Author Topic: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.  (Read 2557 times)

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Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« on: October 12, 2012, 03:07:22 PM »
Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
posted at 10/12/2012 01:36:11 PM EDT


    MS. RADDATZ: Well, let's talk about this 20 percent.

    VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well – (chuckles) –

    MS. RADDATZ: You have refused yet again to offer specifics on how you pay for that 20 percent across-the-board tax cut. Do you actually have the specifics, or are you still working on it, and that's why you won't tell voters?

Here Ryan is presented with a simple yes-or-no answer. Since he doesn't have the answer, he immediately starts slithering and equivocating:

    REP. RYAN: Different than this administration, we actually want to have big bipartisan agreements. You see, I understand the –...

        MS. RADDATZ: Do you have the specifics? Do you have the math? Do you know exactly what you're doing?

    So now the ball is in Ryan's court. The answer he gives is astounding:

        REP. RYAN: Look – look at what Mitt – look at what Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill did. They worked together out of a framework to lower tax rates and broaden the base, and they worked together to fix that. What we're saying is here's our framework: Lower tax rates 20 percent – we raise about $1.2 trillion through income taxes. We forgo about 1.1 trillion [dollars] in loopholes and deductions. And so what we're saying is deny those loopholes and deductions to higher-income taxpayers so that more of their income is taxed, which has a broader base of taxation >>

        It seems that Martha's bias is simply for the truth. Ryan seems to have a different bias.

Reagan is dead, Tip O'Neal is dead. The tax law has been changed. Ryan  is just a weasel. He cannot deal with revealing his stupid, unworkable plan.

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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2012, 06:03:50 PM »
..........Martha Raddatz shows her bias.

Vice presidential debate moderator Martha Raddatz of ABC News asked the candidates several questions on many important issues facing the country, including the terrorist attack in Libya, Iran, unemployment, Medicare, taxes, defense spending, Afghanistan, Syria, abortion, and what each candidate could "give to this country as a man."

But notice what was absent from Raddatz's questions — a specific question about Obamacare. In fact, according to a transcript of the debate, the term "Obamacare" was only mentioned 11 times, all of them by Paul Ryan. Ryan spoke about how the law infringes on religious liberties (something Joe Biden disputed) and how the program raids over $700 billion from Medicare to pay for the new entitlement under Obamacare.

Obamacare is the signature domestic achievement of the Obama administration. It's also exceedingly unpopular and motivated voters to rebuke the White House and vote for Republicans in the 2010 midterm elections. The highest profile case the Supreme Court took up in its last session concerned Obamacare's individual mandate. Mitt Romney has pledged to repeal the law if he is elected president. A major part of Obama's reelection campaign is staked on saving the law from repeal


Yep, xo was right....besides the multiple times she her self was interrupting Ryan, and those few occasions, she was trying to help Biden out, so often its not what's reported as much as what's not reported, or in this case, asked, that higlights the bias.  Perhaps had Ryan been a guest at one of her weddings, we would have gotten a more balanced and objective moderator
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 06:53:56 PM by sirs »
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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2012, 06:48:01 PM »
The answer he gives is astounding:
Was it  more "astounding" than Joe Gaffe Biden lying or making multiple gaffes?

Here are the top ten worst lies told by Biden during the debate:

Update - Honorable Mention: "There's not one Democrat who endorsed his...plan." Biden lied--as Ryan pointed out, amidst the Vice President's interruptions--about the fact that Ryan had worked with both Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon and former Clinton budget director Alice Rivlin in developing his entitlement reforms. While it's true that neither have endorsed the Romney-Ryan ticket's separate plan--which is different--Ryan's own plans, to which Biden referred, were endorsed by Democrats, and Biden knows it.

10. "With all due respect, that's a bunch of malarkey....not a single thing he said is accurate." At the outset of the debate, Biden tried to paint Ryan as a liar--when Biden, in fact, was the one lying. Ryan had pointed out: 1) that the White House had distanced itself from the Cairo embassy's apologies on 9/11; 2) that Obama had failed to speak up for Iranian protestors in 2009; 3) that the Obama administration called Syria's dictator a "reformer"; 4) and that the Obama administration is imposing defense cuts and projecting weakness. All of that is true.

9. "The president has met with Bibi [Netanyahu] a dozen times....This is a bunch of stuff." While they have met several times--not a dozen--that includes a meeting at which Obama made the Israeli prime minister enter the White House through a back entrance, refused to take a picture with him, and left him on his own for dinner. Specifically, Ryan had criticized Obama's refusal to meet Netanyahu in New York last month, and to tape talk show interviews instead--a clear snub that sent the wrong signal, again, to Israel's enemies.

8. "Just let the taxes expire like they're supposed to on those millionaires." Biden's "millionaires" are actually households earning more than $250,000 a year, which includes many middle-class families with two earners, and small business owners in particular who report business earnings as personal income. Biden and Obama have repeatedly labeled those earning over $250,000 as "millionaires and billionaires," distorting the actual impact of their tax plan on the non-millionaires it would hit hardest, who create a vast proportion of small business jobs.

7. "You know, I heard that death panel argument from Sarah Palin. It seems that every vice presidential debate, I hear this kind of stuff about panels." Biden's cheap shot against Palin was an attempt to diminish both her and the man sitting across from him. But Palin never talked about "death panels" in her debate with Biden, for the simple reason that Obamacare had not yet been proposed. Nor did Ryan mention "death panels"--he had addressed the undeniable fact that Obamacare proposes a board to impose cost controls.

6. "The congressman here cut embassy security in his budget by $300 million below what we asked for." Biden's lie about Ryan's budget was an attempt to dodge responsibility for lax embassy security--and to cover up that the Obama administration called for new cuts to embassy security just days after the 9/11 attacks. Ryan's proposal, which called for a 19% overall decrease in non-defense discretionary spending, does not even mention embassy security--the Obama campaign merely made up that number by applying 19% across the board.

5. "No, they are not four years closer to a nuclear weapon." Biden's attempt to lie about the glaring reality of the Iranian nuclear program fell flat. Iran is indeed four years closer to a nuclear weapon, and the Obama administration--believing it knew better than its predecessors--tried to reinvent the wheel on talks with Iran, causing frustration to our allies in Europe and the Middle East. Meeting after meeting this year has failed to produce results, and the loophole-filled sanctions, while hurting Iran somewhat, are not stopping its nuclear program.

4. "No religious institution, Catholic or otherwise...has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact." No, it is not a fact--it is the opposite of a fact, and saying "that is a fact" does not make it any less a blatant lie. The Obama administration is forcing religious institutions to provide contraceptive and abortion drugs through their insurance policies. That is the reason several dozen religious institutions are suing the administration to defend their First Amendment freedom of religion.

3. "It came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card...I was there. I voted against him." Biden voted for both the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war. He did not vote for George W. Bush's plan to extend coverage of Medicare to prescription drugs (though he voted for an earlier, similar proposal), nor did he vote for the Bush tax cuts. But he voted for both of the wars he derided last night. To quote Bill Clinton's speech to the Democratic National Convention: "It takes some brass to attack a guy for doing what you did."

2. "What we did is we saved $716 billion and put it back -- applied it to Medicare." Biden repeated the lie the Obama administration has been telling since before Obamacare passed in 2010: that cuts to Medicare today were savings that extend the life of the program. They would be--if the same $716 billion wasn't also being used to pay for Obamacare. As Ryan pointed out in 2010, and again last night, you can't double-count the same cuts. Taking $716 billion out of Medicare means exactly that--and hurts, not helps, the program's solvency.

1. "Well, we weren?t told they wanted more security again." Biden lied through his teeth about the fact that the administration--specifically, the State Department--had been told again and again that security on the ground in Libya, and in Benghazi in particular, was inadequate. The day before, in Congressional hearings on the Libya attacks, former regional security director Eric Nordstrom described his frustration with having those requests turned down by the government bureaucracy: "For me the Taliban is on the inside of the building."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 07:27:10 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2012, 06:56:13 PM »
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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2012, 10:53:12 AM »
Sorry, there is no OUCH.

Just blatant stupid loyalty to the asshole Republican Party.

May God rot them all, but rot Ryan first.
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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2012, 03:56:19 PM »
Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
posted at 10/12/2012 01:36:11 PM EDT


    MS. RADDATZ: Well, let's talk about this 20 percent.

    VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well – (chuckles) –

    MS. RADDATZ: You have refused yet again to offer specifics on how you pay for that 20 percent across-the-board tax cut. Do you actually have the specifics, or are you still working on it, and that's why you won't tell voters?

Here Ryan is presented with a simple yes-or-no answer. Since he doesn't have the answer, he immediately starts slithering and equivocating:

    REP. RYAN: Different than this administration, we actually want to have big bipartisan agreements. You see, I understand the –...

        MS. RADDATZ: Do you have the specifics? Do you have the math? Do you know exactly what you're doing?

    So now the ball is in Ryan's court. The answer he gives is astounding:

        REP. RYAN: Look – look at what Mitt – look at what Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill did. They worked together out of a framework to lower tax rates and broaden the base, and they worked together to fix that. What we're saying is here's our framework: Lower tax rates 20 percent – we raise about $1.2 trillion through income taxes. We forgo about 1.1 trillion [dollars] in loopholes and deductions. And so what we're saying is deny those loopholes and deductions to higher-income taxpayers so that more of their income is taxed, which has a broader base of taxation >>

        It seems that Martha's bias is simply for the truth. Ryan seems to have a different bias.

Reagan is dead, Tip O'Neal is dead. The tax law has been changed. Ryan  is just a weasel. He cannot deal with revealing his stupid, unworkable plan.

   That you do not understand the answer , does not prove that it is a bad answer.


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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2012, 04:02:09 PM »
I understand that now is not then and rates are lower now than then.

It is clearly a bad answer, and surely a vague answer. No one could convert what Ryan said into numbers and come up with a valid answer. Not Ryan, not me, not you.

Reagan is dead. O'Neill is dead.

Just to start, someone would have to get rid of Grover Effing Norquist. I suggest a watery end. It is what is most appropriate.
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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2012, 06:35:41 PM »
Reagan is dead. O'Neill is dead.

And so are the failed policies of Obama!
He has been a disaster president!
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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2012, 06:44:39 PM »
I understand that now is not then and rates are lower now than then.

It is clearly a bad answer, and surely a vague answer. No one could convert what Ryan said into numbers and come up with a valid answer. Not Ryan, not me, not you.

Reagan is dead. O'Neill is dead.

Just to start, someone would have to get rid of Grover Effing Norquist. I suggest a watery end. It is what is most appropriate.

Doesn't seem as though you are seriously trying.

Consider this principal first.
Each percent of the economy taken in taxes is a percent taken out of production.
Reinvestment in the productive end of things builds the economy.

If you think that the economy depends on the government primarily and that the Business world is peripheral or dependant on the government , if you think that the economy is a part of the government , then you just cant get past this to understand the simplest thing about reality.


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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2012, 11:52:52 PM »
Money invested in weapons and the military certainly produces nothing. There are bazillions of products than produce only garbage.

Tax money spent on roads, bridges and communications actually BENEFITS the economy, certainly more than an aircraft carrier or billions of bottles of water.
You are being simplistic here.
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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2012, 03:35:35 AM »
Sorry, there is no OUCH.

Just blatant stupid loyalty to the asshole Republican Party.

Oh the irony     8)

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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2012, 03:22:30 PM »
Money invested in weapons and the military certainly produces nothing..

If you live in a bad neighborhood, do the bars on your window produce nothing?


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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2012, 03:51:02 PM »
Putting more bars on where you have no windows is what Mitt proposes. We have all the military we need and then some.
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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2012, 03:08:38 AM »
Putting more bars on where you have no windows is what Mitt proposes. We have all the military we need and then some.

Why would you say this?

Are you expert on our military or an expert on the potential threat?

By the way you have been having it your way for decades now, Reagan tried to create a 600 ship navy and didn't quite, do you know what our Navy has shrunk to already at this time?


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Re: Martha Raddatz shows her bias.
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2012, 09:23:10 AM »
Being as it is still the largest navy out there, it is certainly large enough.

What is the competition? The Iranians? The Chinese? Perhaps the North Koreans?

Reagan is dead and so are the times he lived in.

A "600 Ship Navy" sounds like  just another dumb slogan, like "He who dies with the most toys wins."

SIZE is not the issue here. Perhaps we need some different sorts of ships, but the number is not the issue.

Mitt is calling for more military than the military says it wants.  I think the Joint Chiefs are perhaps more knowledgeable than anyone in the Salt Lake City Tabernacle, perhaps including the Mormon Prophet Himself.

Will Mitt eventually be the Prophet? That would be another fine ambition for him, don't you think?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 09:29:42 AM by Xavier_Onassis »
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