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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2012, 04:38:05 AM »
Ha, ha, you failed at marriage Plane and now I know why.


Perhaps you do.
It is hard to live with me , I learned .

This is another alternative to an answer .

What is the origional purpose of Marrage?
What does the state sanction it to encourage?

Do you realise that you succeded at marrage without knowing the answer to this ?

Not strange tho , many a generation of Farmer passed before science told them what was really in a seed.


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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2012, 04:39:16 AM »
Who the hell are you plane, he can post anything he wants.


I am he who has never once called him , nor you, an idiot.


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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2012, 04:41:54 AM »
If you will excuse me , I am tired now .

I will be availible again soon.

Thank you for the workout .

I have enjoyed it .


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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2012, 04:43:40 AM »
You're just playing head games. Far more insulting then calling someone an idiot. I have never played head games with anyone. I'm straight out.

You're finished Plane.



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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2012, 09:27:59 AM »
You're just playing head games. Far more insulting then calling someone an idiot. I have never played head games with anyone. I'm straight out.

You're finished Plane.


Is it a head game to refuse to answer a question?

I am not totally refusing , I am barganing .

All I have to offer is my own answer to the question, but all I want is your answer to the question.

Why did you start the "head game"?

I am sorry to be finished , I think the realisation that the purpose of marrage is a difficult question is a very good beginning.

Still, I am not complaining , you are totally within your rights to refuse to answer my question.


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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2012, 09:44:36 AM »
Caught in passing

"Government is already involved and I’d prefer if it were not. Gay marriage does not end marriage. I think the Right has conceded too much ground to the Left – if the Right believes that same sex marriage will destroy the institution of marriage – and I think most of us agree that is their intent – then the Left will do all it can to push same sex marriage down everyone’s throat for the sheer enjoyment of watching the Right destroy their cherished institution rather than ‘share’ it with gays. I’d prefer to engage in the process of strengthening the institution and arguing that bringing same sex couples INTO marriage strengthens THOSE relationships that are going to happen any way and to foster a sense that the OBLIGATIONS of marriage are just as much an obligation to same sex partners as opposite sex partners and that standards will be upheld in the rearing of children for both sets of partners.

One of the most sacred institutions we have, a foundation of society, and an opportunity to engage a small – but loud – segment of society into that institution…I have fought for 15 years to tell gays that conservatism is their natural home politically – individual rights and liberties, and often all I get from my back is screams to get them the hell away.

Marriage is an institution that is in trouble in this society and turning away people that want to participate and support the institution is….just not smart politics…. "

This from a lesbian.

Sadly we lost this type of perspective when we lost the patronage of folks like Gannymeade and Fatman.


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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2012, 09:52:13 AM »
Plane, you're not a well man. I remember Crocat telling me over 10 years ago you tried to control your kids all the time. You were overbearing. I see now. You're a nut job. A control freak. Control freaks can have other bad habits when it comes to children. Do have other bad habits plane?

Get lost asshole.



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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2012, 10:20:53 AM »
then the Left will do all it can to push same sex marriage down everyone’s throat for the sheer enjoyment of watching the Right destroy their cherished institution rather than ‘share’ it with gays.

Sorry,but this is impossible. How could the Left, or anyone"push gay marriage" down anyone's throat? I hardly think they could make it compulsive. All gays are asking for is the right to marry another person of the same sex and be treated like any other couple. It is not really a left or right position, once you forget the religious implications, and our system of government already says that religion has no real place in government.

Is anyone, other than parents wishing to become grandparents"pushing STRAIGHT marriage"?

Marriage is a rather conservative institution in that it seeks to create a permanent bond, but I hardly think that this means that it has a thing to do with fiscal policy or laws dealing with anything but marriage or perhaps tax deductions.

The right repels gays, and gays repel the right, because the right seeks to impose religious morality on the civil code.
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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2012, 11:21:54 AM »
Sorry,but this is impossible. How could the Left, or anyone"push gay marriage" down anyone's throat? I hardly think they could make it compulsive.

I am pretty sure that is not what she meant. I believe she meant that the redefining of the term marriage to include SSM would be what was shoved down peoples throats.


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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2012, 11:34:57 AM »
Plane, you're not a well man. I remember Crocat telling me over 10 years ago you tried to control your kids all the time. You were overbearing. I see now. You're a nut job. A control freak. Control freaks can have other bad habits when it comes to children. Do have other bad habits plane?

Get lost asshole.


Utterly amazing.  Plane is nothing but civil and respectful to everyone.  Even goes out of his way to try and redirect my "style" to better enhance the debate in here, that apparently others don't care for.  Not that I'm initiating any insults or name calling, only that folks don't like my style, and so come up with piss poor excuses not to answer my inquiries.  Now, we're seeing some of those piss poor excuses in avoiding answering even Plane's simple question(s)

I have the highest respect for Bsb's service and sacrifice for this country.  He can chose not to believe it, as he who will not be named also didn't want to believe my sincerity during that whole olive branch thread, but that's their choice to believe wrong.

That said, that does not give him immunity from being an a-hole himself, especially when he drops to this level of gutter talk, aimed at the one sole civil tongued debater left in the saloon.  Yea, I loved Fatman, even though we disagreed on a whole host of things, but he was a pleasure to disagree with.  Ganny a little less so, but still pretty damn cool. take the take 1st prize as it relates to do as I say, not as I do.  Now of course, Plane would tell me such rhetoric isn't helping anything, or advance discussion.  That's why his 1st prize in in patience........patience to deal with a-holes like B

Sorry Plane, but B's comments were well under the belt, IMHO
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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2012, 11:57:10 AM »
then the Left will do all it can to push same sex marriage down everyone’s throat for the sheer enjoyment of watching the Right destroy their cherished institution rather than ‘share’ it with gays. I’d prefer to engage in the process of strengthening the institution and arguing that bringing same sex couples INTO marriage strengthens THOSE relationships that are going to happen any way and to foster a sense that the OBLIGATIONS of marriage are just as much an obligation to same sex partners as opposite sex partners and that standards will be upheld in the rearing of children for both sets of partners......................................................................................This from a lesbian.

Well that answers my question , even if not the answer I would have given, it is close enough.
She does get it.

Babboons do not really marry , they do not mate at random either. Generally a troop of Babboons will include twenty to fourty adult females who choose to mate with the male leader , the strongest and the smartest. A male leader Baboon has a temp position , after a few years he will be exausted or overmatched by a stronger male , then he is often exiled while his replacement is killing his youngest offspring.
Lions do something simular , not because of a relationship to babboons but because this is a natural consequence of their imperitives and circumstances .

There are not really any human societys that have this program , certainly not the more successfull ones . The reason is the time and investment required to mature a human child.

Pretty often your body is smarter than you are , and the human body is built for cheating. It has an imperitive to reproduce even if the associated mind disagrees. Human societys are the result of human social evolution and the successfull ones have learned to cope with the animal nature of the human body , marrage with one or only a few women is the most common model and polagamy comes in a distant second, polyandry has an even more distant third place.

Coming in last by far is the idea of homosexual marrages, this is not unknown in history but is exceedingly rare because it does not serve the first purpose of marrage , ensuring that the genetic progeny of a man is attached to the productive power of that same man.

Cheating the system has been a constant threat , and is more or less drasticly responded to with taboos and punishments , because the bargan that attaches a man to his children is a necessity to the children and the children are a necessity to the society.

 Men are not prone to kill the children of their mates preceeding mate , or are they? Keeping a couple together long enough to ensure the survival of an adequite number of children requires a society not find this by experiment.

Only in very recent times have single women begun to feel adequate to raise their children without an attached male , this is a profound change and the shakeout might be the end of real marrage , it is already the end of social opprobrium for experimenters , it may be the end of social encouragement for pairing.


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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2012, 12:09:57 PM »
Baboons are Baboons and Lions are Lions. They don't have estates or blood lines to protect. Only genes. Marriage protects the estate, and the donors blood line. It isn't rocket science, and doesn't need to be made into rocket science.



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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2012, 12:12:32 PM »

Sorry Plane, but B's comments were well under the belt, IMHO

Eh ,

Thank you for being supportive , but BsB's refusal to answer that question is not without value.

I am certain that with BsBs history of training he could doubble my score at a rifle range and thow me all over the mat at a Dojo perhaps even defeat me more often than not at chess.

But we are not playing target practice , judo or chess , he is playing here where I am strong and his very compeditive nature is makeing this galling to him.

I wish we were in closer proximity so that we could also play a game where he was the stronger , there are probly many such, and I am a pretty good looser , at least I like to think so.

I am somewhat distressed at my effect on 3DHS, it is not supposed to be "king of the mountain" but I feel as if I am alone at its peak in spite of not wanting to be.

BsB really can punish me just by breaking off communication, I will be regretfull because he is interesting.


Should I handicap myself or cajole him somehow?

I think not , I respect him too well to hold back much but also I don't want to drive his blood pressure , to my regret his threat to stop corresponding might indeed be the best solution.

I miss Ganemede and Fatman too, but I am not sure I was good for them either.


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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2012, 12:18:42 PM »
Baboons are Baboons and Lions are Lions. They don't have estates or blood lines to protect. Only genes. Marriage protects the estate, and the donors blood line. It isn't rocket science, and doesn't need to be made into rocket science.


Only a few marrages involve an estate , a strong majority of them involve a bloodline , but not all.

To a lion the bloodline is all, this is why the new boss is liable to kill the nursing cubs of his predessor.

There is no overarching Lion government that has a preference to encourage or enforce, why do we have that?


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Re: Supreme Court to Take Up Gay Marriage
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2012, 12:31:50 PM »
Estates and bloodlines were the purpose of marriage. They were civil unions, more often then not arranged to protect and transfer wealth. For me, it still had that purpose for you, who the hell knows, you failed.