The Jews invaded Canaan when they left Egypt around 1225 BCE. Joshua pulled out his horn and played musical genocide on Jericho and threw the Canaanites out (of course, converting some, enslaving others). The Philistines arrived, probably from Mycenean Greece by boats and with pigs, around 1175BCE. After that there were other invasions and migrations, notably those resulting from the conquest of the area by Alexander the Great around 332, who took it from the Persians and Syrians.
After Alexander came the Herods, first as Roman allies, then as satraps, then a very brief Jewish state of the failed Messiah Shimon Ben Kochkba, then the Romans again, and then the Byzantines and the Turks, who ruled through the end of WWI.
The argument of who was there first is not relevant. Zionism began with Theodore Herzl, a Hungarian Ashkenazi Jew, in 1897.
I fail to make any sense of what you wrote. Check out Wikipedia.
What you wrote is pretty clear , invasion followed by invasion, followed by invasion.
It is the human way.
When the Turks lost it they lost possession to England , which hardly wanted it .
They admistered it and allowed settlers many of whom were Zionists or Jews who were not Zionists.
Then after WWII a whole lot of Jews decided that they didn't like living in Europe anymore.
The King of Saudi Arabia suggested that slices of the defeated countrys be devoted to a homeland for Jews, but his suggestion was not considered and lots of displaced Jews arrived in the British protectorate, more even than the British wanted.
Palistine was lightly settled ,Jeruslem was small as citys go.
There was plenty of room.
Zionists started fighting the English , including some ugly terrorist style bombings , this was happening to the English in several more important countrys too so the English came to terms .
Arabs got kinda alarmed at what was happening and fighting broke out between the Jews and the Arabs.
The US recognised Isreal as a country , lots of other countrys and the UN also.
Now we don't want Isreal to exist?