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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #90 on: November 23, 2012, 12:08:17 PM »
So you think that a true conservative has a logical reason to believe that if a person is sufficiently threatened to see a laser dot on his forehead more easily that a gun pointed at the aforementioned forehead?

Unless someone tries to assault you, "Christians", all you will have done is buy a useless toy. Following generations,unable to throw such a toy away, will think of it as people think of Cold War bomb shelters today.

I am reminded of tombstones with a bell on them so that the occupant of a buried coffin could ring for help and disinterment should he not be dead after all.

Eventually, it will end up in a landfill as trash, or a museum,as evidence of early XXI Century paranoia.
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #91 on: November 23, 2012, 05:44:34 PM »
a logical reason to believe that if a person is sufficiently threatened to see a laser dot on his forehead more easily that a gun pointed at the aforementioned forehead?
Of course!
A gun without a laser can easily miss.
If I broke into a house & saw a laser on my chest...I would run like hell ASAP!
If I broke into a house & saw no laser & no one hiding down the hall, I'd stay.
A laser is one piece of the puzzle.
This really isn't brain surgery!

Unless someone tries to assault you, "Christians", all you will have done is buy a useless toy.
That  same nutty logic also would apply to home fire insurance.
Unless your house burns down, all you will have done is buy "worthless" insurance.
(actually guns retain value)
However I prefer being prepared for emergencies.
We just bought a Phillips OnSite Defibrillator for our office.
We've never had a heart attack at our office, but thought it a wise purchase.
Airplanes have them many heart attacks have you had or seen on a airplane?
Probably rare...but people still prepare for the unexpected,
unlike you that has the "well golly gee whiz it's never happened to me".

I am reminded of tombstones with a bell on them so that the occupant of a buried coffin could ring
I am reminded of tombstones where people lay because they weren't prepared for the unexpected.

BTW....why do you always feel the need to demean people that make different choices in life than you? I dont give a rats-ass if you choose not to own a gun to protect yourself....hey that's whats you've decided is best for you...2EachHisOwn...but you tend to demean other's choices....can someone come to a different conclusion than you? or do they have to be idiots if they do?

« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 06:37:49 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #92 on: November 23, 2012, 06:11:55 PM »
Unless someone tries to assault you, "Christians", all you will have done is buy a useless toy.

That  same nutty logic also would apply to home fire insurance.
Unless your house burns down, all you will have done is buy "worthless" insurance.

D'OH.....that had to smart    ;)
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #93 on: November 23, 2012, 10:23:51 PM »
I bought hurricane insurance for twenty years and had no claim. Every year they raised the premium and several times they added a deductible. I calculated that after 20 years I had paid for my house, if I could have managed to get 7% on the invested money. With the premium where it was in 1996, I could do this in ten years. So I paid off the house quit paying for hurricane insurance. I am now money ahead,and that money is making interest.

One gun might make sense to some people in some places and careers. Multiple guns do not.

I have a flashlight with a nice red laser, by the way. It cost me $4.95, batteries not included.
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #94 on: November 23, 2012, 11:04:02 PM »
That laser might make him think you have a gun, this might work.

But it would not work if gun controll were an effective policy.

So even though your gun is imaginary, you benefit from the reality of Guns in private hands making the threat realistic.

Frankly , in the situation that is most likely the best wepon is a cell phone.

I see that you have learned the benefit of running bare of insurance , yet you voted to force other people to buy health insurance and deny to them this choice, when you voted for President Obama.


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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #95 on: November 24, 2012, 02:03:13 AM »
Tough shit.

Everyone needs health care. My house is unlikely to blow away, but if it does, I can cover it.

Everyone eventually needs health care, because everyone is mortal, and unless everyone has insurance, there is no way that health care can be made affordable. Very few people can afford all the possible health problems that might afflict them.

Romney forced everyone to buy health insurance in Massachusetts, didn't he?
How can it be moral to force people to buy health insurance in one state, but immoral for the entire country?

This was the original suggestion of the right wing Heritage Institute, by the way.

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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #96 on: November 24, 2012, 04:44:17 PM »
Tough shit.

Everyone needs health care. My house is unlikely to blow away, but if it does, I can cover it.

Everyone eventually needs health care, because everyone is mortal, and unless everyone has insurance, there is no way that health care can be made affordable. Very few people can afford all the possible health problems that might afflict them.

Romney forced everyone to buy health insurance in Massachusetts, didn't he?
How can it be moral to force people to buy health insurance in one state, but immoral for the entire country?

This was the original suggestion of the right wing Heritage Institute, by the way.

I have health care insurance, it is a big biter of paycheck but several times I have gotten good use of it.

If healthcare were absolutely universal there are several occasions in the past when I would have quit my job , but for the wife and children I care about I put up with the frustration. The Health care package is a part of the pay and a safety net that I have bounced on pretty hard five times .

If I were less risk averse , or if the insurance were less complete , I could have made diffrent career decisions.

There is some chance that better availibility of healthcare insurance will cause a more entrepenurial nation to emerge.

But this is not what I expect to see from the Affordable Health Care Act. It is not a carefully crafted law that will reduce the cost of health insurance , reduce the cost of health care, or make health care universally availible. Far from it, it is a hastyly assembled contraption that is too caotic to be predictable in its effect.

Already we are seeing increases in health insurance premiums , and why should we expect diffrently?
Already we are sure that the unemployed and self employed will still run bare , there is little there for them.
Already we see the drag on industry that there is every reason to expect to get worse.
Already we see the government paying less to Medicare service providers, whether this will be replaced from other sorces we have yet to see.

So I really expect the experience to be painfull and the pain will unfortunately still be harsh during the period that I was hoping to retire.

So in the end healthcare insurance considerations , combined with my risk averse attitude may very well mean that I must never retire.


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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #97 on: November 24, 2012, 07:20:38 PM »
Nationalized Gvt Healthcare is gonna be a disaster for the country,
but mainly for the working middle class.
The poor will get something for surprise there.
The weathly will still be able to afford outstanding care.
The middle class will slowly get higher premiums, have shitty care, and longer waits.
The working middle class will get rationed care....there is no way around it.
Slowly as more & more companies drop Health Ins, the working middle class will have to fend for themselves.
All so we can give "free" rationed healthcare to illegals, lazy people, non-producers, and the poor.
I feel sorry for hard working middle class people....they are about to get screwed!
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #98 on: November 24, 2012, 07:28:25 PM »
Refresh my memory......are the congress critters and the President still exempt from Obamacare?
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #99 on: November 24, 2012, 07:30:50 PM »

I don't think it is as good as you expect.

Although it does put lots of power in government hands to controll the healthcare industry, it doesn't have provision for the unemployed.

That is going to have to come after they figure out how to pay for the load they have already taken on, which may never completey happen.


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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #100 on: November 24, 2012, 07:33:37 PM »
Refresh my memory......are the congress critters and the President still exempt from Obamacare?

Are they?I hadn't heard.

I think a simple bill that made them subject to the funding arrangement for health care as they are making us put up with would be very popular , on the outside of congress.


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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #101 on: November 25, 2012, 10:21:55 PM »
look at this crap England's about to do with their Gvt "Healthcare" that is losing billions!
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #102 on: November 26, 2012, 04:45:41 AM »
WOW    >:(
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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #103 on: November 26, 2012, 07:45:47 AM »
look at this crap England's about to do with their Gvt "Healthcare" that is losing billions!

I don't think that is a bad idea at all. It would certainly free up patient as well as doctor and staff time.


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Re: Gun Sales Surge After Obama Re-election!
« Reply #104 on: November 26, 2012, 11:21:50 AM »
Horrible idea.....and the quality of care just keeps nosediving
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle