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Last debate
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:16:26 AM »
Not a rout, Obama held forth his position with determination.

Still Romney looked smarter to me , and Obama's dismissive "bayonettes" remark will be repeated .

Romney needs a map of Jordan and Iraq.

Obama needs a calculator.

I think Romney wins , but by few points , not many.


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Re: Last debate
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2012, 01:34:17 AM »
Heard a fella articulate what I agreed with as well....Romney went big, made a strategic choice to come across as Presidential and not a war mongerer, covered all the bases with a good breath of knowledge.  Obama went small, tried to find niche issues, tried to get Romney to bite at and get angry with the petty attacks he kept throwing.  The former accomplished his goal, the latter did not, especially when the fact checkers are already debunking Obama's claims that Romney wanted to liquidate the Auto Industry, or that he didn't advocate a force contingent to remain in Iraq, and that the Marines do indeed still use bayonets & horses.

Agreed, Romney wins, but by only a few more points than Plane's points.
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Re: Last debate
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2012, 07:52:41 AM »
For the life of me I can't figure out why Mitt in three debates and Ryan in one debate
never used the Obama off-teleprompter gaffe of "you didnt build that".
Why not throw it out there at least once?
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Re: Last debate
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2012, 11:25:36 AM »
He could have used a baseball bat to beat Obama over the head on the whole Benghazi cover-up.  He chose ..... not to.  Maybe he wanted to look Presidential and not petty.  I guess I would have come off petty, because I sure would have beaten Obama over and over with the Libya mess, Fast & Furious, and of course the "didn't build it" mindest
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The GOP is in Deep Mitt.
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2012, 11:44:21 AM »
Romney just stuttered and sputtered around. he has no foreign policy, and it is likely that he will put that warmongering twit Bolton in as Sec. of State.

Romney seems to be blaming President Obama for the discontent among Arabs. That is clearly ridiculous. What has happened is that there are a huge number of young people in the population of these countries that have no jobs and see the old farts that have been running things as totally incompetent. And this was true of Qadaffy, Mubarak, the guy they ran out of Tunisia, Assad and the sorry king of Bahrein, among others. Romney claiming that he is going to prosecute Amedinejahd for "genocide" is totally absurd.

Amedinejahd is guilty of being an asshole and rather incompetent, and perhaps a liar and a dolt, but really, he is not guilty of genocide. In what court would Deep Mitt prosecute him? The US does not recognize the World Court?

Amedinejahd is more in danger of being wiped out by some Ayatollah than prosecuted by Deep Mitt.

To suggest that we have friends in Syria that "share our views" is really stretching it. How many Syrians are there who agree that Golan should remain in Israel's hands?  The US has no business getting any deeper in Syria, because most Syrians correctly see the US as being far more interested in support for Israel expansion than in Syrian self=government.

The bit about Iran being "four years closer to having nuclear weapons" and having "twenty thousand centrifuges spinning" reminds me of John Belushi,in the role of Bluto saying "seven years of college, shot to Hell!" in Animal House. The Manhattan Project did not take four years, and did not require even a thousand centrifuges. He knows nothing about the situation, he just wants to scare Jews into voting for his sorry, ignorant ass. 
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Re: Last debate
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2012, 12:02:27 PM »
Romney just stuttered and sputtered around. he has no foreign policy

I'm not sure which debate you were watching, the one on Saturday Night Live perhaps? The general consensus is that Romney looked like a President and Obama did not.


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Re: Last debate
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2012, 12:14:58 PM »
Romney looked like a stuttering fool with no clue whatever, who mostly agreed with Obama on foreign policy. He did not resemble a president in any way, unless you mean the Rotary Club president that took the job last Thursday.

You are just used to seeing White guys being president, but that is hardly my problem.

If Bolton gets in as Sec of State, we are in for some expensive, serious problems. There are a bunchj of other NeoCon goofballs, like Eliot Abrams, waiting in the wings as well.

Romney wants to borrow money from China to waste on weapons we do not need to fight wars that do not need to be fought.
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Re: Last debate
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2012, 01:07:17 PM »
You are just used to seeing White guys being president, but that is hardly my problem.

Yes, it is your problem, because this has nothing to do with skin color.


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Re: Last debate
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2012, 01:27:20 PM »
You are just used to seeing White guys being president, but that is hardly my problem.

Wow...someone sure has issues with race.  But that's hardly our problem I suppose      :o

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Re: Last debate
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2012, 01:38:39 PM »
It is Christian's problem, and yours as well.

Again. Romney wants to borrow money from China to piss away on weapons for wars that should never be mongered. He flailed about pitifully in the debate, stuttering and making no sense at all. But he did ONE THING that impressed you ratbag righties: he remained White, despite all pressures to turn into a Latino or something, and that, in your books, deserves a big warm smooch.
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Re: Last debate
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2012, 02:08:41 PM »
Again. Romney wants to borrow money from China to piss away on weapons for wars that should never be mongered.

You mean like adding more boats to our Navy which the Navy has requested and Virginia depends upon for jobs? You've got a lot of stones complaining about spending considering your guy has rung up $16 trillion in debt. What a disgrace.

He flailed about pitifully in the debate, stuttering and making no sense at all.

Again, what debate were you watching? Romney was smooth and didn't stutter at all.  The general consensus among journalists was that Romney looked like the incumbent president and Obama did not. You just seem to be focused on Obama's skin color. As long as he is black, you think, it doesn't matter how unpresidential he acts at the debate or how poorly he does in office. This is reverse discrimination on your part.


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Re: Last debate
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2012, 02:20:58 PM »
Go listen to the debate again. All Romney did was sputter and stutter. He barely said one complete sentence. He was the opposite of smooth. He flailed about most pitifully, he blamed Obama for the Arab Spring and the results of the Egyptian election, then claimed that we should pick people to run Syria that agree with us over Israel. Of course, NO self-respecting Syrian agrees with Israel over the seizing of Golan years ago. The guy should maybe concentrate on being the new Mormon President and Prophet. That way, he could outsource the missionary work to the Witlesses, sell the Tabernacle to Howard Johnson on a lease-back arrangement, and sell the surplus commodities in all those warehouses you see outside Salt Lake to Cargill, or perhaps the Chinese. Imagine the fortune that a good vulture capitalist could make off the LDS Church, and he could even say that God told him to do it in a revelation.

In a could of years, he could BUY the planet. But maybe he should revise those tax laws first.

You ratbag righties have hitched your plow to an ass.

Building boats the Navy does not need just to give make-work jobs to people in VA is a total waste of money.
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Re: Last debate
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2012, 02:26:12 PM »
It is Christian's problem, and yours as well.

You're going to have to back that up, since your completely uncredible say so means squat.  How pray tell, does Obama's skin color affect Cu4, or RR, or myself's criticisms??  Skip the China deflections and your opinions on Romney's supposed stutterings, ans back up your wrekcless claim.... or demonstrate once again just how blatantly ignorant and wrong you are

What makes Obama's skin color an issue to me, or Cu4, or RR for that matter??  YOU'RE the only one bringing up race, and YOU'RE the only one on record claiming how the "black man couldn't have accomplished anything without the white man".  So how is it that Obama's skin color is our problem??

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Re: Last debate
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2012, 02:31:32 PM »
It is your problem because you are racists. It is bloody obvious. You are somehow convinced that IDENTIFYING racists is a racist act, because that is what teabaggers do.

It is all they know how to do.

It is all you two have done since President Obama was elected, make stupid slurs and copy crap from Fox and Limbaugh.
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Re: Last debate
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2012, 03:03:42 PM »
So, your whole case is founded on "its obvious"??  Here's a newsflash, identifying racists is NOT a racist act.  Accusing someone of racism when there is none, IS a racist act.  That much is blatantly obvious.  That, and that the only one making a routine of throwing stupid slurs & crap is yourself
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle