Author Topic: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again  (Read 5066 times)

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Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« on: January 28, 2007, 12:13:53 AM »
Kerry Slams US In Davos Summit

There's something about the Davos economic summit that drives American leftists to slam their own country while abroad. Two years ago, Eason Jordan lost his job at CNN over his accusations in Davos that the US military had a policy of assassinating journalists in war zones. Today, John Kerry used the forum to scold the Bush administration for its foreign policy while specifying two issues that predate it:

Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry slammed the foreign policy of the Bush administration on Saturday, saying it has caused the United States to become "a sort of international pariah."
The statement came as the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee responded to a question about whether the U.S. government had failed to adequately engage Iran's government before the election of hard-liner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005.

Kerry said the Bush administration has failed to adequately address a number of foreign policy issues.

"When we walk away from global warming, Kyoto, when we are irresponsibly slow in moving toward AIDS in Africa, when we don't advance and live up to our own rhetoric and standards, we set a terrible message of duplicity and hypocrisy," Kerry said.

"So we have a crisis of confidence in the Middle East - in the world, really. I've never seen our country as isolated, as much as a sort of international pariah for a number of reasons as it is today."

Once again, we have the spectre of Kyoto haunting the Bush administration, when it was the Clinton administration that refused to submit the treaty to the Senate -- and the Senate that unanimously passed a resolution saying they'd never ratify it. The Byrd-Hagel Resolution in 1997 made it clear that the US would not allow itself to be bound by the treaty as long as it exempted India, China, and other developing nations. That's the same position as the Bush Administration has taken -- and the same position that John Kerry himself took in 1997 when he voted in favor of the Byrd-Hagel Resolution.

That's yet another example of the hypocrisy of John Kerry -- but there's more.

He took the time to scold the Bush administration for its lack of effort on AIDS and other diseases in Africa. However, Bush has already spent more on these issues than the last Democratic administration did in eight years. Humanitarian aid to Africa comprised $1.4 billion a year at the end of the Clinton administration, but Bush has tripled that to $4 billion per year -- and wants to more than double it over the next two years:

President Bush's legacy is sure to be defined by his wielding of U.S. military power in Afghanistan and Iraq, but there is another, much softer and less-noticed effort by his administration in foreign affairs: a dramatic increase in U.S. aid to Africa.
The president has tripled direct humanitarian and development aid to the world's most impoverished continent since taking office and recently vowed to double that increased amount by 2010 -- to nearly $9 billion. ...

Bush has increased direct development and humanitarian aid to Africa to more than $4 billion a year from $1.4 billion in 2001, according to the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. And four African nations -- Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt and Uganda -- rank among the world's top 10 recipients in aid from the United States.

So not only is John Kerry a hypocrite, he's also an ignoramus. However, we have noticed that the Davos forum has become, over the years, a convention of sorts for both. Kerry should feel right at home.


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2007, 02:17:06 AM »
Bush seems to be loth to blow his own horn.

If President Gore or Kerry were giveing half as much money to the needy of Africa , wouldn't we know all about it?


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2007, 02:56:23 AM »
Scary how close he became to becoming Commander & Chief         :o
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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2007, 01:13:47 PM »
HEY!!!! this is Johm KERRY!!!!! I mean I could believe ANYTHING right now!!

Once more the IVY LEAGUE has proved its so STUPID IT CANN'T EVEN TELL A JOKE!!! ;D ;D:))


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2007, 01:16:11 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;DPERHAPS they need a REMEDIAL class in JOKE TELLING at the IVY LEAGUE?????? Thats a THOUGHT!!! ROFL


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2007, 01:58:47 PM »
There is something to be said for truth trumping an artificially imposed national loyalty, especially when the views expressed may actually redeem American prestige to some extent, occurring as they did during the long, dark night of the soul for wisdom and candor which is the G.W. Bush Administration.


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2007, 02:23:33 PM »
There is something to be said for truth trumping an artificially imposed national loyalty, especially when the views expressed may actually redeem American prestige to some extent, occurring as they did during the long, dark night of the soul for wisdom and candor which is the G.W. Bush Administration.

That would work better if Kerry were telling the truth.

Or if he knew the truth.


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2007, 02:24:37 PM »
Truth to power usually is based on fact. Kerry's charges are missing that vital ingredient.


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2007, 02:50:39 PM »
I do not vouch for the accuracy of Kerry's comments, leaving the issue open but noting that he has earned a reputation for reckless speech. My concern was the apparent objection to a government official making dissident remarks overseas "in a time of war," as they say. I think that old shibboleth was never a valid constriction on our national debate, and certainly not in an age of instant electronic communication worldwide. I will concede, therefore, that Kerry may have been reckless but not that he was in any sense disloyal. The venue for our national debate is now global, and allowing foreigners to participate or observe actually serves our national interest, if for no other reason than to show the transparency of our national conversation and thus its susceptibility to constructive criticism.


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2007, 03:00:44 PM »
I do not vouch for the accuracy of Kerry's comments, leaving the issue open but noting that he has earned a reputation for reckless speech. My concern was the apparent objection to a government official making dissident remarks overseas "in a time of war," as they say. I think that old shibboleth was never a valid constriction on our national debate, and certainly not in an age of instant electronic communication worldwide. I will concede, therefore, that Kerry may have been reckless but not that he was in any sense disloyal. The venue for our national debate is now global, and allowing foreigners to participate or observe actually serves our national interest, if for no other reason than to show the transparency of our national conversation and thus its susceptibility to constructive criticism.

Was there no reason for Bob Dole to avoid going to Italy and saying that the War in Kosovo and Bosnia was a bad idea?

Is it silly to expect a Democrat to rise to a Republican standard?


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2007, 07:49:24 PM »
>Was there no reason for Bob Dole to avoid going to Italy and saying that the War in Kosovo and Bosnia was a bad idea?<

One main  reason Bob Dole probly didnt do that because he supported  , not opposed, that war although many of you cowardly traitor Repubs did oppose your country's Comander in Chiefs involvement

>Is it silly to expect a Democrat to rise to a Republican standard?<

No Dem could sink that low.


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2007, 07:57:27 PM »
>Was there no reason for Bob Dole to avoid going to Italy and saying that the War in Kosovo and Bosnia was a bad idea?<

One main  reason Bob Dole probly didnt do that because he supported  , not opposed, that war although many of you cowardly traitor Repubs did oppose your country's Comander in Chiefs involvement

>Is it silly to expect a Democrat to rise to a Republican standard?<

No Dem could sink that low.

I recall that this is a particular trick the Dixie Chicks and Jimmy Carter also  know.
How many Republicans have done the Dixie Chick Trick?


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2007, 08:10:51 PM »
>Was there no reason for Bob Dole to avoid going to Italy and saying that the War in Kosovo and Bosnia was a bad idea?<

One main  reason Bob Dole probly didnt do that because he supported  , not opposed, that war although many of you cowardly traitor Repubs did oppose your country's Comander in Chiefs involvement

>Is it silly to expect a Democrat to rise to a Republican standard?<

No Dem could sink that low.

I recall that this is a particular trick the Dixie Chicks and Jimmy Carter also  know.
How many Republicans have done the Dixie Chick Trick?

Quite a few during Kosovo including Dickless Cheney:


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2007, 08:21:58 PM »
>Was there no reason for Bob Dole to avoid going to Italy and saying that the War in Kosovo and Bosnia was a bad idea?<

One main  reason Bob Dole probly didnt do that because he supported  , not opposed, that war although many of you cowardly traitor Repubs did oppose your country's Comander in Chiefs involvement

>Is it silly to expect a Democrat to rise to a Republican standard?<

No Dem could sink that low.

I recall that this is a particular trick the Dixie Chicks and Jimmy Carter also  know.
How many Republicans have done the Dixie Chick Trick?

Quite a few during Kosovo including Dickless Cheney:

OK , I read your link.
I didn't see where a Republican goes overseas to speak criticism  , perhaps to win the affection of a European audience. Is there really no example at all of a Republican doing that?

I expected Republicans his dastardly to be rare , not completely absent.
We are better off than I knew.


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Re: Perhaps he was telling a joke poorly ........ again
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2007, 08:27:23 PM »
>Was there no reason for Bob Dole to avoid going to Italy and saying that the War in Kosovo and Bosnia was a bad idea?<

One main  reason Bob Dole probly didnt do that because he supported  , not opposed, that war although many of you cowardly traitor Repubs did oppose your country's Comander in Chiefs involvement

>Is it silly to expect a Democrat to rise to a Republican standard?<

No Dem could sink that low.

I recall that this is a particular trick the Dixie Chicks and Jimmy Carter also  know.
How many Republicans have done the Dixie Chick Trick?

Quite a few during Kosovo including Dickless Cheney:

OK , I read your link.
I didn't see where a Republican goes overseas to speak criticism  , perhaps to win the affection of a European audience. Is there really no example at all of a Republican doing that?

I expected Republicans his dastardly to be rare , not completely absent.
We are better off than I knew.

Dont be silly , Plane . Repubs are much more dastardly than that. You went overseas and started an unnecessary war and expected to be greeted by Roses. Not only dastardly , but fucken dumb as well.