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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #45 on: November 15, 2012, 06:08:57 PM »
If you owned 15 cars, you would be a car nut. 15 guns would make you a gun nut. If it were common knowledge that you had 15 guns in your house, I imagine that you would increase the likelihood of a break in while you were out.
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2012, 06:27:13 PM »
It isn't hard to get 15 serviceable guns for the price of a car.

Depending on the car and the guns of course ,price is wide ranging.

So you do have a valid point there , that the same information that would discourage a break in while one is home, could encourage a break in while you are out.......

Let me think...

Signs on the frount lawn

"This house is defended by cheap firearms, and we do not answer the doorbell"

And "that creature in the back is not a cow , it is a dog"

And "Beware the Jabberwock"

And " Attourny on retainer"

And " caution>< Yellow Jacket nesting under stoop" 

And " Welcome to the free range pit viper ranch"

Of course none of these signs would halp much if the burgular were illiterate.
So schooling has a role in crime prevention.


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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2012, 06:29:14 PM »
Well, only you know if you needed to carry or not Bear. However, having said that, there are all sorts of excuses to carry a firearm. You can't be much more exposed than picking up drug addicts, prostitutes, pimps, dealers, in the middle of the night in a large city. I preferred using my street smarts rather than carrying. As far as I'm concerned the moment you strap a gun on is the moment you become a victim. The bad guys have already beat you. 

Now, as for owning a firearm? I own several. In fact I have a permit to carry. I just choose not to carry for what I think are very good reasons.

Sirs? Clearly he's a fruit-loop and shouldn't be allowed to carry.



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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #48 on: November 15, 2012, 06:48:40 PM »
See what I mean...same issues, same reasons for carrying, same emphasis on safety, but H gets a pass, as does self imposed for B.

Double standard?



Perhaps a combination of all the above
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #49 on: November 15, 2012, 07:15:27 PM »
I was a victim when I got stabbed, and again when I got cut. So handing over my hard earned to money to a couple of thugs and possibly being injured anyway, or killed, would have made me not a victim? I don't think so.
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #50 on: November 15, 2012, 07:50:09 PM »
Now, as for owning a firearm? I own several. In fact I have a permit to carry. I just choose not to carry for what I think are very good reasons.

Sirs? Clearly he's a fruit-loop and shouldn't be allowed to carry.


Just to placate the masses, ........... shouldn't be allowed to carry, based on.......what exactly?  Your dictatorial say so?

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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #51 on: November 15, 2012, 08:47:52 PM »



Safest and Most Dangerous States, 2010
The following table lists the least to most dangerous states in the U.S., according to rank in 2010. Nevada was the most dangerous state from 2006 to 2010. To determine the most dangerous states, rates for six crime categories—murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, and motor vehicle theft—are compared to the national average for a given crime category.


Rank State
1. New Hampshire
2. Vermont
3. North Dakota
4. Maine
5. Idaho
6. Wyoming
7. Montana
8. Wisconsin
9. South Dakota
10. Iowa
12. Utah
13. Virginia
14. Minnesota
15. New York
16. Connecticut
17. Oregon
18. Rhode Island
19. New Jersey
20. Nebraska
21. Massachusetts
22. Kentucky
23. Hawaii
24. Colorado
25. Pennsylvania
26. Indiana
27. Kansas
28. Mississippi
29. Washington
30. Ohio
31. Illinois
32. Missouri
33. North Carolina
34. Michigan
35. Texas
36. California
37. Alaska
38. Oklahoma
39. Georgia
40. Alabama
41. Arkansas
42. Arizona
43. Maryland
44. Delaware
45. Florida
46. Tennessee
47. South Carolina
48. Louisiana
49. New Mexico
50. Nevada
Source: Crime State Rankings 2010. See also Smartest States.


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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #52 on: November 15, 2012, 09:15:43 PM »



Safest and Most Dangerous States, 2010
 1. New Hampshire
2. Vermont
45. Florida

If Bear were to move to New England
Florida would become,  a safer state?


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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2012, 12:17:35 AM »
And lookee there....not 1 shred of a credible response to the earlier inquiry.  Imagine that
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #54 on: November 16, 2012, 03:19:28 AM »
Why should I have to leave my home of over 27 years to move...where? To some cold ass northern state? I was born and raised in the South, I like the South. Warmer climate, no state income tax, Southern food (can't even get decent grits up North), having my 'We don't give a damn how you did it up North' bumper sticker and only having to have one license plate (rear) on my truck, which leaves room for my 'Forget, hell' tag on the front...

It's not that I worry about my security, I really don't, but I am prepared for whatever I come across as much as I can be. I have a security system at home, state of the art, as well as dogs that, while not trained for security, raise hell when strangers come around. My wife and I both know where every gun in the house is, and how to use them - we go to the range and practice with them. It's like being ready for a hurricane - it's not something we dwell on, it's just something we do.
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #55 on: November 16, 2012, 03:35:55 AM »
You'd like it up here. You can get grits. While I have to have two plates most people don't. As the climate continues to change we'll become warmer and you'll be facing 125 on a cool day. We like hard working, non-religious, rednecks. It's the lazy christian bigots we don't like. So, become a yankee. Enjoy the breathtaking fall colors and the back roads of old New England.



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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2012, 03:56:06 AM »
LOL, become a y.....yan.....ya.....Um, I just can't, ROFL.

I don't really have anything against the North, well, except Canada, where all those slow ass RV drivers in the fast lane seem to come from. They just can't seem to figure out that the speed limits down here are in Miles Per Hour, not Kilometers Per Hour. Oh, and the aforementioned climate. It never used to bother me that much, but nowadays with the meds I'm on, I feel the cold much more than I used to.

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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2012, 10:56:56 AM »
I am not sure what "decent grits" taste like, because I have never tasted any grits that I really liked. I like cornmeal muffins and polenta, so perhaps I have not been ordering them at the right place. I have not tried them at any Waffle House, because I really like their hashbrowns so much.

In Missouri, we had cornmeal mush, which my grandmother made and my mother bought at the supermarket. It was fried ideally in bacon grease, which meant that (1) it had a great taste,and (2) it could not possibly be good for you. I am always reminded of my dear old maternal grandfather, who died of a stroke at 63.

My father's father was from Texas and lived to be 89, but he mostly ate Yankee food, because my uncle the doctor (who died at 99½) and his wife, who died at 87, had his wife indoctrinated against the perils of bacon, grease and chicken fried anything.

The two best things about Missouri cooking are cornmeal mush and pork tenderloin sandwiches. All the truly great examples of these I have eaten in Missouri.  Go west of Topeka and no one even knows that they are.
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #58 on: November 16, 2012, 10:59:14 AM »
LOL....but don't dare call H a gun nut      ;)
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2012, 02:16:24 PM »
So now I am obliged to call anyone with gins a"gun nut" because I called you one?

More of this fairness symmetry crap.

I do not submit your stupid rules,sirs.

You are a nut who owns guns, as well as a gun nut.
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