Author Topic: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!  (Read 23478 times)

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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2012, 11:08:15 AM »
   The Whitehouse did not act properly before the attack, reduceing the security resorces at the embassy and annexs was a dumb move on the part of the State Department, was there any White house directive on the subject?

    During the attack , which apparently went on for hours, did anyone even tell the president? This is not clear, but the information was availible that is clear.

Remember the Bin Laden raid and the "Situation room"....remember the picture taken of a studious President, Secretary of State, and a plethora of other folk, all watching intently.  Apparently everyone had better things to do, while our Ambassador and 3 other U.S. folks were being butchered.  A certain Las Vegas fund raiser comes to mind for one of them

  After the attack the White HOuse hit the airwaves with a poorly thought out cover story , not what they should have done if they wern't sure , what they shoulod have done and did not was to "The White House and State Department were investigating the matter trying to get at the truth, without jumping the gun..." , Yes if they had been lo0oking into it before bradcasting an explanation that would have been more acceptable.

Precisely the point Cu4 & I have been making
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2012, 12:31:36 PM »
The article (to which Sirs so thoughtfully did not provode a URL) continues...

Missed the Link, right at the top of the article

That's ok, I forgive you    ;)
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2012, 01:13:19 PM »
Still missing "it"

No, but you are.

The only thing I am addressing is what is contained in the title of this thread and your concern that not every news agency in the world feels it worthy of being the lead story. I am ignoring the rest (but but but they did this or didn't do that before the attack), but you seem too thick to figure that out and continue to try and divert my attention to it. Sorry, not gonna happen. Get over yourself, Sirs, I do not march to your drum.

BTW, when I looked at the link, it appeared to be for a dictionary entry to define dereliction. I see now it was a partisan news source that also neglected to present the rest of the article from Reuters. Maybe you should expand your sources.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 01:18:21 PM by hnumpah »
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #33 on: October 26, 2012, 04:07:19 PM »
Still missing "it"

No, but you are.

Naaa, that'd still be you missing "it"  Not just the questions that STILL go unanswered, as posed previously, but the timeline of events that can't be pushed aside to provide spin cover for the Administration.  An Admnistration using the "we went with the best intel we had at the time" tactic, that you were trashing Bush II for, but apparently Obama gets a pass here

The only drum marching here are the facts, the timeline, the requests for added security denied, the requests for help during the attack denied, on 911 of all dates, the intel provided no more than 2 hours afterwards that this was a terrorist act by AlQeada connected folks, and then an Administration that went OUT OF ITS WAY, minus the supportive back-up that the terrorist attack had, that this was all due to some video

Those are all facts that can't be spun, regadless of whatever strength anti-sea sick pills you may be taking.  And these facts would have brought down a Republican adminstration, as the MSM would have gone apoplectic, demanding that heads roll....starting with the President.  But this is their guy, so.....shhhhh.....let's talk about Binders & Big Bird

But cudos on trying to kill the messenger. 

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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2012, 05:09:11 PM »
SIRS....I think the shit may be about to really hit the fan on BenghaziGate

CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #35 on: October 26, 2012, 05:20:26 PM »
Breaking News

Father of Ty Woods, Slain SEAL:
White House Told "Pack of Lies";
"They are the Murderers of My Son"
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #36 on: October 26, 2012, 05:26:08 PM »
Yea, I saw those.  That's why I referenced it to H, about timeline, that apparently during the attack, we were asking for help, and it was the CIA.  So, State Dept & WH KNEW what was going on 2 hrs into it.  CIA heard it beginning, and its operatives immediately asked for back-up, and was told to stand down...numerous times

Rest assured, if Bush had been president, we would have had a gun ship and strike force enroute, within the 1st hour.  Actually, if it were Bush, we wouldn't have a dead Ambassador, as security would have been beefed up 1st time it was requested, with another layer specifically added for the 911 annivesary

So, Hillary is taking the blame at State.  Who's going to take it at the CIA, and where are the resignation papers?
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #37 on: October 26, 2012, 05:38:33 PM »
ya know what my worst nightmare situation over this is?
Obama gets re-elected
Then a few months from now Obama is impeached over BenghaziGate cover-up
And we have to live with foot-in-mouth doofus for 4 years!

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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #38 on: October 26, 2012, 05:56:44 PM »
That is pretty scary, though if the Senate isn't controlled by the GOP, it'll just be spun as another "fishing expedition" in the House, by those evil tea party republicans.....because he's black of course

But even that won't go anywhere, since the MSM outside of Fox is bent on keeping this low profile, if not completely off the radar.  It's Big Bird, Binders, Dunce Hats.  THAT's what the MSM needs to focus on
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2012, 06:43:30 PM »
Naaa, that'd still be you missing "it"  Not just the questions that STILL go unanswered, as posed previously, but the timeline of events that can't be pushed aside to provide spin cover for the Administration.  An Admnistration using the "we went with the best intel we had at the time" tactic, that you were trashing Bush II for, but apparently Obama gets a pass here

The only drum marching here are the facts, the timeline, the requests for added security denied, the requests for help during the attack denied, on 911 of all dates...

All of which I have told you I have not addressed, nor do I have any intention of addressing in this thread. God, you are incredibly thick.

..the intel provided no more than 2 hours afterwards that this was a terrorist act by AlQeada connected folks...

Which I showed you earlier A) follows a pattern of terrorist groups claiming responsibility for acts they had nothing to do with, and B) a claim that was shortly afterward denied by the same group.

...and then an Administration that went OUT OF ITS WAY, minus the supportive back-up that the terrorist attack had, that this was all due to some video

Which brings us right back to your incredible thickness regarding what I told you earlier. Actually, it's hard to tell if you are so incredibly thick, or just so effing full of yourself that you feel everyone must respond to whatever questions you pose whether they really feel like it or not. I don't. I've said what I intended to say in this thread, period. I'm done.
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2012, 06:46:21 PM »
The President gave no orders at all about this. he is not to blame for the lack of intelligence.

No one is getting impeached.

This is not a serious issue.
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2012, 07:09:21 PM »
The President gave no orders at all about this. he is not to blame for the lack of intelligence.

Strange how no one is arguing either.  You do enjoy picking apart issues never made, don't you.  In fact, the point that he gave no orders is a strong indication in his lack of intelligence

This is not a serious issue.

That's because it isn't a Republican President and his administration that has screwed up so bad, which led directly to the murder of the 1st U.S. Ambassador in 30years.  Big Bird & 50years of tax records are far more important     :o
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2012, 07:22:39 PM »
SIRS....I think the shit may be about to really hit the fan on BenghaziGate

CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

Oh boy.........if this were a GOP President, I doubt even the VP would survive the media storm.  Per CIA Tweet "CIA spox: "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. ”

Hmmmmmm....Patraeus throwing Obama under the bus??

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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2012, 10:16:20 PM »


CO Interview: Obama Pressed On Lack Of Answers On Benghazi Attack
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Re: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!
« Reply #44 on: October 27, 2012, 03:10:44 AM »
Couldn't answer it, could he.  I'm surprised his folks allowed this line of questioning, to get as far as it did
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