Author Topic: Zimmerman Passed Police Lie Detector Test (Race-baiters won't like this news)  (Read 3233 times)

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George Zimmerman Passed Police Lie Detector Test
Day After Trayvon Martin Killing

June 26,  2012

A day after killing Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman passed a police lie detector test when asked if he confronted the teenager and whether he feared for his life "when you shot the guy," according to documents released today by Florida prosecutors.

According to a "confidential report" prepared by the Sanford Police Department, Zimmerman, 28, willingly submitted to a computer voice stress analyzer (CVSA) "truth verification" on February 27.  Investigators concluded that he "has told substantially the complete truth in regards to this examination."

Zimmerman, the report noted, "was classified as No Deception Indicated (NDI)."

Along with questions about whether his first name was George and if it was Monday, Zimmerman was asked, "Did you confront the guy you shot?" He answered, "No." He was also asked, "Were you in fear for your life, when you shot the guy." Zimmerman replied, "Yes."

Before the CVSA test, Zimmerman--who was apparently not accompanied by legal counsel--signed a Sanford Police Department release stating that he was undergoing the examination "voluntarily, without duress, coercion, threat or promise."

The lie detector test was requested by Chris Serino, a homicide investigator with the Sanford Police Department.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Good for Zimmy.

Too bad that lie detector evidence is not accepted in court.

I say, let the court decide.

If Zimmy had a brain, he would have taken his $200 K out of Pay Pal and lit out for Peru.

But he didn't. If he had had a brain, he would have stayed in his car and left his gun at home.
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If Zimmy had a brain, he would have taken his $200 K out of Pay Pal and lit out for Peru.

Why would he do that when he is innocent of ANY crime?

The more evidence that comes out....ya know like facts
instead of race-baiter bullshit...the better Mr. Zimmerman looks.
The more facts we learn the more it's easy to see
That "kid" in the hoodie was a race-baiting fantasy.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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The kid in the hoodie was shot dead.

Of course, in the non racist world of "Christians", it is perfectly legal to have shot him.

I bet Zimmy would tell you that he is sorry he was so stupid.

It would have been sweet to have gotten away with that $200,000 from his racist PayPal donors, but nowe he'll have to give it to lawyers.

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I bet Zimmy would tell you that he is sorry he was so stupid.

I bet the thug in the hoodie with an illegal drug in his system
was sorry he broke Mr. Zimmerman's nose and was bashing
Mr. Zimmerman's head into the concrete since those actions
caused the thug to die that night.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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It would have been sweet to have gotten away with that $200,000 from his racist PayPal donors, but nowe he'll have to give it to lawyers.

Where do you get that Zimmerman's PayPal donors are racist? Based on what evidence?


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Where do you get that Zimmerman's PayPal donors are racist? Based on what evidence?

He equates studying the evidence thus far and
siding with Zimmerman means you must be a racist.
In other words...if you look at the facts and come to
a different conclusion you must be a racist.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Where do you get that Zimmerman's PayPal donors are racist? Based on what evidence?

He equates studying the evidence thus far and
siding with Zimmerman means you must be a racist.
In other words...if you look at the facts and come to
a different conclusion you must be a racist.

That's interesting. I thought people donated to him, because they knew he was being set up as a scapegoat, and as always people root for the underdog.

When you have major media editing 911 tapes to fit the narrative, when the atty general of the united states has plenty of time to dispatch agents to investigate whether there was a racial angle to the shooting, but is too busy to answer a subpoena from Congress, when you have the President of The United States saying if he had a son he would look like Trayvon, there is little doubt that zimmerman would be the underdog in this saga. But there would be huge doubt as to whether he would get a fair trail.


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Did YOU send money to Zimmy's PayPal account?

Wouldn't you think that someone that believes that Blacks in hoodies running around at night should be shot would send money to Zimmerman?

If the President did have a son, he would look like Trayvon: it is a fact. Whatever Trayvon was doing before Zimmy drove around spying on him did not merit the death penalty.

There is a very high probability that some, perhaps even most, of Zimmerman's donors were some sort of racists.
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It wouldn't matter if Trayvon wore a hoodie or not. He was shot because from all evidence available he attacked Zimmerman and knocked him to the ground then got on top of him and started to pummel him.

And i did think about donating, the problem was that while i was thinking about it, his lawyer situation had not solidified. And if Obama had a son, he might look more like Harry Belafonte than Trayvon, depending on how the gene pool played out. And you know, i think the folks you say would donate because there is nothing better than a dead nigger wearing a hoodie, probably wouldn't donate. Though they might say they would. Paypal leaves an audit trail, especially if you attach notes to the donation. So the exposure might dictate discretion.


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Even most Kluxers are smart enough not to make overtly racist statements. 

It is not illegal to donate money to Zimmerman. I really do not think those who did donate would need to make some statement with their donation, though I imagine that some surely did. People can say whatever they want, so long as it does not involve a threat to do something illegal.

The President said nothing wrong. He did nothing wrong. He only made a factual statement and expressed sympathy for Martinsl parents at having lost a son.

It really is not important who Obama's imaginary son might have resembled. Everyone knew what he meant.
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The issue is not who Obama said his son would look like, the issue is that he politicized the issue, jeopardizing the chance for the defendant to have a fair trial. It's weird that you would make off hand accusations about folks who would donate to a defense fund calling them racist etc, but do not for one minute call into question the behavior of those baiters who introduced race into the story.


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  My sons don't look like either one of these guys.

I guess that means I don't need to care.


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The President did not introduced race into this. Race was already involved. A White guy shot and killed a Black guy. And note that you are cheering for the White guy.
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The President did not introduced race into this. Race was already involved. A White guy shot and killed a Black guy. And note that you are cheering for the White guy.

Zimmerman has slightly less black blood than Obama.

And yes Obama as well as his administration and cohorts did introduce race into a local shooting.

or has he been commenting daily about the young victims of black on black crime a noting how if he did have a son they would look like this victim or that.

I have no problem with Zimmerman going to trial. I have a problem with people who donate to his defense fund being labeled as racist for no other reason than you say so. I have a problem with him being tried in the press and at every opportunity the press distorts the truth to fit their narrative.