Author Topic: Al Qaeda in Syria (Egypt/Libya/Syria could end up with Islamist! Thanks Obama)  (Read 2115 times)

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Bombings spread in Syria as
Al Qaeda seizes control of rebel factions

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

April 30, 2012, 7:09 PM (GMT+02:00)

Syrian military center in Idlib

Around the first anniversary of the death of al Qaeda's iconic leader Osama bin Laden at the hands of US special forces, the jihadist movement is making an operational comback in the Arab world and Africa. The suicide bombings hitting Damascus and Idlib in the last 24 hours were the work of Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), whose operatives have been pouring into Syria in the last two weeks, debkafile?s counter-terror sources report.

Washington has not asked Iraqi premier Nouri al-Maliki to stem the outward flow, realizing he is glad to see the backs of the terrorists and waving them across the border into Syria. Our sources report from Western agencies fighting al Qaeda that several thousand operatives have arrived in Syria to fight the Assad regime, most entering the country from the north. They come fully armed with quantities of explosives. Among them are hundreds of Saudis, Egyptians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Iraqis and Sudanese.

They quickly join up with the hundreds of al Qaeda fighters from Libya present at Free Syrian Army-FSA training camps in southeast Turkey. There, they are instructed in the geography of Syrian government, army and security forces locations, led across the border and transported to their targeted locations by special guides.

Monday, April 30, the day after Norwegian Maj. Gen. Robert Hood took command of a painfully inadequate force of UN truce supervisors, al Qaeda let loose with a spate of bombings in Damascus and the northeastern flashpoint town of Idlib. I

In the capital, they bombed the Syrian central bank with RPG grenades, ambushed a police patrol in the town center and blew up a bomb car against a Syrian military convoy driving through the Qudsiya district. Two days earlier, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the Zain al-Abideen mosque of Damascus, killing at least 9 worshippers.

These attacks were followed later Monday with three bomb blasts in Idlib at security and intelligence centers in the town, killing some 20 people, most of them security personnel. One command center was destroyed and hundreds were injured by the force of the blasts.

The Syrian ruler Bashar Assad keeps on complaining that his regime is under assault by terrorists and many of the fatalities reported are members of his army and police. But his own brutal methods against dissidents have deafened the West to these complaints and the world addresses its demands to halt the violence to him and him alone.

There is nothing new about the refusal in the West to heed the fact that al Qaeda infiltrators are increasingly responsible for violence in the various parts of the Arab Revolt. In Libya too, Muammar Qaddafi warned repeatedly that his overthrow would result in al Qaeda-linked groups seizing control of the country and commandeering his vast arsenals of weapons.

In the seven months since the Qaddafi regime was destroyed, Washington, London and Paris have turned a blind eye to the impossibility of establishing a stable government in Tripoli because rebel factions and militias identified with al Qaeda which control Libya?s main towns are too busy running the biggest arms smuggling network ever seen in North Africa.

Rockets, explosives and every kind of weapon is reaching al Qaeda elements and affiliates in abundant quantities across northern Africa and the Middle East, including their offshoots in Egyptian Sinai and the Gaza Strip.

Groups identified with al Qaeda have seized control of large parts of Mali and directly threaten the stability of the Algerian government.

debkafile's counter-terror and Washington sources report fears that Syria might go the same way as Libya. Syrian officers and agents who have deserted from Syrian military and security agencies have made their way to Washington to implore administration officials to abandon the US policy of non-intervention in Syria. They warn that the rebel Free Syrian Army is falling into the clutches of al Qaeda. It won't be long, they say, before these jihdist terrorists not only wreak mayhem in Syria, but turn that country into their haven and base for cross-border attacks against Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, the West Bank and Jordan.

Their pleas have not moved the Obama administration. Our military sources note that so long as the Americans stay out of involvement in Syria, France, Turkey and Arab League nations will also stand aside, because the US alone is capable of establishing combined commands and infrastructure for coordinating an operation with multiple air support on the scale required for Syria.

By opting out of action in Syria, the West and the Arab League not only give Assad free rein to continue slaughtering his people but leave the door open for al Qaeda to move in on the various Syrian rebel movements and add the element of terror to the ongoing carnage.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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It is absurd to blame President Obama for Assad losing it in Syria.

Again, debkafiles is just Israeli propaganda. It is impossible that ANY movement in Syria would be pleasing to the Israelis.

Israel chewed off a rather large chunk of Syria: the Golan Heights, including a provincial capital.

The US has no real business sending troops to Syria.
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It is absurd to blame President Obama for Assad losing it in Syria.
yeah it's all just an accident that Jimmy Carter allowed the Mullahs to come to power
and the world (because of the disaster of Jimmy Carter) has faced the world's largest
terror supporter (Iran) for decades, and now the world faces IslamoNazis in Iran that
are closer and working on the ability to point nuclear weapons at Europe and the US.
Thanks Jimmy! Hi I am Jimma Cotter from Joy-juh!

and now it's all just an accident that under Obama....Egypt, Libya,
and now possibly Syria may be lost to Islamist. And maybe add
Afghanistan too....Bush kicked the Taliban out, now Obama is
in dicussions with the Taliban possibly letting them back in.
Funny how that works....

Obama does not know what the hell he is doing.

These things need to be "managed"'s an art to
have influence on who comes to power and who does not.

It's gonna be such a fun/safe world with "Iran starter kits" in Egypt/Libya/Syria.

It is impossible that ANY movement in Syria would be pleasing to the Israelis..
Thats not my point here....I have said repeatedly over the so-called Arab Spring
that we must be careful what we wish for or we and the people's of those countries
could end up much worse off under new even more brutal leadership.

Israel chewed off a rather large chunk of Syria: the Golan Heights, including a provincial capital...
And whats the rest of the story that you so conveniently leave out?
Israel "chewed off" a chunk of Syria after Syria attacked Israel!
Plus in 1974 Syria signed a ceasefire agreement that left almost all the Heights in Israeli hands.
Hello Earth Reality to XO?...Over?

The US has no real business sending troops to Syria...
Jezzzzz you are all over the map!
I am not for sending US troops to Syria.
Kosevo would work there....but I'm not so sure we should.
just curious gladly supported Obama getting involved in Libya...what gives?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 11:27:49 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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  If we do not bewlieve in democracy then we have no national creed .

  If the people of Syria choose a government we don't like , we don't have to support it, but we do have to tolerate it as a democraticly chosen legetamate government.

   Asaad doesn't deserve recognition as a legitamate government , if we support his overthrow with verbage , why not support it with money too?


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If we do not bewlieve in democracy then we have no national creed .

But what does that mean?
Are the Iranian Mullahs any more democratic than the Shah was?
There were so many cheers when the "mean ole Shah" was shouted out of office.
But where is the democracy or human rights you speak of in Iran today or in the last 3 decades?
So we shouldnt have supported the Shah...but we shouldnt oppose the Mullahs?
Are the Mullahs mowing downing the people in the streets so much better than the Shah?
If behind the scenes of the mobs of people in the "Arab Spring" are undemocratic butchers
is that really "the people" deciding?
Should we allow moderate non-democratic Arab leaders to be overthrown by
non-democratic radical Arab leaders that want to point nukes at us?
in most cases neither are democratic...but at least one isn't wanting to destroy us!
I think we should encourage true democracy while at the same time
accepting the reality on the ground and protecting our own safety too.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 12:00:49 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Are the Iranian Mullahs any more democratic than the Shah was?

Yes. it is not as democratic as it should be, but the Shah allowed NO participation by anyone other than his hand-picked advisers.

Democracy in the Muslim world means that the people will be allowed to choose their own leaders in fair and honest elections. The Arabs correctly see Israel as being a thieving,  immoral state dedicated to oppressing Muslim and Christian Arabs and depriving them of their land and water resources. Palestine is not the most important issue to Muslims, but it is a very important one.

Plane is right. Assad is an evil oppressive SOB. Syrians should have a right to elect a leader who is more attuned to the needs and desires of the Syrian people. This is unlikely to be anyone who will suck up to the Zionists.

American interests and Zionist interests are very different, by the way. I, for example, do not give a sh!t who controls the Golan Heights, so long as it does not cost me money. It is about as important to me as self-governance for the Falklands.
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Yes. it is not as democratic as it should be, but the Shah allowed NO
participation by anyone other than his hand-picked advisers

And that's what the Mullahs do.
The Mullahs dont all agree....but they still have the final say.
A small select group of ruling mullahs select the candidates who are put on the ballot.
If they don't like an aspiring candidate, they simply don't put him on the ballot.
Look at the country wide violent protests by the Iranian people over the rigged elections.
The unelected Mullahs approve who can and not be on the ballot.
The Mullahs have the final say over policy not so called "elected officials".
The Iranian People are really choosing their leaders now or with the Shah.
The Mullahs are not democratic and niether was the Shah.
The difference? We now have nutsjobs wanting to point nukes at us.
Thanks Jimmy Carter!

BTW....Human Rights Watch details widespread human rights abuses, including
judicial killings without trials or legal procedings; political rapes and torture,
violations of the rights to freedom of assembly and expression, and thousands
of arbitrary arrests and detentions under the Mullahs.
The Mullahs have a horrible human rights record and so did the Shah.

The Arabs correctly see Israel as being a thieving,  immoral state dedicated to oppressing Muslim and Christian Arabs and depriving them of their land and water resources.

"Thieving" as much as you are a "thief" of American Indian's land you now sit on
and enjoy the good life. Isreal is dedicated to their homeland and their people
and enjoy a better life than most Muslim countries that are oppressed by their
own Muslim leaders.

Palestine is not the most important issue to Muslims, but it is a very important one.

There is and never has been an independent state called "Palestine" whose majority residents were Muslim "Palestinians". The historical fact is that until the defeat of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire in World War I, there was no geopolitical entity called "Palestine" and no Arab nation ever set historical roots on this soil and no national claim was ever made to the territory by any national group other than the Jews.

Plane is right. Assad is an evil oppressive SOB. Syrians should have a right to elect a leader who is more attuned to the needs and desires of the Syrian people. .

Yes Assad is a monster. But worse monsters exist. And many times in Arab history worse monsters take over from the previous monster. If Syrians could really freely choose their leaders that would be great. But please list multiple examples throughout history where one Arab thug has been replaced by a democratic human rights loving new leader that is "attuned to their needs".

I, for example, do not give a s!t who controls the Golan Heights, so long as it does not cost me money. It is about as important to me as self-governance for the Falklands.

Well it comes as no suprise you only see the little picture with little thought given to
unintended consequences as liberals and the Left so often have a habit of doing.
It's the kind of thinking that leads to such baloney as: "yeah lets give everybody
"free healthcare", add millions of new patients, no new doctors and it aint gonna
cost us anything
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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There is and never has been an independent state called "Palestine" whose majority residents were Muslim "Palestinians". The historical fact is that until the defeat of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire in World War I, there was no geopolitical entity called "Palestine" and no Arab nation ever set historical roots on this soil and no national claim was ever made to the territory by any national group other than the Jews.
Stupid Zionist propaganda.

Palestine was ruled by Arabs from the 600's until the Crusades, and after the Crusades until the Ottomans.

Not to mention the Canaanites that were there before the Hebrews arrived from Egypt.
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"Palestine" is the name that the Romans gave to the land of Israel
when they conquered this land 2000 years ago.

* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" nation.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" state.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" kingdom.
* There were never in the history of the world "Palestinian" kings.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" capital.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" essence.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" heritage.
* There was never in the history of the world a "Palestinian" culture.

The"Palestinians" are Arabs who were brought to the region by the Ottoman empire as part of the Muslim occupation in the region. They are definitely not the tribes from Crete who settled down in the 5 citiesof Gaza strip after the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. These tribes werecalled Philistines and they weren't Arabs at all and the nowadays"Palestinians" are definitely not their descendants. The Philistines don't exist as a nation nowadays.

There's no "Palestinian"nation but an ARAB one which went out ofthe Arabian Peninsula and occupied dozens of lands, including the land of Israel.

The Arabs who were living in the land of Israel started to call themselves"Palestinians" only after the establishment of Israel in 1948 and prior to it they called themselves just 'Arabs' and this is how they called their organizations ('Arab Higher Committee') and theirstruggles ('The Great Arab Revolt') and nick named the land of Israelin different names such as 'Southern Syria'.

There was an Israeli state in the land of Israel 2000 years before the evil prophet of Islam alledgely flying on a "magical horse" from Mecca to Jerusalem.

* There was an Israeli nation in the land of Israel.
* There was an Israeli kingdom in the land of Israel.
* There were Israeli kings in the Israeli kingdom of Israel.
* There was an Israeli capital in the kingdom of Israel.
* There was and there is an Israeli essence.
* There was and there is an Israeli heritage.
* There was and there is an Israeli culture.

Israel isn't just a name of a state. It's first and for all a name of a nation(Am Yisrael). Israel is the name of the father of the nation(Jacob)and Israelis are his descendants. The real meaning of the word'Israeli' is someone who belongs to the nation of Israel and not only"acitizen of a state called Israel".

The word 'Jews' was invented by gentiles. When the Persians, theGreeks and the Romans occupied the land of Israel they called all theIsraelis in the name 'Jews' because at those days the tribe of Judahwas the biggest and the dominant tribe which survived the exile of Assyria in which 10 tribes of Israel were exiled. The tribe of Judahlived in the Judean desert thus the gentiles who occupied the land ofIsrael called the members of this tribe (and also the ones of Benjaminand Levi who joined it) in the name 'Jews'.

When Israelis (Jews) who live abroad go to synagogue they don'tread about Jews in the prayer books nor in the Torah but about 'The Nation of Israel', 'The Children of Israel', 'The House of Israel','Shema Yisrael' etc. They are Israelis because they belong to thenation of Israel even if they aren't citizens of a state called Israel.Both the words 'Jews' and 'Israelis' refer to nationality, to ethnicidentity and not to religion. Jews are members of the tribe of Judahand not "people who believe in Judaism". And the nation isn't calledJudah but Israel, and so does the land and in the future the 10 tribeswill return to this nation.

That's why Arab citizens of Israel don't define themselves as Israelis but as Arab/"Palestinian" citizens of a state CALLED Israel.They aren't members of the Israeli nation but of the Ishmaelite nation. Ishmael used to shoot arrows at Isaac (father of Israel) while saying:"I'm only playing..." That's why there's no "Israeli-Palestinianconflict" but a WAR that the Ishmaelites/Arabs opened on the Israelis. Also Muhammad murdered Israelis in Saudi Arabia who refused to accept this murderous pagan dream.

Some facts about Israel that the haters of Israel don't like:

1. Israel became a state in 1312 B.C.E., two millennia before Islam.

2. Arab refugees from Israel began calling themselves "Palestinians"in1967, two decades after (modern) Israeli statehood in 1948.

3. After conquering the land in 1272 B.C.E., Jews ruled it for a thousandy ears and maintained a continuous presence there for 3,300 years.

4. The only Arab rule following conquest in 633 B.C.E. lasted just 22 years.

5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem was the Jewish capital. It was never the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even under Jordanianrule,(East) Jerusalem was not made the capital, and no Arab leader came to visit it.

6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the bible, but not once is it mentioned in the Qur'an.

7. King David founded Jerusalem; Mohammed never set foot in it.

8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem; Muslims face Mecca. If they are between the two cities, Muslims pray facing Mecca, with their backs to Jerusalem.

9. In 1948, Arab leaders urged their people to leave, promising to cleanse the land of Jewish presence. 68% of them fled without eversetting eyes on an Israeli soldier.

10. Virtually the entire Jewish population of Muslim countries had to flee as the result of violence and pogroms.

11. Some 630,000 Arabs left Israel in 1948, while close to a million Jews were forced to leave the Muslim countries.

12. In spite of the vast territories at their disposal, Arab refugees were deliberately prevented from assimilating into their host countries. Of 100 million refugees following World War 2, they are the only group to have never integrated with their co-religionists. Most ofthe Jewish refugees from Europe and Arab lands were settled in Israel, a country no larger than New Jersey, USA.

13. There are 22 Muslim countries, not counting Palestine. There is only one Jewish state.

14. Fatah and Hamas constitutions still call for the destruction of Israel.
Israel ceded most of the west bank and all of Gaza to the Palestinian authority, and even provided it with arms.

15. During the Jordanian occupation, Jewish holy sites were vandalized and were off limits to Jews. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian holy sites are accessible to all faiths.

16. Out of 175 United Nations Security Council resolutions up to1990, 97 were against Israel; out of 690 general assembly resolutions, 429 were against Israel.

17. The U.N. was silent when the Jordanians destroyed 58 synagogues in the old city of Jerusalem. It remained silent while Jordan systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, and it remained silent when Jordan enforced apartheid laws preventing Jews from accessing the temple mount and western wall.

18. Arabs started all five wars against Israel, and lost every one of them.

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If we do not bewlieve in democracy then we have no national creed .

But what does that mean?
Are the Iranian Mullahs any more democratic than the Shah was?
There were so many cheers when the "mean ole Shah" was shouted out of office.
But where is the democracy or human rights you speak of in Iran today or in the last 3 decades?
So we shouldnt have supported the Shah...but we shouldnt oppose the Mullahs?
Are the Mullahs mowing downing the people in the streets so much better than the Shah?
If behind the scenes of the mobs of people in the "Arab Spring" are undemocratic butchers
is that really "the people" deciding?
Should we allow moderate non-democratic Arab leaders to be overthrown by
non-democratic radical Arab leaders that want to point nukes at us?
in most cases neither are democratic...but at least one isn't wanting to destroy us!
I think we should encourage true democracy while at the same time
accepting the reality on the ground and protecting our own safety too.

   Good question.
    I would say that when neither party to the fight is wholesome nor democratic we are not obliged to support either one, but might if it seems like a good idea for other reasons.
    In 1943 we needed friends in the region , there was a fight going on, in 1949 we needed friends in the region , there was a struggle with communism ramping up.

   So who to choose to support? There was no democratic Arab regime to support.

   I think that there might have been better choices made in Iran, but perhaps not, we wanted a friend that would commit not more Finland, certainly not more Cuba,so perhaps the mistakes were as good as we could have made.
   Second guessing with the advantage of hindsight isn't fair to the decisionmakers who were there at the time and had to make the choices in the storm.


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 Mossadegh was  a secular leader who was freely elected by the Iranian people, who saw him as the Iranian Ataturk. He was deposed and kept under house arrest by the Shah from the time he was overthrown by British Intelligence and the CIA in 1952 until he died in 1967.

Iranians are not Arabs.

The US was always very close to the Saud family.

The coup was for the purpose of preventing the Iranians from taking over their own oil operations. It had nothing to do with the Communists. It had everything to do with the greed of Big Oil.

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Take your rancid Zionist propaganda and ram it straight up your ass, "Christians". you towering phony.

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Mossadegh was  a secular leader who was freely elected by the Iranian people, who saw him as the Iranian Ataturk. He was deposed and kept under house arrest by the Shah from the time he was overthrown by British Intelligence and the CIA in 1952 until he died in 1967.

   Yes I know this , but I think that Mosaddegh was not seen as the ally against Communism that the Shah was, in these very narrow terms there was justifacation.

     It might indeed have been better in the long run to allow the democratic process to proceed unimpeded, it is hard to imagine what Iran would be like now if it had decades of democratic governance in its history and a population accustomed to making itself heard in government.



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Mossadegh was  a secular leader who was freely elected by the Iranian people, who saw him as the Iranian Ataturk. He was deposed and kept under house arrest by the Shah from the time he was overthrown by British Intelligence and the CIA in 1952 until he died in 1967.

The Mullahs helped the US depose Mossadegh.
And what does that matter anyway?
why does that make Mullahs wanting to point nukes at NY City any more justifiable or tolerable?
The Mullahs are worse than the Shah for Iran and for the world.

Iranians are not Arabs.

They are Middle Eastern so again please provide multiple examples of democratic leaders
that have taken over after overthrowing a brutal dictator in the Arab world or Middle East?
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Take your rancid Zionist propaganda and ram it straight up your ass, "Christians". you towering phony.

Thats a very intelligent response to facts.
Once again Leftist doctrine when taken to the factual end falls apart.
Liberalism is a fraud built on fraudulent foundations and lies.
Checkmate again!
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987