<<You already made my point Tee. You have concluded how evil Bush is>>
So your point was how I had pegged Bush for the lying war-mongering torturing bastard that he is? Good point, I think. What are we arguing about then if that's your point too?
<< . . . . how America it's run by evil men . . . >>
Yup. And that bitch Condi.
<< . . . making it an evil place. . . >>
Now, now. There is absolutely nothing evil about New York, it's a truly wonderful place full of wonderful decent honest people who absolutely loathe and despise Bush, and there are plenty of similarly wonderful places in America. Don't put words in my mouth, sirs. America is not an evil place, but Bush and his supporters are trying their damndest to turn it into one.
<< . . . and defended by evil soldiers . . . >>
DEFENDED by evil soldiers? You really ARE delusional if you think that their vicious wars of aggression killing millions of innocent Third World peasants who pose no threat whatsoever are defensive operations? You're a fucking lunatic.
<<who go out in mass purposely doing evil things. >>
No, the torture, murder and rape are done in their sleep. They don't even know they did it. What the fuck is wrong with you?
<< Everything you opine on is based on that template, thus anything said or facts to the contrary are to be completely ignored if not demagogued. Anything said, regardless of how outrageous it is, that happens to mimic your mindset is to be applauded. >>
And you, if you had lived in Nazi Germany, would have closed your eyes to every fucking atrocity and sleep-walked through the whole Nazi era, knowing nothing, wanting to know nothing and denying everything. "Facts to the contrary." Fucking bullshit, there ARE no facts to the contrary. There are hundreds of thousands dead, MILLIONS if you want to throw in Viet Nam, thousands tortured to death, thousands more locked away, imprisoned without trial or even charges - - and you, in your asinine persistence, go on with the outrageous LIE that Bush and the rest of them are only bringing freedom and democracy to the rest of the world. You're insane.
<<Anything that bad happens to American soldiers, even beheadings I bet, is justified. >>
Invade a country, kill hundreds of thousands of its people, kidnap them, torture them, murder them and expect roses and kisses? I DON'T THINK SO.
<< Anything that happens to America, such as any further terrorist attacks are to be rationalized as a good thing. >>
Not a good thing but an inevitable thing. And sad because it's the ordinary, good people of New York who have to pay for the crimes of Bush and his ilk.
<< Anything to take down the current evil incarnate, the United States of America, is perfectly "reasonable". >>
Anything to end fascism, racism and militarism in America is good for America, good for humanity and good for the world. Hopefully, the American people have seen the truth of this and will start electing good, decent men and women instead of criminal fascists and the cycle of violence which Bush & Co. have pumped to its highest level ever will begin to subside.
Reasonable to the pathological perhaps