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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2013, 05:15:06 PM »
Thousands of rich Chinese became Canadians when Hong Kong was annexed. Many have returned since.

Taiwan has about 23 million, the PRC has 1.2 billion people. China is patient and can wait. In the meantime, China has become an excellent place for wealthy Taiwanese to build companies.
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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2013, 05:26:01 PM »
That is all true .

So do they have a reason to remain a single party communist country?

Or is this just a longstanding habit?


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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2013, 05:53:06 PM »
You would have to ask them

China has always had a rather collectivist culture. Maoism has merged with Confucianism, and it seems that Confucius is becoming more and more dominant.

It is pretty obvious that there are major differences between the US, with 310 million and China, with four times as many people, and then there are major cultural differences as well.

I favor leaving the governance of China to the Chinese. No Capitalist leader of a capitalist country has ever accomplished the sustained growth rate that China has done. China is becoming less and less totalitarian.
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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2013, 06:22:41 PM »
Yes , they will certainly choose their own direction.

Our advice has to be colored by the quality of our own success.


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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2013, 11:30:33 PM »
It is as silly for Americans to give advice to the Chinese about how to run China as it is for a Moldovan to give advice to us about how to run the USA.

Most Americans could not name more than six cities in China or even tell how many provinces there are.
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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2013, 12:47:43 AM »
It is as silly for Americans to give advice to the Chinese about how to run China as it is for a Moldovan to give advice to us about how to run the USA.

Most Americans could not name more than six cities in China or even tell how many provinces there are.

Benjamin Franklin thought Voltaire was interesting , even if he was French.

Chineese people are Human beings and what we learn about the management of human beings does apply.

The reverse should be true also , what works in China wwe should try to understand even if we don't intend to emulate.


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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2013, 12:54:06 AM »
It is one thing to try to understand another culture: that is admirable.

What is NOT admirable is trying to apply our local standards to a culture we know little or nothing about.

Think of the Neocon whizkids who were sent to Iraq to create some sort of Libertarian utopia there that knew nothing about Arabs, Arabic, Islam or anything else. They even designed a new flag.

It was a rather monumental failure. Or perhaps just a ruse to carry out a ploy. No one still has been able to determine where a billion US dollars in currency disappeared to.
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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2013, 01:06:10 AM »
It is one thing to try to understand another culture: that is admirable.

What is NOT admirable is trying to apply our local standards to a culture we know little or nothing about.

Think of the Neocon whizkids who were sent to Iraq to create some sort of Libertarian utopia there that knew nothing about Arabs, Arabic, Islam or anything else. They even designed a new flag.

It was a rather monumental failure. Or perhaps just a ruse to carry out a ploy. No one still has been able to determine where a billion US dollars in currency disappeared to.

A shot in the dark doesn't always hit .

I don't know the story you cite here , have you a link so I could read further?

General McArther assigned the writing of a Japaneese constitution to his staff, and influenced it a bit himself.

They did a great job , but the real success is not intrinsic to the document or the expertese of its writers , but in how the Japaneese have made use of it as a tool of government.

Japaneese society being what it is , they might have made a success of their restoration without such a constitution.

The Iriqui Constitution has been written by Iriquis called into an elected constitutional convention , which struggled for a long time to beat out a complex and perhaps useless document.

It might have been better to hand them a copy of the Japaneese Constitution and allow them to admend it gradually or replace it with their own writing in the year following our leaving.


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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2013, 01:00:37 PM »
Iraq and Japan are vastly different cultures. This would be like putting poodle clothes on a pitbull.

Type in Neocon young and Iraq and you will probably find something. I think the article I read about this was in the New Yorker, but it could have been Harper's or the Atlantic.

I am surprised that the Japanese have kept a constitution written by an American general. I think MacArthur has LOTS of help. He took credit for lots of stuff that others did for him. He was smart, but he was also a huge egotist.
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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2013, 08:26:16 PM »
McArther had a very competant staff, he assigned the writing of a constitution to them and they were done in less than a week.

They did a very good job , but it was easyer in their circumstance to produce a constitution than it has ever been before or since , because no compromises were necessacery and they were under almost no pressure , it was assumed that the Japaneese would rewrite , admend or replace this constitution in due course.

So it is a human document , with very little specificly Japaneese about it.

I understand that one of McArthers own suggestions was the human treasure program , which gives a stipend to masters of art and craft.

I think the Japaneese have realised the value of the document more than McArther intended, they have had the right to change or replace it for years, but havn't decided to run that risk.


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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2013, 09:07:13 PM »
I understand that one of McArthers own suggestions was the human treasure program , which gives a stipend to masters of art and craft.

MacArthur was raised in the Phillipines, and was surely familiar with the Japanese tradition for artisanry and perfection in handcrafts.
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Re: Japaneese -Chineese aircraft
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2013, 09:55:11 PM »

There , took me a while to find mention of McArther, in the process I found out that there are several nations that have started to support masters of cultureal art and craft.

Human Treasures in Japan

   Some Japanese craftsman and artists are considered so skilled and talented, they are honored as Living National Treasures. Subsidized by the government and given the official title "Holders of Important Intangible Cultural Properties," artist have be involved in a traditional craft, art or performing art to qualify.

As of 1990, 97 people had been named in the performing arts of kabuki, no and bunraku and 92 were named for their work in crafts such as ceramics, papermaking, weaving, swordmaking, and lacquer. One dollmaker who was recognized used to spend as much as 10 years working one a single doll. A Kabuki actor that was honored was the great-great-great-great grandson of a famous Kabuki actor.
The first Living Treasures were named in 1955 in accordance with Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties of 1950. The idea behind the human treasures belonged to, of all people, Douglas MacArthur, who was appalled by the destruction of priceless art during World War II, and wanted to make sure that Japan's ancient arts weren't lost and that the people who carried on the art forms were well taken care of.