OK, let's take a few moments and check out these well thought out responses.
Js; <<"Of course no political party is going to deliberately withdraw funding for American soldiers at war. It is the same reason that the Republican Party never did anything with Social Security, but was happy to target insignificant drops in the bucket like Public Television or Amtrak. Politics is a pragmatic game of survival. Bush will get his "surge" but it won't be the pollyanna world of the top line in your comic strip. ">>
Js is absolutely right that the GOP plays this game as well, and gets equal scorn from the hard core right for their lack of principled stands, SS being right at the top. Immigration being a close 2nd. I disagree with the "Pollyanna" reference, not because I believe Bush's "surge" will accomplish every goal that we're supposed to have achieved, but that IMHO it's an an attempt to minimize, if not trivialize, the sincere goals and effort America is attempting, which absolutely includes a democratically free Iraq. Yet in the end, it appears Js is agreeing with my take on DC Dems. I think
Brass; <<"Personally, I see it as outright cowardice and the same thing I've been saying about it all along. This is a bandaid that they are trying to remove one agonizing arm hair at a time, crying "ow!" between each one. My contention is that we should yank that suck off and be done with it. There is no real solution other than withdrawal. Bush won't do that without some kind of "victory" which is never going to happen....It's bullshit. Any Dem with a brain in his head, a heart in his chest and a set would move to de-fund now and call Bush/Cheney's bluff on de-funding. Bush/Cheney has set that up as the most politically damaging action the Dems could take but I submit that ANY damage that they take will be wiped fully away when the families are bolting across the tarmacs and airport corridors to smother their returning spouses, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters with hugs and kisses.">>
Brass is much closer to the Hard core Liberal I originally referred to. Wouldn't blink twice is condemning the inactions of the DC Dems, if they stray from a hard left platform, especially one that's anti-war. That's why a hard core liberal like Joe Lieberman can be pilloried because he dares not support an anti-war stance.
Of course, I have to add he appears to put up a false premise in that the diabolical Bush/Cheney have masterminded the Dems into a no-win scenario. Yet I'd argue, again, that Nov elections said "change". It said "different direction". It has given the Democrat party political capital, and the majority, to deal with the biggest issue facing this nation, and hint hint, it isn't minimum wage. They can easily convey that the American people have said no more. But it's obvious they're worried that such a position would allow Bush & the GOP to paint the Dem party as "not supporting the troops". Not funding the surge isn't not supporting the troops. It's simply not supporting more troops. In which case both Brass & I have to scratch our heads at the inaction of the DC dems outside of a pathetic non-binding resolution. Again, I'm still under the belief that they WANT the issue, rather than attempt to stop what they consider an unjust war. And that's precisely what that resolution facilitates
Professor; <<"I advocate a systemic and careful withdraw from Iraq. It was ill-advised in the beginning. fraught with poor decisions along the way, and, well ,a litany of errors too many to pragmatically mention....All this while poor Karzai sits in Kabul, wondering when he will be shot. What we have done to both nations, IMHO, is beneath contempt....There is indeed, in my mind, some justification to the concept that "we broke it, so now we should fix it". The pragmatic issue is that it simply cannot be fixed with the current poor level of decision making being pursued by the gentlemen I helped elect TWICE. This latest surge will amount o zip....Tony Blair, bless his soul, took his hit for his valiant support. I respect him for it, even though the entire endeavor is beyond sad. In the meantime ,we lose 10-25 soldiers per day and the number of Iraqis lost each day is, well, shocking. As I have advocated in this forum many many times, if you intend to conduct warfare ,then do it convincingly and then turn the baton over to either a constabulary force or to a local leader. So, what did we do? We won the initial land battle then dismissed the military. Huh? Where's the stabilizing force now?">>
Another very well thought out post, and one demonstrating how NOT lock step the right is when it comes to Bush or even the war. While I can strongly agree with the many mistakes made (disbanding of the military being way up by the top), as well as the acknowledgment of any death be it American or Iraqi is tragic, I would have to remind the professor That most of those deaths are at the hands of the terrorists and insurgents. That much of the sectarian violence was initiated by Suuni/Saddam sympathizers, who really couldn't bear the notion that their minority was no longer in dictatorial control of the majority. I'd have to remind the Professor that legitimate and conclusive reasons were given for our actions, validated by the intelligence at the time. Following the events of 911, combined with the threat posed by Saddam's WMD, I argue it would have been irresponsible for Bush NOT to have acted in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Were mistakes made? absolutely. Is any war perfect?, I'm not aware of any myself. Point being Bush took us to war on what was deemed slam-dunk intel, concluded not just by our folks, but by a whole host of other country's intel agencies, which even included France, Germany, Russia, and the UN. Some folks hate Bush so much (not pointing any fingers currently), they'll ignore that fact, and claim Bush lied us into war.
But let's pretend for a moment he did. Let's pretend for a moment that Bush really is that nefarious, that diabolical. Is that not MORE a rationale for the Dems in DC to pull the purse for any surge?? It would be...it should be. But it's not. why? Because the Dems want the issue. They want to Bash bush, while still looking like they "support the troops". The war means very little to them compared to that. Our soldiers dying in an "unjust war" apparently means far less to them, in order to pass non-binding resolutions that say and do squat.
I do appreciate your folks' time and consideration in this matter. Thanks