If we can't agree on the easy stuff i really don't have much hope for us ever reaching common ground on the hard stuff.
Edwards display of opulence has to affect his credibility. Especially when his chief bully pulpit would be enacting laws that allegedly level the playing field.
How can he in good conscience say that a CEO should not be paid 400 times what the lowest paid worker is paid when he lives in house 14x the size of he average 3/2 suburban ranch house.
Now if he wants to give rousing speeches urging poor americans to take advantage of the opportunities ( a la Bill Cosby) for advancement that exist, education comes to mind, wise life choices come to mind, then he is more than welcome to do that and would have some credibility due to his rising from humble beginnings himself.
But if he wants to pass puniive taxes for success or limit compensaton packages or irony of ironies, urge tort reform, then he will come up short in the credibility arena simply because he does blatantly display his wealth, he does take advantage of every tax break in the book, and because a family his size does not need a 28,000 square foot house, and since he is already on record as saying he, through government, gets to decide what is needed, he definitely doesn't walk the walk.