The fact is that President Obama's reelection is a stupid reason for some gun nut who already owns more guns than he can shoot at once to go out and buy another.
sirs has nothing to protect. He does not have a job where people have much incentive to rob him.
It is perhaps a good idea to cause everyone to believe that one is heavily armed and likely to murder an intruder. It costs nothing to do this, just as pasting THIS PROPERTY PROTECTED BY (fill in the blank) is a good idea.
A colleague of mine had a problem with local teenagers breaking into his house and stealing DVDs, CDs, recorders and players and occasionally food.
He and I designed a sign announcing his membership in the Boa Fanciers Association, with some pictures of really large boas and a description of a boa attack. We posted five posters near all the possible entry -laces and after that, there were no more burglaries.
Someone did steal the back bumper off his wife's Taurus, though. It was parked in the driveway.
Having loaded weapons laying about the house is a less good idea.
This gun collecting is mostly just an example of White Guy Stupidity, and will not make anyone safer.