I understand that Zebras are harder to tame , not that Donkeys are actually easy.
But they are simular enough to hybridise , which makes them fit my metaphore aptly.
If you want to mince it then Hitler is hardly the "tipical " fascist he was a lot more successfull than most and I can pick someone elese to point at and say they are more "tipical".
So you can choose Lenin or Mao and I can choose Mousoulini or Francisco Franco and we can be discussing more "tipical" leadership.
Pointless to do all this pointing, the equation remains the same , the best of the Facists were and are repressive and the better of the Communists are also.
So you can argue, if you please, that repeditive subtraction is diffrent from division, and it is , but the diffrent process is to the same end.