Consider the end of the Vietnam War. There are still two schools of thought about Vietnam: (1) Vietnam was a noble cause, but the evil Liberals collaborated with Hanoi Jane, the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese and deliberately prevented the use of weapons (usually nuclear weapons) and tactics (more torture, more murder of civilians in the North) that would have resulted in a glorious and triumphant victory, and (2) Vietnam was a pimple that was squeezed and turned into a boil, an abcess and finally a fatal cancer that would have never killed anyone unless that pimple had not been squeezed.
Neither is exactly true, although the war was a godawful mistake from the get-go.
Let us consider Iraq and the inevitable aftermath of the Iraq War. No matter what happens, someone (certainly AIPAC, but many disgruntled army folk as well) will be unsatisfied with the final results: Iraq will certainly be too buddy-buddy with Iran and probably Syria to make guys like Netanyahoo or perhaps Bremmer happy, and no doubt those ungrateful Iraqis wll someday chose to sell some oil to the Japanese, Chinese, or God forfend the North Koreans instaed of some US company.
Big Dick Cheney can be the Hero of the Hardliners in the Annuls of Posterity of the Righteous Ratwing. He can say in his memoirs that Juniorbush was lured away by the Baker Group or perhaps the Underpants Gnomes. Juniorbush can be the hero of those who prefer to blame Al Maliki for the problems that occur. Everyone can get a Glorious Hero of the War on Terror Medallion with a Battle of Bagdad Cluster and maybe even the Anwar Province Hemorroid attachment.
PS I consider that photo of Cheney with his bulging genitalia to be a Photoshop Work of Art rather than an accurate portrayal of Cheney's schlong.