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So what is the Democrats' Plan?
« on: April 27, 2012, 04:33:07 PM »
We've got folks like Xo sticking their tongues out and procliaming how Obama's going to win, because....well....Romney makes too much money apparently.  Other attacks by the left target the GOP's plan to attempt to reinstate some fiscal sanity in DC, hyperbolically proclaiming how it'll destroy Medicare and strip women of all their healthcare, yada, blah, etc.  I should start expecting to see the rhetoric of "vote republican and watch another black church be burned down"

Well, being as we couldn't find ONE person to list Obama's accomplishments, as in what they could run commercials on, as to the reason we should get 4 more years of it, let's see if this one is any easier:

If the GOP's plans to pull us out of this economic & unemployment abyss, are so horrible, what are the Democrats proposing??   Obama's budgets have had zero support, even including most Democrats, when voted on in both the house and senate.  Senate hasn't even proposed a budget for a gazillion days, and have no intention of doing so.  Kinda hard to compare "blueprints" if only 1 side is providing one.  Shows both a lack of maturity & leadership

So, is the only plan to just demonize Romney & success in general??  Is Obama's record THAT BAD, that that's all you have??
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Re: So what is the Democrats' Plan?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2012, 04:39:50 PM »
Didn't think so.  So...the only real plan is to vilify, distort, vilify, lie, vilify, lie, distort, then lie some more.  Got it
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Re: So what is the Democrats' Plan?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2012, 08:06:44 PM »
You are really good at arguing with yourself, sirs.

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Re: So what is the Democrats' Plan?
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 04:53:18 AM »
Argueing would require another point of view being presented.  As you've painfully demonstrated, there is no other POV, coming from your side, so all I'm doing is highlighting that gaping void.  And instead of attempting to provide something, anything remotely providing an alternative blueprint to discuss or debate, your chief compulsion is to blather on ....... on a non issue.

You are really good at stramen and deflective rhetoric, xo
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: So what is the Democrats' Plan?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2012, 02:04:37 PM »
Romney has been successful as a corporate vulture and as a moderately liberal governor. He was wrong about how Obama was spending too much to eliminate Bin Laden and wrong about the auto company bailouts. Ryan's budget is nothing but a huge gift to the fatcats of the Oligarchy, and there is no hope it will be passed.

This country does not need Republicans in general and teabaggers specifically. May God rot them all.
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Re: So what is the Democrats' Plan?
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2012, 12:47:02 AM »
Romney has been successful as a corporate vulture

I realize there are a plethora of vilification phrases for anyone that dared to become a financial success.  Will chalk this up to that one as well.  So good to know just how much of a "vulture" Soros is as well

and as a moderately liberal governor.

Who cut taxes, balanced a budget, and helped pull a hard left state back into a more centrist one.  But you are right, he's no Reagan conservative.  He's merely the GOP nominee

He was wrong about how Obama was spending too much to eliminate Bin Laden

Obama and the left have taken his quote completely out of context, to try and desperately rationalize that under the same circumstances, a President Romney wouldn't have given the green light to take out Bin Laden.  Absolute idiocy

and wrong about the auto company bailouts.

He was right......GM is still in debt, now with our tax dollars.  Any number of new owners could have come in, reinvested, and turned the companies around.  Bankrupty would have allowed a complete restructuring of wages, benefits, and pension, to the point they could have become competative once again, and it wouldn't have cost the tax payers of this country, a dime

Ryan's budget is nothing but a huge gift to the fatcats of the Oligarchy,

I'm not even going to bother to ask for any facts to back up that asanine claim.  Those are just hyperbolic leftist talking points....right up there with DWS & Pelosi.  Garbage in, garbage out

and there is no hope it will be passed.

Once Romney takes over, and the GOP is running the senate, watch how fast it gets passed

This country does not need Republicans in general and teabaggers specifically. May God rot them all. to answer the question posed in this thread, after all the vilifying blather, the Democrats "plan" is to stay the unsustainable Greece-like debt abyss.  Yea, run on that.  Brilliant 
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 06:29:20 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle