Author Topic: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)  (Read 9584 times)

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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2007, 01:02:35 PM »
You cannot blame the teaching of evolution for the lack of teaching in other areas.

Moreover, clearly evolution is not taught well enough because a great deal of people have no understanding of it. That is clear nearly everytime I listen or read an "evolution vs. God" debate.
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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #31 on: January 30, 2007, 02:35:18 PM »
You cannot blame the teaching of evolution for the lack of teaching in other areas.

Moreover, clearly evolution is not taught well enough because a great deal of people have no understanding of it. That is clear nearly everytime I listen or read an "evolution vs. God" debate.

That is right!

I would rather that Scence were taught instead of evolution.

Evoluton is taught as a set of facts which the student will accept or get a poor grade, this is NOT teaching science. This is teaching acceptance of orthodoxy.

If the scientific method were taught , who could object to that being taught well? Then the history of scientific discovery would be more meaningfull and memorable as well as the student haveing  real understaning of how science works.

Realisticly ,there are only a few jobs that cannot be done
by someone who does no know the diffrene between Pre-Raphialite and  Pre-Cambrian.
But few jobs indeed that could not benefit from clear eyed logical examination '
Or even a bit of rigorous experimentation


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2007, 02:44:11 PM »
Evoluton is taught as a set of facts which the student will accept or get a poor grade, this is NOT teaching science.

It was not taught that way when I was going to school. Nor is it now, while my daughter is going to school.
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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2007, 02:47:17 PM »
Evoluton is taught as a set of facts which the student will accept or get a poor grade, this is NOT teaching science.

It was not taught that way when I was going to school. Nor is it now, while my daughter is going to school.

Is the scientific method being taught?

Or is the theory being expounded on without emphasis on its history of discovery and methods?


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #34 on: January 30, 2007, 02:51:59 PM »
Is the scientific method being taught?

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #35 on: January 30, 2007, 02:54:19 PM »
evolution to me means we are in a constant state of change meaning in the far future we will be different.
we have the potential to have bodies that tires less and have better memory retention .
and hopefully better sleep( crossing fingers).
would intelligent design have these predictions??


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2007, 03:23:00 PM »
Realisticly ,there are only a few jobs that cannot be done
by someone who does no know the diffrene between Pre-Raphialite and  Pre-Cambrian.
But few jobs indeed that could not benefit from clear eyed logical examination '
Or even a bit of rigorous experimentation

Realistically few jobs require one to have read and actually understood a work of Shakespeare, but should High School students graduate without ever having read a single play or sonnet?
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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #37 on: January 30, 2007, 06:05:51 PM »
actually evolution & creationism is fairly small in most school ciriculum.
not sure how not believing in either one should effect grade.
maybe the solution is to make either subject non-class credit.


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2007, 12:16:48 AM »
evolution to me means we are in a constant state of change meaning in the far future we will be different.
we have the potential to have bodies that tires less and have better memory retention .
and hopefully better sleep( crossing fingers).
would intelligent design have these predictions??

Evolution does not automatically lead to improvement .

The fish that live in Caves have lost their sense of sight , being blind adapts them better to the condition they are in but makes them more specialized in their requirement of environment.

I am not as strong as my father was , he was a farm boy who never lost the strength he developed working as a youth on jobs harder than I have ever needed to .

Just as eyes are wasted energy for a cave dwelling fish , muscle mass greater than needed for a sedentary life can be an evolutionary disadvantage.

Perhaps evolution will make our bodys better adapted to our environment in the future , but notice that our environment is growing more and more adapted to our being lazy.

Some time in the very distant past perhaps there were predecessors of the barnacle that were free swimming creatures something like shrimp , adaptation has led them to become sedentary filter feeders because they make a good living that way . Human evolution might lead us to become sedentary filter feeders in the future but with a robot to bring food the way a clownfish brings food to its anemone.


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2007, 01:50:27 PM »

I don`t know if this book is available anymore it`s pretty cool
I lost my copy years ago


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2007, 06:15:32 PM »
How about the people known as "the Travelers", who are some sort of Celtic Gypsies and live by traveling about and bilking others with bad home improvements, 'boojum' scams, incompetent auto dent repair and such? They (as well as some Romany Gypsies) believe that they should pass this criminal lifestyle on to their children.

That is a bit of a biased account of the Travellers and the Roma. It sounds like something The Sun might print.

In fairness though, it is a good question. Where does education of children stop becoming a priority for society and the sole domain for individuals? This is a serious question (among others) Britain faces with the Travellers and Roma. 

I see you have not had any of these clowns try to bilk YOU. I have, not that they got away with anything.

I did not say that all Romany and all Travelers, or even most, were scammers and thieves. I said that there are some that are, and they are famous for particular sorts of scams, at which they excell.

A friend of mine from long ago was a Romany named Pinto who had left the Romany way of life and had married a nice Norwegian girl and settled down in Aberdeen, Washington. He was far less charitable to the Roma than I, since they had bilked his father out of his life savings and him as well of a young fortune prior to that. The most likely target of a Roma scam is another Roma, he said, since there are no Roma cops to rat them out, or at least weren't back in hois part of the country (near SF CA) in the 1950's.

The Travelers specialize in home improvement thievery. There were dozens of them cruising about after Hurricanes David and Wilma, offering to do cheap roof repairs and then skipping town. The Romanys tend to come down here when they get evicted in NJ and NJ (or can't get their homes heated, at least) and specialize in ad hoc dent repair. It would be unwise to hire most of them,. because they are illiterate and cannot actually read the label on the Bondo about how much hardener to add to the Bondo. They tend to fill the dent with several inches of the stuff, take their payment, and leave, with the blob still on the fender, promising to sand it down tomorrow. They tend to never return.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2007, 06:30:56 PM »


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2007, 07:37:15 PM »
Realisticly ,there are only a few jobs that cannot be done
by someone who does no know the diffrene between Pre-Raphialite and  Pre-Cambrian.
But few jobs indeed that could not benefit from clear eyed logical examination '
Or even a bit of rigorous experimentation

Realistically few jobs require one to have read and actually understood a work of Shakespeare, but should High School students graduate without ever having read a single play or sonnet?

I would miss the Shakespere I have read if I lost it but not that,that I have never read.

If my parents were objecting to my being exposed to Shakespere , who wold have the right to make me see or read some?

(On a Shakespere Tangent , have you ever seen the Japannese Movie "RAN"?)


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #43 on: January 31, 2007, 07:42:51 PM »
How about the people known as "the Travelers", who are some sort of Celtic Gypsies and live by traveling about and bilking others with bad home improvements, 'boojum' scams, incompetent auto dent repair and such? They (as well as some Romany Gypsies) believe that they should pass this criminal lifestyle on to their children.

That is a bit of a biased account of the Travellers and the Roma. It sounds like something The Sun might print.

In fairness though, it is a good question. Where does education of children stop becoming a priority for society and the sole domain for individuals? This is a serious question (among others) Britain faces with the Travellers and Roma. 

I see you have not had any of these clowns try to bilk YOU. I have, not that they got away with anything.

I did not say that all Romany and all Travelers, or even most, were scammers and thieves. I said that there are some that are, and they are famous for particular sorts of scams, at which they excell.

A friend of mine from long ago was a Romany named Pinto who had left the Romany way of life and had married a nice Norwegian girl and settled down in Aberdeen, Washington. He was far less charitable to the Roma than I, since they had bilked his father out of his life savings and him as well of a young fortune prior to that. The most likely target of a Roma scam is another Roma, he said, since there are no Roma cops to rat them out, or at least weren't back in hois part of the country (near SF CA) in the 1950's.

The Travelers specialize in home improvement thievery. There were dozens of them cruising about after Hurricanes David and Wilma, offering to do cheap roof repairs and then skipping town. The Romanys tend to come down here when they get evicted in NJ and NJ (or can't get their homes heated, at least) and specialize in ad hoc dent repair. It would be unwise to hire most of them,. because they are illiterate and cannot actually read the label on the Bondo about how much hardener to add to the Bondo. They tend to fill the dent with several inches of the stuff, take their payment, and leave, with the blob still on the fender, promising to sand it down tomorrow. They tend to never return.

   If a person breaks the law , he is liable to loose the right to raise his children as he wishes , he can't do this from prison .

     If a person peacefully disagrees with the governments accepted orthodoxy truth is this an infraction worthy of severe penalty ?


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Re: Classes in Darwinism and Intelligent design (Near Darwins home)
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2007, 07:59:03 PM »
wouldn`t the real question is it really legal to protest?
I just had the disscussion should a group protester be responsible for one persons illegal actions?
if the answer is yes than indirectly protest is illegal.
we tend to hear the damages caused by protesters,despite the real truth only a very small part actually do the damage.