Pretty much every time I come in here I see you guys giving XO hell. To be honest, I can't understand why he even bothers to stick around and put up with it. So, pray tell, why should I have any mercy on you guys? All you ever do is post partisan pieces that try to make mountains out of molehills and, from what I see, generally only tell part of the story, leaving out anything that doesn't reflect well on your candidate, or even outright half truths and lies from your candidate. I know, I know, Obama does the same thing, but I do enjoy dropping in once in a while to point out that there's plenty of dung to be flung on both sides. Mercy, since I don't see it when I do occasionally drop by to read a few posts, does not enter into my equation.
By the way, neither you nor Sirs has proven anything about what I've said in this thread. Go back and read through it for content, not what you wish it said. I do read, write, speak and understand English very well, and I am very careful about explaining my answers. Whether you accept my explanation or not is your choice, but rest assured what I told you about Bushco was the truth. I have referred to Bush several times as an individual, usually as Dubya, but when I refer to him and his cronies, it is Bushco. I admit, I have called him stupid and probably quite a few other names along that line, but I honestly don't recall ever saying he, personally, lied us into the war in Iraq.