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The Obamacare 2-step
« on: May 22, 2012, 01:35:09 PM »
It's bad enough to see the multidue of folks & organizations that were able to produce enough donations to Obama & the Dems to get themselves a waiver from Obamination care, but this latest contraception number is quite impressive.  He goes about using his bully pulpit to preach diversity and the need to seek out and work with others you may not agree with.  That its the "only way to discover compromise". 

So, you have religous institutions, like the Catholic Church, and entities like Notre Dame, who not at the request of Obama, but by their very nature of being a religious organization, actively treat anyone and everyone, despite any differences they may have.  And what's their reward??......well, per Obama's mandate, since these institutions don't treat only other similar religious folks, and treat everyone, they fall out of the purview of a religious organization, per Obama, and thus MUST provide contraceptives and related matters, despite THEIR religious foundation, and 1st amendment protections

Neat trick, isn't it.  We'll see what the Supreme Court has to say about that
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Re: The Obamacare 2-step
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2012, 05:12:46 PM »
And on a related note.......

TV Networks Deliberately Censor Biggest Religious Lawsuit In History Against U.S. Gov't

The evening news broadcasts all but spiked the largest legal action in history to defend our Constitutionally-protected religious freedom, according to a new Media Research Center analysis.

ABC’s World News and NBC’s Nightly News refused to report news of the 43 Catholic dioceses and organizations suing the Obama administration. What could have been more newsworthy than this? NBC Nightly News devoted an entire story to a lunar eclipse; ABC led their evening broadcast and devoted an incredible three minutes and 30 seconds to the sentencing of the Rutgers student who spied on his gay roommate with a web camera.

CBS Evening News gave this historic news ... 19 seconds.

MRC President Brent Bozell reacts:

“This is the worst bias by omission I have seen in the quarter century history of the Media Research Center. Every American knows about the Chinese communists withholding for 20 years the news that the US had landed on the moon, because it reflected poorly on the government. Our US media today are no different. They are now withholding news from the American people if it is harmful to the re-election of Barack Obama.

“This is not a mistake, nor is it an editorial oversight by the broadcast networks. This is a deliberate and insidious withholding of national news to protect the ‘Chosen One’ who ABC, CBS and NBC have worked so hard to elect and are now abusing their journalistic influence to reelect. And when a network like CBS mentions the suit ever-so-briefly, they deliberately distort the issue by framing it as a contraception lawsuit instead of what they know it to be: a religious freedom issue. It’s bogus, dishonest – a flat out lie.

“The fact is that the Catholic Church has unleashed legal Armageddon on the administration, promising ‘we will not comply’ with a health law that strips Catholics of their religious liberty.  If this isn't 'news' then there's no such thing as news. This should be leading newscasts and the subject of special, in-depth reports. Instead, these networks are sending a clear message to all Americans that the networks will go to any lengths – even censoring from the public an event of this historic magnitude – to prevent the release of any information that will hurt Obama’s chances of re-election.

"The so-called 'news' media have sunk to a new low. This is despicable."

Again reinforcing that it's not what's reported nearly as much as what's NOT reported, that highlights the bias
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: The Obamacare 2-step
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2012, 04:05:43 PM »
Alexandria, VA – Nine prominent Catholic leaders have joined the Media Research Center to voice outrage over the broadcast networks deliberately withholding news of the momentous 43 Catholic entities suing the Obama administration for violating their religious freedoms. They represent major organizations including the Acton Institute, Cardinal Newman Society, SBA List, the Catholic League and others. More are coming in every hour.

There are 60 million Catholics in the US.  The Catholic vote will be the most important swing vote this year.  So it’s not just a major policy issue, it is one with massive political implications.  Yet, 19 seconds of news coverage remains the only attention given by the evening broadcast networks. Two days after news broke, the tally is:

- ABC World News – ZERO seconds of coverage. But, last night there was time for a full report on sleep apnea and Katie Couric discussing how she met Queen Elizabeth; how she wore a peach coat and "a lovely peach hat."

- NBC Nightly News – ZERO seconds of coverage. But last night there was time to squeeze in a story on a new computer app that shows America's eating habits, "graphic evidence" of how we eat badly late at night.

- CBS Evening News – a brief 19 seconds of coverage on Monday, the evening the lawsuit became public. ZERO coverage last night.  But there was time in the broadcast for a Cincinnati Reds baseball fan lucky enough to catch two home runs in left field.

shhhhhhhh....let's instead talk about how much money Romney has
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle